How strict is Disney with occupancy?

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New Member
We are staying at the Caribbean Beach for 7 nights and there is 5 of us, but the limit is 4, is there anyway I could sneak someone in? I already am renting a car so we have a ride to the hotel and back, but how is the hotel, this is our first time going and the cabins are already booked when we are going, and we can't reschedule our trip because of work can you guys help me out?


Well-Known Member
I think they are pretty firm in their occupancy rules, especially since they are based on fire codes to a certain degree. I'm sure you could successfully sneak in a fifth person, though, if that's what you wanted to do. I'd think it would be a bit overcrowded, though.
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Will the guards say anything about them not having any wristbands, cards, or any kind of information and would they be able to use the pool ect.
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Well-Known Member
If you're worried about the rules, try moving your reservation over to Riverside, where you're allowed to have 5 in some rooms (with the trundle bed). It'll be the same price as CBR (plus a per-night fee if the 5th person is an adult).

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The Mom

Premium Member
I'm not going to get into the morality or safety of abiding by occupancy rules, but will warn you that, as I recall from staying there a couple of times in the past, the room will be VERY crowded. We felt a bit cramped with two adults and one 6 year old.

If you are quiet and don't cause any problems, the extra person probably won't be noticed. You will only be able to get 4 keys (if that) of course, which might cause problems at the pool.

You don't mention ages; if your party is comprised of mostly children, the pool won't be a problem, as even at Stormalong Bay my children got a wristband using my room key only. (All three of us were given bands when I showed my ID)
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Well-Known Member
I'm sure you could sneek a 5th person in but as others have said, it will be crowded and there is always a chance that you will be found out. IMO it's not the thing to do.

If your planning on using EMH you might have a problem though.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how likely it would be that you would get caught, but it will be quite crowded. Have you thought of booking 2 value rooms instead - I know it's more $$ but it gives you lots more room and an additional bathroom, which really helps in the mornings.
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Well-Known Member
What is EMH?????
EMH is Extra Magic Hours. That's the program that allows resort guests extra time in the parks (every day it's a different park, sometimes an hour earlier in the morning, sometimes 3 hours later in the evenings). They check each guest for a resort ID before they allow you on any ride then, so your 5th person would be out of luck.

How old is everyone?
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Active Member
I'm not sure how likely it would be that you would get caught, but it will be quite crowded. Have you thought of booking 2 value rooms instead - I know it's more $$ but it gives you lots more room and an additional bathroom, which really helps in the mornings.
I just looked at room rates. I don't know when the OP is traveling, but I just randomly picked "regular season" (parts of April and May) for weekdays. The per night room rate at CBR is $170, but then you have to pay $15 per night per adult, which brings the room rate to $200 per night.

At Pop Century, a Value resort, for the same time-frame it's $105 per night per room, so you could get 2 rooms for $210 per night total, instead of 1 room for $200 per night.

The OP has to consider if the extra $10 per night will be worth it for more breathing room, an extra bathroom, all guests eligible to use Extra Magic Hours, and following the rules versus not. The OP can request connecting rooms, meaning an internal door connecting the 2 rooms; this would be a request, not a guarantee. Be sure to request CONNECTING, because in Disney-speak "adjoining" means next to each other or across the hall from each other or directly around the corner from each other, but does NOT mean an internal door between the two rooms.
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Well-Known Member
I just looked at room rates. I don't know when the OP is traveling, but I just randomly picked "regular season" (parts of April and May) for weekdays. The per night room rate at CBR is $170, but then you have to pay $15 per night per adult, which brings the room rate to $200 per night.

At Pop Century, a Value resort, for the same time-frame it's $105 per night per room, so you could get 2 rooms for $210 per night total, instead of 1 room for $200 per night.

The OP has to consider if the extra $10 per night will be worth it for more breathing room, an extra bathroom, all guests eligible to use Extra Magic Hours, and following the rules versus not. The OP can request connecting rooms, meaning an internal door connecting the 2 rooms; this would be a request, not a guarantee. Be sure to request CONNECTING, because in Disney-speak "adjoining" means next to each other or across the hall from each other or directly around the corner from each other, but does NOT mean an internal door between the two rooms.
Thanks for calculating that Eric - I didn't even think about the extra adult fees.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Disney can be quite strict when it comes to occupancy rates as they are based off of fire codes and it will be there necks on the line if anything was to happen. House keeping is instructed to report and evidence of over occupancy and I have heard of instances where they will require you to book additional rooms if a room is found to be over occupied. For a 1 or 2 night trip you might be able to swing it but with a 7 night stay I would not risk it.

My suggestion would be to switch to Port Orleans Riverside. The price will be almost identical to Caribbean Beach and they have rooms there that will sleep 5.
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Well-Known Member
The trundle bed at Port Orleans Riverside would be perfect for your 3 year old.

We've stayed at Port Orleans Riverside (the Alligator Bayou section) twice - in 2006 and 2007. Our sons are now 13, 11, and 9. After we left in 2007, we vowed that the next time we headed down to the World, we would get two rooms. As CleveRocks pointed out, it is not much more expensive to get the extra room, and it will not be cramped.
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