Hurricane Irma


Well-Known Member

These pics are informative but if you cannot tell - this site is under siege right now because of all the interest. These HUGE pictures are bogging down the site even more every time someone opens or refreshes this thread. They are great pics, but please use thumbnails or an external hosting service to mitigate what we can. Let's not crash the site or cost @wdwmagic a fortune.


Well-Known Member
That dipwad Jim Cantore was in Miami and appeared genuinely disappointed when the storm veered westward and avoided a direct hit on Miami. Sorry Jim, Mother Nature wasn't in the mood to contribute to the sensationalism of The Weather Channel and their hashtag style of reporting.
Cantore used to be a real weather forecaster and then became a cartoon version of himself. It's a joke watching The Weather Channel. I was saying to relatives last night that I call it weather p*rn. It's sensational and ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I have sent to my aunt from Summerland

Latest update from Monroe County (from an hour ago) said that the National Guard has arrived.. also military bridge inspectors.
The Navy is sending an aircraft carrier with supplies, as well as 3 more ships.

Water and electricity is still out for 100% of the county, and Cell Service continues to be unavailable for almost all of the lower keys.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know who serves power at Flamingo Crossing's... intersection of Western Way and 429? Is it Duke or FPL? We have no power here at the new Marriott's. Just curious so I can monitor on their respective websites. Hope everyone in the area stayed safe and secure last night. I'm ok with no power. Just thankful wife and I are ok and have a place to stay.
Flamingo Crossing is still Disney property and would in all likelihood be serviced by Reedy Creek Energy Services.


Well-Known Member
So since it has uniforms I take it this is a private school where kids have families that can afford to keep bringing $5 a day so they aren't ostracized by their classmates for not being able to participate and can fulfill the 100% participation expected?

There are plenty of public school kids who's parents can afford the same.


Well-Known Member

These pics are informative but if you cannot tell - this site is under siege right now because of all the interest. These HUGE pictures are bogging down the site even more every time someone opens or refreshes this thread. They are great pics, but please use thumbnails or an external hosting service to mitigate what we can. Let's not crash the site or cost @wdwmagic a fortune.
I thought i just had a bad connection - @BoarderPhreak photos are giant sized and just crashes on my phone when I try to load them all.


Well-Known Member
While perhaps a well intentioned idea, trust me. Disney management does not want guests "helping" with the clean up. It just opens them up to legal liability. There are any number of unseen dangers after a storm that could cause injury, minor or serious.
100% true.
Every word.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Imagine waking up and finding this in your bathroom...



Well-Known Member
I would think Disney would discourage that since it would lead to liability issues.

While perhaps a well intentioned idea, trust me. Disney management does not want guests "helping" with the clean up. It just opens them up to legal liability. There are any number of unseen dangers after a storm that could cause injury, minor or serious.

Oh, I'm sure they would, but it's nice to offer. In fact, I could brag that I tried to help, but they wouldn't let me. And then, off to the bar with a clear conscience.

By the way, USA Today just reported that Disney plans to open the parks back up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I went back and edited all the posts to show thumbnails instead.


These pics are informative but if you cannot tell - this site is under siege right now because of all the interest. These HUGE pictures are bogging down the site even more every time someone opens or refreshes this thread. They are great pics, but please use thumbnails or an external hosting service to mitigate what we can. Let's not crash the site or cost @wdwmagic a fortune.

I thought i just had a bad connection - @BoarderPhreak photos are giant sized and just crashes on my phone when I try to load them all.


Well-Known Member
I don't care. That's a not a reason for a school to pass on a fundraiser. Let the kids who can donate do so.. those who can't- don't.

I am not going to bog down this thread with this but if that's your opinion - that it's not a concern to ostracize children socially to their classmates (or not meet *your* expectations of "100% participation") who can't afford to bring $5 a day for a week to school in addition to having separate "high school", "college", and "NFL" wear - means that it's a rich kids prep school and you don't realize that it's not the norm and to think otherwise is the height of snobbery.

It would be a horrible thing to do at a public school - do you realize how many kids in this country have to get assistance just for lunch money? Saying "let the kids...who can't, don't" is cruel, and you should know that if your school requires uniforms - one of the primary reasons which schools do uniforms is to prevent kids from being judged by their appearance.

If you were just asking for "small donations from those who can" and everyone was allowed to participate regardless, that might be one thing (though the very specific "uniform" of NFL, College, etc. is still problematic) - but to post the way you have suggesting that everyone should do this at their schools shows and screw the kids who couldn't afford it is just...terrible.


Well-Known Member
That dipwad Jim Cantore was in Miami and appeared genuinely disappointed when the storm veered westward and avoided a direct hit on Miami. Sorry Jim, Mother Nature wasn't in the mood to contribute to the sensationalism of The Weather Channel and their hashtag style of reporting.
They moved him over to Ft Myers in time to let him stand outside as what was left of Irma's eye went past.


Well-Known Member

These pics are informative but if you cannot tell - this site is under siege right now because of all the interest. These HUGE pictures are bogging down the site even more every time someone opens or refreshes this thread. They are great pics, but please use thumbnails or an external hosting service to mitigate what we can. Let's not crash the site or cost @wdwmagic a fortune.
That and the fact they are uploaded here instead of being linked through another site. You can embed pictures using the URL of the picture and it'll post exactly the same as if you uploaded it here.

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