How well do you know Disney World?


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I'll take Star Tours for 10 points! *Crosses fingers and hopes she remebers the right attration's railing*

Ding ding ding! 10 points to you!




Well-Known Member
Curse you and your knowledge of WDW floors, Shakes! :p

Hmm, something in MGM. The pattern is reminsicent of the Art Deco architecture.


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Curse you and your knowledge of WDW floors, Shakes! :p

Hmm, something in MGM. The pattern is reminsicent of the Art Deco architecture.

Funny! You are right about, ahem, Disney Hollywood Studios though...

Feel free to make another guess, but I'll be going to sleep for the night. I'll check back in tomorrow morning! Good Luck!


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Original Poster
Not a bus stop, obviously on concrete. Here's a hint, we were in line for a major attraction, and that line was outside...

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