hubby or family?


New Member
hi all. I'm having a really hard time making a decision about my next trip to WDW. I apologize now for the length :snore: and tangents and look forward to any ideas.

See, a couple months ago (okay, started in February :p ) I tried to talk my husband into taking a trip to WDW during the Halloween season. At the time, we were thinking about doing our usual and annual family trip - the hubby, my mom, my sister, my niece, and myself. When I realized we couldn't afford to go, I thought about going at the end of May beginning of June 2007. It coincides with two important events - my 14th wedding anniversary and Star Wars Weekend. It meant waiting another year but I was okay with that. Everyone would be able to afford to go and it seemed to work out great. Hubby loved Star Wars weekend when we went in 2003 and in all fairness, we did just go last Christmas (which ended in disaster for me :( ). See my hubby bought me a Disney Italian Charm bracelet for christmas and it unfortunately got left in the room in one of those little shopping bags. I didn't realize that I left it behind until the day after we left. Turns out that the All Star Music Resort doesn't recycle and my bracelet ended up in the trash. Hubby promised to replace it and and it was the reason I was pushing to go at Halloween. Then for our 13th wedding anniversary, we went camping - just the two of us. While camping I made a comment about how wonderful it was to be just the two of us and that maybe we could try WDW once (never dreaming he would actually consider).

Now for the conundrum (sp? :veryconfu ). After our camping trip, I mentioned the possibility of hubby and I going to WDW to mom and she was like "cool, maybe you two need it" and my 5 year old niece asked me to bring her a new disney girl doll. But when I mentioned it to my sister, she just looked at me and made a face. And then she proceded to tell me that my niece would be really upset if her favoprite aunt and uncle went without her. So, keeping peace in the family, we began to make plans for next year. Well, this past weekend my hubby threw me for a loop. He told me that if I wanted to go to WDW for Halloween that we could, just the two of us or we could wait until our anniversary. He discussed it with his dad and now he wants me to decide whether we go for halloween or go for star wars weekend/anniversary. I really would LOVE to experience the world with just my hubby PLUS it is just after my b-day. Then there is Star Wars weekend, hubby is a big fan and loved being there in 2003 AND it would be our 14th wedding anniversary. The problem - my sister. After her reaction when I was casually mentioning it I really don't look forward to making this decision. Truthfully, I want to go just the 2 of us. Realistically, I think we should wait. Hubby can't really afford the time off from work (not enough vacation time saved up) and sis just plain scares me. But I really want to go. BTW - sis is younger. I only have until the end of this month to decide and my time is running out. :brick:


New Member
My DH and I are goingfor our first solo trip together in September for our anniversary and are really looking forward to it. It will be a whole new experience for us.....

My DS age 9 just made us promise that we won't go on anything "fun" without him! :lol:

(We have our annual family trip every April)
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abug'saunt said:
hi all. I'm having a really hard time making a decision about my next trip to WDW. I apologize now for the length :snore: and tangents and look forward to any ideas.Truthfully, I want to go just the 2 of us. Realistically, I think we should wait. Hubby can't really afford the time off from work (not enough vacation time saved up) and sis just plain scares me. But I really want to go. BTW - sis is younger. I only have until the end of this month to decide and my time is running out. :brick:


I know how you feel. My best friend sounds remarkably like your sister. Normally, she's bright and funny and sarcastic and humorous, but when it comes to you doing things with your husband (in my case, my parents and bro and sis), she becomes a tad bit unreasonable.

Doesn't understand how bringing her along would be of any problem at all. And you DO feel a little guilty because you've taken her before, and you DID have a good time (or at least it sounds like you did.)

But if it's for your anniversary, don't you think she'll understand? I know she gave you a nasty face, but if you said, "Hey, Sis, I want to go with you and (insert neice's name here) again, because it was really fun, but before Hubby and I have kids of our own, we'd like to spend a romantic anniversary together."

You can add whatever little white lies will make you feel better....

"We'll be having candlelight dinners at really expensive, adult only restaurants..."
"We won't go the parks too many days because we want time alone...."
"We're not going for that long..."

I know everyone's probably reading this and thinking, "NO! Just go! You deserve it!"

And you do. But I know what it's like to deal with someone like your sister, and having 3 months post-Disney of her being pouty and ticked off at you. It stinks.

I know you said vacation and money are issues...stay at POP...though not the most romantic, everyone has said it's incredibly clean, new, a nice central local, and the busses are great. AND since you're only paying for the two of you, and you can buy a couple extra things for sis and neice.

For your husband's all depends. Will he need it after Halloween? Do you do Christmas away from home and will he need days to travel?

If no, go! If yes, just weigh your priorities...Disney, or extra days off at Thanksgiving/Christmas/NewYears...
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Go with your husband. If your sister loves you, she'll understand that you need alone time (especially for your anniversary!!!) My husband and I have done a few WDW trips together before we had children and it was wonderful. Especially in October (which is the ONLY time we'll go - we'll be there Oct. 20-28 this year with our DS and DD!!!) Have a wonderful time and your family will understand. Just stand firm and tell your sis that you want to experience the World as just a couple and you'll travel there again as a family in the future. She'll understand, (she'd probably like to experience it without her daughter sometime too!)

Good luck and have FUN!!!!:wave:
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like your sister just doesn't want to hear her daughter griping about how her aunt got to go to WDW and they didn't.

Or your sister doesn't want to complain to her daughter about how her sister got to go to WDW and they didn't. :D

I have 4 sibs, and I'm the only one without kids. Whenever any one of us mentions going to WDW, all my nieces/nephews start whining about wanting to go, can they come too, mommy daddy when can WE go to WDW?

The only right answer? Stop whining, we'll go when we can go!

Maybe...Juuuuuust maybe, your sister needs to teach your daughter you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

Either that, or your sister needs to stop using her daughter as a means to bludgeon her way into your vacation plans.
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Original Poster
First off I want to give everyone a great big thank you for help. And in case any of you are interested, my baby brother gave me another option to think about....Go for 2 weeks at the end of May beginning of June. Have sister, mom and "the bug" there for the first week and spend the second week just the two of us. That way we can relax and enjoy just the two of us and still make sis feel like she isn't left out. I knew there was a reason I loved my little brother (besides giving me 5 other neices and nephews to love).:rolleyes: Again, thanks to everyone who thought I should choose my hubby. I never wanted to put him after my own family and am thankful to have others who felt the same.
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New Member
definately go with your hubby. So what if your sister gets mad, she can plan a trip with her daughter. Your mom is happy with the decision, heck your niece is fine even, she only asked you to bring her a doll home. Your sister is the one with the issue apparently.

Have a blast. We have gone for the last few years as just a couple, hoping to go next year as a family with our newborn son and my stepson.
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