How's it Done?


Active Member
Original Poster
Who's Oliver Stone? Was he in that Disney movie about a dog? I'm sorry if I seem ignorant, but I am from Indiana. I was just noting that it seems that CM's don't want to talk much about themselves at times, e.g. where they live, how long they've worked at WDW, etc. However, I have had nice long conversations with many executive (long sleeved shirts and ties in 90+ degrees and 90% humidity weather) CM's.

I hope to work at WDW in a few years and am trying to get information so I don't sound like a total fool when I apply. By the way, where do you go to apply for a job at WDW? I would like to be a street sweeper and talk to people all the time.


Well-Known Member
Welp I forgot one thing...TTC CM use the guest parking lot of the MK

The Buses that you ride on look just like ours. But on the front they say VIP Cast Members. I once saw a CM bus at the TTC, I have no clue what it was doing there but yeah its there.

But in terms of how I got backstage at AK...I just showed my ID and the guy just let me go lol.

Really to tell the truth, for the most part we just use the same roads as you do.

But god I remember being at Space at freaken 6am to start opening track UGGG the days....or even better 2am closing it!


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
Who's Oliver Stone?

Hey, I was just goofin' around. Good luck in your job search. If you are trying to get hired into the college program, if you are successful Disney will line up your housing. If you just drive down to Orlando and walk in the door at the casting building, you are on your own in finding housing.


CM Map

Anybody have a copy of the CM map?

Mapquest used to have aerial view pictures of the areas. You could see everything. GlobeXplorer has some, but it has "GlobeXplorer" watermarks on them.
If I still have them, I'll put them up.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Who's Oliver Stone? Who's Oliver Stone?

well, im not trying to be rude or mean, but do they not have movie theaters in Indiana (or at least movie rental places, you know........ VHS tapes) If you do have those kind of stores, then go rent one of the greats, Platoon, Any Given Sunday, JFK, but since you like things that dissapear into the trees and stuff, then i think you need to rent Natural Born Killers.

theres a lot of trippy stuff in that one. I dont think anybody vanishes into trees, but theres a whole lot more fun stuff.

sorry if i came off rude, just cant believe you havent heard of Oliver Stone, but good luck becoming a CM


Park History nut
Premium Member
A question about the 1st aerial pic linked by Iborne above.. in the MK CM parking pic, what are those houses at the top of the pic?? are they off property or Disneys?


Well-Known Member
Those are appartments right there , the buena place appartments to be exact. My bf lives there along with some other people who work for Disney. They however are not owned by Disney they do have some sort of contract with them though cause rent is really good there. They also are nice appartments.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Those are great pictures..Yes the CM's use the same normal roads just as the guests. There are no secrets roads that the CM's take.

PS-I'm not a CM, but will be very soon...:king:


Well-Known Member
I was just noting that it seems that CM's don't want to talk much about themselves at times

Wow. Some of the Cast Members I have met seemd to have trouble not ttalking about themselves. : )

Doubt you could get away with it nowadays, but before 9/11 I had played stupid tourist to take a shortcut through the back entrance to the property a couple of times. It was exciting - for the first 5 seconds. After that you realize you are in a completely boring industrial park and it's no big deal. to be honest I usually avoid it now 'cause I think the main road is nicer.

And with the width of the roads in Florida, I don't see any major traffic. Yeah, maybe a few minute delay but nothing heavy like hour backups.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Kind of off Topic, but sometimes I'll try to talk to the CM's about something in the park, or on property. And they'll say something and I don't understand what there saying, or what there meaning...And also I get real nervous when I talk to the CM's, why is this?

Told you it was off topic...:p


Beta Return
Re: CM Map

Originally posted by csaguy
Anybody have a copy of the CM map?

Mapquest used to have aerial view pictures of the areas. You could see everything. GlobeXplorer has some, but it has "GlobeXplorer" watermarks on them.
If I still have them, I'll put them up.


Yes, I have one. I got it on EBAY, haha!

It's called the CAST ATLAS. It's about 24" x 24". On one side it shows a FULL map of property, showing ALL the roads, ALL the buildings (even ones you've never seen) and Cast Parking Lots.

On the other side it has a map of each of the 4 theme parks, showing the cast areas, buildings, etc. It also has a map of the tunnel system in the MK.

Pretty cool.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Re: Re: CM Map

Originally posted by edwardtc
Yes, I have one. I got it on EBAY, haha!

It's called the CAST ATLAS. It's about 24" x 24". On one side it shows a FULL map of property, showing ALL the roads, ALL the buildings (even ones you've never seen) and Cast Parking Lots.

On the other side it has a map of each of the 4 theme parks, showing the cast areas, buildings, etc. It also has a map of the tunnel system in the MK.

Pretty cool.

Anychance you could post it somewhere so we can all take a look?

Id love to have a fully detailed map of WDW with all roads, buildings etc.



Take a look at the second photo I linked to from Below the carousel, you can see the entrances. The right seems to be blocked by a truck backed in, but the left cave entrance is clearly visible. There is also a smaller doorway to the left of that where most people entered to get their costume and where the locker rooms are located. The bus would come from the parking lot and then drive by the 20000 lagoon. I remember seeing lots of props for that ride along side the road. And if you looked just right from the skyway, you used to be able to spot the CM busses going along that road.

There are some other good photos from within the tunnel located at

Off topic, but I worked Main Street Ops, so after changing into costume, I'd walk down the tunnel and pop up behind Tonys or under the castle to get on stage. The meeting or planning room for Main Street Ops is in a room under the train station called the "bomb shelter". The neat thing about main street ops costume is that you are not restricted to main street. We could wander into any land and not break theme. Of course, all our work was along main street, so we'd better have a good reason for being in another land, like helping with a crowd situation or something.


New Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
I'm sorry if I seem ignorant, but I am from Indiana.

Well, that explains it! :lol: I always had an image of a dark dungeon under the MK where the CMs would be chained when off duty, and cleaned up and tossed up to ground level with a smile... sort of like an Indonesian sweat shop. Tell me this isn't true?

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