hubby or family?


New Member
hi all. I'm having a really hard time making a decision about my next trip to WDW. I apologize now for the length :snore: and tangents and look forward to any ideas.

See, a couple months ago (okay, started in February :p ) I tried to talk my husband into taking a trip to WDW during the Halloween season. At the time, we were thinking about doing our usual and annual family trip - the hubby, my mom, my sister, my niece, and myself. When I realized we couldn't afford to go, I thought about going at the end of May beginning of June 2007. It coincides with two important events - my 14th wedding anniversary and Star Wars Weekend. It meant waiting another year but I was okay with that. Everyone would be able to afford to go and it seemed to work out great. Hubby loved Star Wars weekend when we went in 2003 and in all fairness, we did just go last Christmas (which ended in disaster for me :( ). See my hubby bought me a Disney Italian Charm bracelet for christmas and it unfortunately got left in the room in one of those little shopping bags. I didn't realize that I left it behind until the day after we left. Turns out that the All Star Music Resort doesn't recycle and my bracelet ended up in the trash. Hubby promised to replace it and and it was the reason I was pushing to go at Halloween. Then for our 13th wedding anniversary, we went camping - just the two of us. While camping I made a comment about how wonderful it was to be just the two of us and that maybe we could try WDW once (never dreaming he would actually consider).

Now for the conundrum (sp? :veryconfu ). After our camping trip, I mentioned the possibility of hubby and I going to WDW to mom and she was like "cool, maybe you two need it" and my 5 year old niece asked me to bring her a new disney girl doll. But when I mentioned it to my sister, she just looked at me and made a face. And then she proceded to tell me that my niece would be really upset if her favoprite aunt and uncle went without her. So, keeping peace in the family, we began to make plans for next year. Well, this past weekend my hubby threw me for a loop. He told me that if I wanted to go to WDW for Halloween that we could, just the two of us or we could wait until our anniversary. He discussed it with his dad and now he wants me to decide whether we go for halloween or go for star wars weekend/anniversary. I really would LOVE to experience the world with just my hubby PLUS it is just after my b-day. Then there is Star Wars weekend, hubby is a big fan and loved being there in 2003 AND it would be our 14th wedding anniversary. The problem - my sister. After her reaction when I was casually mentioning it I really don't look forward to making this decision. Truthfully, I want to go just the 2 of us. Realistically, I think we should wait. Hubby can't really afford the time off from work (not enough vacation time saved up) and sis just plain scares me. But I really want to go. BTW - sis is younger. I only have until the end of this month to decide and my time is running out. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Shame on your sister for trying to make you feel guilty for wanting a private trip with your hubby!

Make plans for you and your hubby and there is no need to tell anyone else about them. Let your family know you will be out of town on such and such dates and they can reach you by cell phone or whatever. You need to make no apologies to anyone... take this time and connect with your husband...your life mate.
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
In 2003 my DW and I went by ourselves, we told our sons that we were going to her cousins in NC, and afterwards we said we made a detour to WDW. If anyone had said to us how could you do that, this trip was for us, we needed to go alone to just release. And we did, it wasn't for long but just enough to relax us without worring about others. It might sound cruel but I wouldn't let your sister try to get on your nerves, from what I see she might want you to take your niece off her hands. Go with you husband and enjoy.:animwink:
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Active Member
I couldn't agree more with the idea that you and ur hubby should just go. You deserve time to be together alone, your niece is understanding and she is just a child I think you should just leave your family out of this trip especially since your sister is so unreasonable.:brick:
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New Member
Definitely go with your hubby. If you choose to have children of your own in the future, the times with you and your husband alone will be few and far between. Even if you don't ever have children, life gets hectic and it's still hard to find time for just "one another." Go, have fun, who cares what sister says? :fork: She'll get over it eventually and if she doesn't, so what? You're not married to her.
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New Member
Unless you want to spend every Disney trip with your sister/parents/niece, I would put my foot down if I were you and go with your husband! Break the cycle now before it's too late! It sounds to me that you really want it to be just you and your hubby. Good luck with everything!
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New Member
Here is another vote for an Oct. trip for just the 2 of you! Forget your sister, if she wants to take her daughter she can save up and do it herself. Spend the time with your husband and you won't regret it. By the way, Oct. is in my opinion the BEST time to go, have fun!
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New Member
You're not married to your sister, you're married to your husband who is the most important one in your life.

Go with your husband and leave your sister to take care of her own daughter.

You are lucky you can go with your hubby. My hubby can't come to Disney with me, he is sick and get tired very easily. At least your lucky you can go with your husband, he is your family.

And have a great time.
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New Member
My wife and I just got back. We left the kids here (all 4 of them), and after 15 trips in the past 7 years, we finally got one by ourselves. It definitely wasn't long enough, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. You need the time away. Go for it.
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Active Member
in the past i went to Disney with my family so when i planned my last trip in march for my kids and myself my sister in law( she scares me to:eek: ) told me she couldn't go and she completely expected my to not go because she couldn't when i never even invited her to begin with! she was very upset and by brother was to because we had gone together in the past they thought it would always be that way.we had a big fight but i went anyway. i never regretted it , going to WDW alone with just my kids was one of the best times in my life and I'm sure you will feel the same go enjoy your hubby. i no family can be complicated by trust me they will get over it. my brother and his wife did although they still mention it whenever they can slip it in :brick: but i had so much fun just us it was worth it :D
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Well-Known Member
We have spent our last three trips with various family members and though it was wonderful each time. Our next trip is for hubby and I. My brothers and sisters would like to go but I told them this is MY trip.
We are planning on going in October of 2007 for our 15th anniversary and my birthday. We haven't been in October in a few years and I can't wait. Plus I told my hubby the other day that I wanted to go to the MNSSHP. From reading these boards it sounds like fun.
Only problem is it's too far away.:cry:
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New Member
Another vote for hubby! I can distinctly (sp?) remember the two trips we took BK (before kids ;) ). One was our honeymoon and then the next time we went I was pregnant with DS14. Although I enjoy the look on the kids faces, especially DS5 (cause he's a Disney addict like mom), I'll never forget the times that DH and I were there alone. Disney may be the happiest place on earth but it can also be very romantic! :rolleyes:
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Active Member
Disney World trips used to always be with the family (dad, brother, sister-in-law, mysef and my boyfriend). Where we love going with my family, we wanted to see what it was like to go ourselves and to be ablet o do what we wanted, wehn we wnated without having to make sure everyone else in the party was okay with it. So, we took our first trip this past January and we loved it! We are going with the family again this October, and now we will be able to make time for a family trip and for a solo trip of just me and my boyfriend.
I would suggest explaining to your sister that the two of you want to go solo for once. Suggest that everyone save up and go together again at the end of 2007. She needs to realize that you and your husband can do things without the family once in a while.
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Well-Known Member
You have to ro what wll make you and your husband most happy, you shouldn't be made to feel bad or guilty about wanting to go on a trip with your spouse regardless where you're going. My inlaws try to do this to my wife and I, and we learned along time ago that you have to put your spouse and children first. If your sister is so concerned about the happiness of your niece, she should take her to disney herself. Bottom line is don't worry about what anyone thinks except you and your husband.
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New Member
I vote for the hubby too. I recently took a solo trip without my family and nephew and absolutely loved it. Yes, my nephew was upset for about 10 minutes when he realized I went to WDW without him. He got over it really fast when I gave him a few gifts from the new Everest store. I'm now planing the family trip for November and my nephew has forgotten all about my going without him.

Plus, an adult trip to WDW is really different and just as much fun.

Go for it!
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