ok this hurricane can and will cost some people their jobs, their homes, their lives! its not something to play with. you shouldn't panic over it but you should be informed. I'd rather be informed about it 2 weeks or so before hand and updated constantly then find out about it when its right over my head. I don't live in Florida but my favorite place is there and I don't want to see it destroyed. if you don't like the posts or the threads about the hurricane, then don't read them. If they tick you off that bad, why read them and post on them? Don't complain about something that could save other peoples lives. you may not care about anything but others do. don't like it then get out. I don't know if the fact that you are 19 and male makes you think that you are greater than others and shouldn't care about anything (which you obviously don't show, except your love for whoevers pizza in Georgia), but others do care about disney and florida and other peoples lives so if you don't like it stay out of the hurricane threads. just my opinion.
done ranting and raving (sigh of relief)
**awaits neg. rep points**