I Am A Considerate Smoker Tired Of Getting Ragged On By Nonsmokers!!

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Boo's Mom

New Member
Secondhand smoke does kill. I knew someone who didn't smoke, lived with a smoker, got Emphysema, lung cancer, then died. Non-smoker died of emphysema and lung cancer. Don't tell me secondhand smoke doesn't kill.


New Member
KYfriedPanda said:
I am not trying to insult anyone here, esepcially those people who take the time to make those websites showing just how little proof there is. I say bravo to those of you who wish to know what the truth is. But just remember... Just because something is not written out on paper as truth, doesn't mean it isn't.
But it does, doesn't it? Isn't that sort of the foundation of all science? When study after study has shown that secondhand smoke is not a carcinogen, does not contain allergens, and is generally a pretty benign pollutant, that probably means that it never will be the noxious and deadly fume that so many people want to believe it is.

You see, it's not just that "Secondhand Smoke Will Kill You" isn't written on paper as truth, but that "Secondhand Smoke Is Stinky And Annoying, But In The End Is Pretty Harmless" IS written on paper after paper after paper. The only papers that have "It'll Kill Ya" written on it are either based off of faulty research or pure speculation and anecdotal "evidence" - ie, not evidence at all.

There was a study done not too long ago that set out with the hypothesis that employees forced to work in a smoking environment, such as wait staff, were being exposed to harmful chemicals released from tobacco smoke. It gave a bunch of wait staff little tags to wear that would absorb any secondhand smoke they were exposed to. The tags were then collected after a month and analyzed to find in what quantity the harmful pollutants were absorbed. As it turned out, the hypothesis was wrong and the study, being done with good science, was forced to come to the conclusion that either no harmful chemicals were found in the tags or were found in such trace amounts as to be entirely inconsequential. Also, before you say that "trace amounts" add up over time and will kill you, you have arsenic in your drinking water and all manner of lethal pesticides on and in the food you eat. Unless you want to ban water, then you need to understand that very few things "build up" over time in the human body. Most everything has a very short half-life and is naturally cleansed from the body regularly.

Again, it's all down to perceived danger vs. real danger. After all, even if all of the horrible end-of-the-world beliefs about secondhand smoke were genuine and real, you're still much, much, much more likely to die every time you get into an automobile than from not only breathing in secondhand smoke, but smoking two packs a day yourself.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Disney_dude said:
I always hate to offensive, stench that comes from smokers. You can smell them a mile away. That nasty, smells like they just licked an ash tray, smell. *puke*

I always say, if you want to smoke, do it at home. Not in public ANYWHERE "smkoing areas" are useless. the stench,polution and harm still spreads in the air.

I have (and will always) told many peopel to not smoke ANYWHERE near me. I have enought problems breathing without having them polute my air.

With that said. I think WDW should be a non smoking place. THE WHOLE PARK, ALL OF THEM.

Too many people don't have enought respect to put their butts in the trash or ash trays. THE GROUND IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL ASH TRAY OR TRASH CAN!!!!! I used to work at Wal-Mart and was walking from the back room when I saw a guy smoking, 1st off Wal-Mart is a non smoking store. Then the jerk just tossed the butt on the floor, didn't even step on it. (nice way to start a fire). I stoped him and yelled at him "DOES THAT LOOK LIKE AN ASH TRAY TO YOU?!?!? THIS IS A NON SMOKING STORE ANYWYAS. YOU NEED TO TAKE THAT OUT SIDE!!!!!!"

It also kills the "magic" to see children and families enjoying the park, then to look over and see some nasty person suck!ng on a fire ball.

I am also behind all public places (restaraunts) that are conforming to non smoking. Last thing I want is to sit down to eat and my food taste like an ash tray. Smell is a major factor is taste and when everything smells like crap, it'll taste like crap.

On a side note. I am in the process of getting our new neighbor transfered to another appartment because he smokes it the stench bleeds through the air system and make sit hard for me to breath.
easy buddy, sorry...... dude, your going to have a heart attack faster than joe camel.

i respect the fact that obviously you hate smoke........ but understand that you may have habits or smells that drives another person crazy......... it isnt "your" world, you have to share it with a few billion people..........just thought id put things in perspective.

oh yeh, dont ever travel to the far east of the world and/ or europe....... you would get smoked out.

(look at my sleeve, i wear it there) retired smoker for 8 years, quit for 3 years. been on both sides of the fence.



New Member
Boo's Mom said:
Secondhand smoke does kill. I knew someone who didn't smoke, lived with a smoker, got Emphysema, lung cancer, then died. Non-smoker died of emphysema and lung cancer. Don't tell me secondhand smoke doesn't kill.
The problem with anecdotal "evidence" like this is that it's not really evidence at all. Apart from genetic predisposition, you have to look at far too many other details, such as environment, eating habits, etc... Since they lived in the same home and one smoked, it's easy to want to assume that it's the secondhand smoke that was to blame for the non-smokers condition. That's not science, though. It's more likely that it was a large combination of many factors, maybe the drinking water was contaminated with the run-off from a processing plant, maybe there was an airborne pollutant released near their home on a regular basis, maybe it was just in the genetic cards.

I'm deeply sorry for you loss, however, and you have my sympathy.


Well-Known Member
Bumper sticker seen on Tuesday in Metro Atlanta:

"Smokers are smelly butt suckers"

It made this ex-smoker laugh out loud. Now I can't get it out of my mind. :lol: :lol:


New Member
There is no such thing as a considerate public space smoker. that smell wafts throughout the area surrounding someone and can travel for a while. its nasty. Smoking should be banned worldwide because it make smokers and non smokers sick. You arent going to get cancer sitting next to someone who is drinking a beer that is for sure. Ban smoking everywhere. IT's disgusting period. If people want to kill themselves fine, I could care less, but don't kill em and my family

Grim Grinner

New Member
Awhile back I was at the Museum of Science & Industry here in Chicago and they had an interesting display about smoking. The cost in cigaretes a single person smokes on average over the course of a year is enough to take a family of four to Disneyworld. Maybe you should try getting addicted to the theme parks instead, I know I have :)

On a side note: I've never smoked and growing up I thought the people that did were nothing more than sheep. Why even start in the first place? I could never get past how or why people would start. It makes your breath reek like a caprophage, and everything you own gets ruined. Have a cherished game collection? Kiss it goodbye, the smoke destroys the fibers of paper.

My step-father smokes and when I went to live with him after years of living in a smoke-free home- I became susceptible to every upper respiratory ailment known to man. Although they never completely went away after I moved out, they are hardly noticable now.

Someone needs to at least genetically engineer cigs so they smell less like and maybe something akin to pine scent. I'm sure a lot of the casual smoking would be a lot less annoying- and incidents like we've been reading about in the posts would stop.


Active Member
I step out of this thread and enjoy a cig. I can't possibly reply here without being warned, banned, or whatever big guys:rolleyes: behind keyboards do :mad:


Well-Known Member
Grim Grinner said:
Awhile back I was at the Museum of Science & Industry here in Chicago and they had an interesting display about smoking. The cost in cigaretes a single person smokes on average over the course of a year is enough to take a family of four to Disneyworld. Maybe you should try getting addicted to the theme parks instead, I know I have :)

On a side note: I've never smoked and growing up I thought the people that did were nothing more than sheep. Why even start in the first place? I could never get past how or why people would start. It makes your breath reek like a caprophage, and everything you own gets ruined. Have a cherished game collection? Kiss it goodbye, the smoke destroys the fibers of paper.

My step-father smokes and when I went to live with him after years of living in a smoke-free home- I became susceptible to every upper respiratory ailment known to man. Although they never completely went away after I moved out, they are hardly noticable now.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: That is how we afford WDW!!!

As for the studies. I don't belive them. :lookaroun Who sponsers them anyway?

I too have know many people who were raised in houses with smokers and have terrible health issues now because of them. I don't know a Dr. who will say otherwise.

Boo's Mom. I am so sorry for your health issues. In my experince Vrigina seems to be behind in smoking issues, mostly for history reason. (Tobacco growing and all, New Port News, it is a BIG insdustry there.) My dad was born and raised in Norfolk. All of his family still lives there. Other places may be better. (Michigan is more middle ground, not the best laws, not the worst.)


New Member
I am not a smoker, but a lot of my friends are. After being around a lot of smokers I think if Disney did have a smoking ban they would loose a lot of business. Most smokers can't go 12 or more hours without a cigarette. My teacher and classmates can go bearly 2 hours without a break. It's kinda sad. I think they would loose a good chunk of business if they did have a smoking ban. I personally don't care. It does give me allergy problems and headaches occassionally, but I have learned to live with it. I'll hold my breath while I walk by if it bothers me. I do think Disney should designate better areas though. Someplace out of the way, so people with asthma and other medical problems can easily avoid that area. They should also have more cast members monitoring smoking in non-designated areas. I caught my cousin's husband smoking outside a designated area in Disney. I politely told him they have a designated area for smoking and he said something along the lines of "I'll smoke when and where I want". I was so ed off at him after that. :goodnevil He needed to be more considerate of others. That was the only time he did that though. I think he was just upset and needed a smoke. Why people do it I will never understand :rolleyes:

Boo's Mom

New Member
I've gotten severe pneumonia because of my grandmother's smoking. She doesn't smoke in my room but still, my curtains turned orange. She never smoked anywhere near my room but still my stuff smelt like cigarettes. My a$$hole father almost died because of cigarette smoke. He got pneumonia 11 times in one year because he worked with smokers. He couldn't go to the mall because of the inconsiderate smokers right outside the enterences to the mall. Out of the 11 times that one year that he had pneumonia, 9 were spent in the hospital. The doctor thought he smoked 3 packs a day because of the way his lungs were from second hand smoke. The doctor himself got gravely ill when his wife smoked. She smoked but didn't get sick. The doctor did. When she quit, all of his health problems went away.
My uncle smokes and at age 29 he had to have a heart procedure because he smoked so much. Again, he almost died.

My aunt got kidney cancer and she and my nanny both quit smoking. 2 years later, my nanny started smoking again. In that two years, I did not have one health problem. When she started smoking again, I got headaches, sinus infections, pneumonia. Second hand smoke does a lot more than people think. I used to be very healthy until I got around smokers. Now my health is shot to hell.


Well-Known Member
When Making and selling cigarettes is banned, then and ONLY then will I support a smoking ban.

I quit smoking 8 years ago and I would not dare to be so hypocritical as to complain about smokers who are smoking where they are supposed to and following the park rules.

Cigarettes are sold all over on Disney Property.
If buying cigarettes is legal, then smoking them should be too.

So until cigarette smoking and buying becomes illegal...(and trust me it never will...the government makes too much money and the Tobacco Lobby is too powerful) I think people who can purchase cigarettes certainly should have the right to smoke them in designated areas.

Boo's Mom

New Member
When a person smokes, some of the harmful chemicals in cigarettes are not inhaled do to the filters but the smoke coming from a burning cigarette are not being filtered as they are not being inhaled through the filter. Secondhand smoke can be as deadly or worse than actually smoking due to the filters on cigarettes. The filter is at the end of the cigarette, the part that is put between the lips, so therefore the tobacco is burned and unfiltered at the other end of the cigarette and being released into the environment and into other peoples lungs while the smoker is getting filtered chemicals. I don't eat out much because of the smoke. The smoking sections are right next to the non-smoking sections and smoke travels right into the non-smoking sections which makes me sick. I cannot stand eating food and having to inhale someone else's bad habit

Boo's Mom

New Member
Scooter said:
When Making and selling cigarettes is banned, then and ONLY then will I support a smoking ban.

I quit smoking 8 years ago and I would not dare to be so hypocritical as to complain about smokers who are smoking where they are supposed to and following the park rules.

Cigarettes are sold all over on Disney Property.
If buying cigarettes is legal, then smoking them should be too.

So until cigarette smoking and buying becomes illegal...(and trust me it never will...the government makes too much money and the Tobacco Lobby is too powerful) I think people who can purchase cigarettes certainly should have the right to smoke them in designated areas.

that's the problem, people don't use them like they should. Some feel that if they have the right to smoke, then they can smoke anywhere. Just because smokers want to ruin their health doesn't mean they have the right to ruin someone elses health. My nanny has been under a lot of stress this week and has started smoking more than usual. I've felt like crap all week because of it. I've tried to say something to her and so has the rest of the family but how do you stop a smoker from smoking who has been smoking for 30 some years.


Original Poster
Laura22 said:
Wow lot's of smoking threads today!

I don't know if I have an allergy to smoke or anything, but when I'm around it I start coughing really bad, I get nauseas, I get a sore throat, and I have sinus problems the rest of the day. A few months ago we ate at Red Lobster and were seated next to the smoking section and I got so sick I couldn't finish my meal and had to lay on the couch the rest of the night with a grueling headache.

I am angry at smokers in general because I have to constantly go out of MY way to avoid them. If I go to Walmart I have to try and find a door where there aren't 30 people blowing a smoke cloud in front of it. If I can't find such a door, I have to hold my breath for 10 seconds while I race past the smoke clouds. I can't even ride in my own vehicle without being bothered by smoke. If someone 2 cars over is smoking with their windows down and I have my windows up the smoke blows right into my vents and makes my van smell bad.

My honest opinion - I'd rather have someone fart in my face than smoke in my face. Farting is rude and smells bad, smoking is more rude, smells worse, and causes health problems.

I know smokers feel all proud of themselves if they are courteous and don't smoke around others, but what you don't realize is that your CLOTHES, your hair, YOU smell like a cigarette. Just being around the smell of YOU can be a nuissance to other people and make them ill, even set off an asthma attack. So you go stand in your designated spot and smoke your cigarette and then you get in line packed with children who have to breathe in the smoke that is all over your clothes.

I appreciate courteous smokers, I am grateful for those who go off to a secluded area to light up rather than light up right where I'm about to walk, but at the same time you have to understand that us non-smokers are in a constant battle to avoid smoke and smokers and it never ends. It ticks us off because its completely unfair that we chose to keep ourselves healthy but yet we still have to deal with other people's gross habit day after day. Unless you strip naked, take a shower, brush your teeth, and wash all your clothes after each cigarette - you are still bothering the nonsmokers no matter how courteous you are trying to be.

And I ditto everyone who complained about the horrible locations of the designated smoking areas.

/end of rant.

I can understand your concerns and even as a smoker I feel for you. Unfortunatly as long as this addictive substance is legal, there will be people who continue to smoke. With that said I do have to say that I think you are being a bit unreasonable reguarding this issue. Secondhand smoke is harmful, but from what you're saying it appears that you are not forced to breathe it in an enclosed space for a prolonged period of time. In reguards to the smell, I AGREE!! It does stink, but there has to be some common ground here. I want to smoke, and you don't want to smell it. UNDERSTANDABLE!, so the only solution would be to seperate ourselves so that I don't bother you with my smoke. I am all in favor of that!

I think that with a situation like that, where there are such strong feelings involved it is important for neither party to become TOO self righteous and compromise with each other. Now if your response is "It is my right to not deal with smoke, and smell, and such" .. my response would be "Cigarettes are legal and it is my right to smoke".. I think that if each person involved gave a little, this wouldnt be such a big issue.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Scooter said:
Having a smoking section in a Restaurant is like having a peeing section in a Pool. :D
they do.............. it is the kiddie area............. it is always warmer over there :lookaroun


Original Poster
UncleJeet said:
There is no doubt that smoking is extremely bad for you and no one should advocate the use of tobacco in any way. That said, the above quote is an untrue and misleading statement. The first part is true enough, but the secondhand smoke bit is pure fabrication. Apart from it being a fairly recent addition to the "Dangers Of Smoking" rhetoric and thus hardly having a forty year history, there is no science behind any of the claims that secondhand smoke is behind any number of major health risks for non-smokers. It all began with a report from the EPA in 1993, which was found in 1998 to have been intentionally misleading, ignoring contradicting evidence. I won't go into all of the details, or any of the studies that have been done that continue to show that the hysteria surrounding secondhand smoke is a myth, but if you're so inclined, you can find some good information here.

Apart from not causing cancer in non-smokers, which is the most feared result, there are also no allergens present in secondhand smoke. Since allergens are needed to trigger an allergic response, this means that it is scientifically impossible to be allergic to tobacco smoke, regardless of reactions one may have to it. For example, an asthmatic is potentially allergic to thousands of things, the most common being dust, pollen and pet hair. If cigarette smoke contained allergens, there is no possible way that millions of asthmatics could possibly be smokers.

That said, there's no doubt that secondhand smoke can easily aggravate - sometimes severely - pre-existing conditions and make life extremely unpleasant for the non-smoker with them when exposed to secondhand smoke.

This leads us to why we have designated smoking areas. They are designed, should everyone follow the rules, to allow people who do not wish to be exposed to secondhand smoke to circumvent said exposure.

The problem with banning all smoking goes beyond any health issues. The issue on the table is that of personal freedoms that conflict with the preferences of others. Smoking is a good candidate to use in the crusade to eliminate personal freedoms that others find unpleasant because of its obvious health concerns for the smokers. However, one must not ignore the larger picture.

Since there is no valid science behind the claims of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, what is being put on the table when considering smoking bans is the notion of the cessation of an activity by one party that another party finds undesirable. That's it, pure and simple. You're doing something I don't like, so I'm going to get some legislation passed that makes you stop doing it.

There is danger in such an action. Replace "smoking" with "clothing" - you're wearing clothing I find unpleasant. A lady shouldn't show any skin above her ankle! Sounds absurd, doesn't it? Of course it does, because it is - but that's exactly what smoking bans are doing.

The solution is designated smoking areas. This allows smokers enslaved to their habit to continue to smoke and it affords non-smokers the freedom to choose whether to expose themselves to the secondhand smoke that they produce. Rather than ban smoking through legislation, which is legislation regulating behavior, it should instead enforce standards that allow non-smokers to breathe smoke-free air, such as separate ventilation systems in restaurants. Of course, with America being a "free" society, the question of allowing smoking or not should be up to the owner of an establishment and the choice of going to that establishment left up to the customer, but since smoking legislation is inevitable due to the hysteria that's been created around secondhand smoke, this is the only realistic option that makes sense.

Anyway, that's all I have to chime in with for now. Smoking is very, very bad for you - don't do it. If other people are smoking at Disneyworld, you don't have to get around them. If they're smoking outside of a designated area, then tell them to stop or find a cast member and alert them. They're being inconsiderate and are clearly in the wrong. That said, non-smokers who go into the smoking area and complain, or who complain about the smoking areas merely existing, are doing the same thing as the smoker who is walking around the parks with a lit cigarette. Smokers need to smoke in the smoking areas of the park, but that also means that the non-smokers need to not smoke in the non-smoking areas of the park.

Very well put, I applaud your post..


Original Poster
Woody13 said:
But don't you see that is the problem? You are addicted to nicotine and you can't give it up. Other people around you suffer from your drug addiction. Why don't you buy some nicotine suppositories? You'll get your fix and the rest of us won't have to smell your nasty smoke, hair, clothes, etc.

Now Woody, I really don't think that kind of talk is necessary. WE are all adults here, having a well thought out discussion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, there is no need to behave in that way. If you want to respond, respond in the same respectful, adult way that everone else has reponded :(
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