Therein lies the rub! I have been going to WDW every year (sometimes more the once a year) for 33 years. Due to the fact that I don't stay onsite and I don't eat at the high end (even if they are no better then Denny's) restaurants. I simply buy a ticket and walk through the front gate whenever I go and do basically the same thing I have done since 1983. I see no difference. Tonga Toast... never had it so I won't miss it. Now if I can't get to go to the parks in the evening without paying extra, that might be a problem for me because I won't pay extra for that. I can live quite well without being there or I can always go to one of the parks that isn't doing that on any particular day. So even I don't see this colossal difference in service. I've always gotten what I wanted when I visited and that is entertained. It does affect me, however, with the lack of flexibility in the tickets. It will and already has caused me to not plan on going this year. The first time in those 33 years. I'm retired and have a fixed income. If I planned on dying soon, I might just spend money with no concern, but, I'm not planning on doing that in the immediate future.
I must think ahead and make sure that I have enough money to get me the rest of the way through life. So, although just a drop in the bucket to them, whatever money I would normally spend there on my visits will be no longer be going to them. If I'm the only one that is in that situation it won't matter at all, but, I really doubt that I am. To me the feeling of long term security is much better then a short term trip into fantasy.