How scary is Mission Space?

General Grizz

New Member
NO scary part about Mission: Space. There's no great Rock and Roller Coaster "Why did I do this?!" style feeling. It is physically intense, but there is no great scare factor.

The only "scary" part involves trying to dodge meteors and nearly-falling off some ice - but it doesn't involve much.

The only TRULY scary part is waiting in line for the first time.

I was scared on M:S when an elderly man rode it. . . I spent the whole time thinking of him. But 4 minutes for a "major ride" isn't too long. At all.


Well-Known Member
Hey Alice, Welcome to the boards. M:S i s very much like Body wars/Star Tours but with the difference that the ride vehicle is a centrifuge. It does spin you around in circles to generate the G forces that are felt during the ride ( Lift off, lunar insertion, landing). Have you ever seen one of those rides in the amusement parks that spin you around in a drum and the floor drops out but because of the G forces you stay stuck on the wall?? If you can handle that this ride is EASY!!!! The ride itself isnt scary but it is intense. Ifyou can handle Star wars/ Body wars I think you are more than half the way there. The ONLY person I know who got really sick after the ride has SEVERE motion sickness and cant handle either of those two, much less alone the spinning. I say give it a shot and dont let all the warnings frighten you!!! Let me know how it goes!! Belle


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I would classify MS as scary at all. Its "intense", but not scary. It does get your heart pumping (at least the first time, mostly from not knowing what the ride is going to do to you :lol: ) The many times I've been on it I've only ever heard one person scream as you often hear on a rollercoaster and other times I've heard people next me they were usually laughing with joy. Most times though you have difficulty hearing the person next to you because it can get pretty loud and there is dividers between seats...for example, I yelled over to my brother once to look at Florida on the ride and we got off and he didn't hear me at all....worse yet, he said the same thing to me and I didn't hear it :lol:

I think TOT is "scarier" since you don't know when or what direction you will fall or shoot up. Dinosaur was probably the scariest ride the first time, and I think it shows. Take a look at the pics from the last carnotauras attack and you can tell the first-timers from the regulars. They are always the ones leaning away and covering themselves as if the roof was to collapse :lol:


New Member

It is a simulator, albeit a different design to Star Tours and Body wars. So there is no track that it stays on and no sudden jolts or drops that pick you out of your seat.

On the subject of Splash Mountain - you really should give it a go. Take a look at the logs - there is no restraint like on a roller coaster because there are no jolts that take you out of your seat. If you do a search of these boards you will find tales of people who gritted their teeth in order to ride it and now have Splash Mountain on their “Must Do” list.


New Member
Alice, you and I are so much alike! I, too, am a wimp. The first time I went on Splash Mountain I was so traumatized it took me 7 years to go back on it again. However, you have to realize that to me, It's a Small World is a thrill ride.

Finally, after 7 years my husband convinced me to give Splash Mountain another try. He said he would put his arm around me, hold me real tight and that I should keep my eyes closed during the drop. He promised me that I wouldn't feel the drop if my eyes were closed. He was right! Now I actually get to enjoy the beauty of the rest of the ride and when it comes to the drop, I close my eyes and handle it like a pro.

I'm so proud that I can ride Splash Mountain! I was so embarrassed before because I'd wait on line with my family and then cross the "chicken bridge" when they boarded the log. Now I love it. We're going next week and it will probably be the first thing I ride.

As far as Mission:Space goes, I'll let my husband test it out first. He knows what I can handle and what I can't. If he says it's a go, it's a go. After all, he didn't steer me wrong on Splash Mountain!


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Originally posted by Alexandra
Alice, you and I are so much alike! I, too, am a wimp. The first time I went on Splash Mountain I was so traumatized it took me 7 years to go back on it again. However, you have to realize that to me, It's a Small World is a thrill ride.

Finally, after 7 years my husband convinced me to give Splash Mountain another try. He said he would put his arm around me, hold me real tight and that I should keep my eyes closed during the drop. He promised me that I wouldn't feel the drop if my eyes were closed. He was right! Now I actually get to enjoy the beauty of the rest of the ride and when it comes to the drop, I close my eyes and handle it like a pro.

I'm so proud that I can ride Splash Mountain! I was so embarrassed before because I'd wait on line with my family and then cross the "chicken bridge" when they boarded the log. Now I love it. We're going next week and it will probably be the first thing I ride.

As far as Mission:Space goes, I'll let my husband test it out first. He knows what I can handle and what I can't. If he says it's a go, it's a go. After all, he didn't steer me wrong on Splash Mountain!

If I were your husband, I'd have you keep your eyes open on the drop on Splash Mt. :) But at least you got on it! You wanna know my secret? They take your picture, and you have to look good for the camera on the drop, so you open your eyes, look up, smile, then close your eyes and duck!:lol:

But on Mission: SPACE, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT close your eyes at any time. And don't look anywhere else except in front of you! Closing your eyes or looking another direstion on Space will make you sick, and once you get sick, the feeling won't pass until the ride is over and you get outside. And sorry, but your husband won't be able to put his arm around you on space. And trust me, you don't want anyone touching you on Mission Space!:lol: Not a good combination! Well, that's all I have to say. Have a good one!


Well-Known Member have the same fears as my sister...I'll explain :)

Mission:Space is this...

Think Magic Carpets of the ride vehicles are at the end of long arms that rotate around in a circle. (Only Mission Space can't go up and down like the carpets)

Since you are completely in a don't feel that you are spinning because you can't SEE the spinning (whereas...if you are on the KNOW you're spinning because you see the surroundings that are NOT spinning) (Kinda like when you're driving in a're doing 65-70mph...but you don't know it because you're "in a capsule" but if you were on a rollercoaster that was doing'd feel it.)

Does Mission:Space go faster than the Magic Carpets? OF COURSE! (I just used that as a reference)

It is in the same fashion as Body Wars/Star Tours in that there is a video screen in front of you that you are concentrating on.

The ride vehicles never leave the plane that they are one when you board...there is no inversions...the capsules are just spinning in Magic Carpets of Aladdin fashion (I used this and not Dumbo because the capsule can tip forward and back).

Do you feel the g forces as you would on Rock N Rollercoaster? Yes...but they're not the same ride. I don't know if you've ever gone on a ride called the "Gravitron" at traveling carnivals/fairs...but it's that type of feeling...when your face gets sucked back because of the spinning.

Barf Bags are in place for a precaution...If you dont' get motion sickness...then you most likely won't need to use them. Just keep your head back, eyes open, and look forward at the screen...and you should be fine :)

It's like no other experience out there!

My sister won't do rollercoasters (although she did do RnR because I tricked her onto it :lookaroun ) She won't do Tower of Terror...she does do Splash Mountain...but only if she's not the only one doing it...she fears that last drop...even to this day. She has never been on any rollercoaster (aside from BTMRR and Space Mt. and RnR...that one time) She will ride Test Track...but because she feels "safe" on it.


Well-Known Member
my advice to you is try it once and if you hate it, never go on again!

why cant i follow that advice myself LOL
seems simple enough though :)
if you end up going on it Alice... come back to this thread, or start another and let us know how you liked it!!


New Member
Alice, Mission: Space is not scary nor is it physically taxing. If you do not get motion sick than there is absolutely no reason to ride. RIDE IT!

On a side note...give rides like splash and tower of terror a chance. I used to be really afraid of dropping. Then I realized that not only are such rides done in complete safety, the sensations themselves only last seconds. The ambience and themeing is truly what sets Disney thrill attractions apart. Tower of Terror and Splash are so amazing because of the detail invovled. The drop is just a fraction of the ride experience.


New Member
I have autism, sensory processing disorder, claustrophobia and the severe fear of lack of control. Are you on your back as you take off? I rode the Space Shuttle Launch experience at NASA and it just shook you around. I’ve had dreams where I get the sensation of being glued in a seat on my back with lack of control over the situation. And I started crying and panicking. I don’t want to make my dad mad and not go on it but I am terrified of that situation coming true and starting to suffocate. How long does the worst part (the taking off) last? Are there other parts on the ride that are like that or is it just that one part?


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I have autism, sensory processing disorder, claustrophobia and the severe fear of lack of control. Are you on your back as you take off? I rode the Space Shuttle Launch experience at NASA and it just shook you around. I’ve had dreams where I get the sensation of being glued in a seat on my back with lack of control over the situation. And I started crying and panicking. I don’t want to make my dad mad and not go on it but I am terrified of that situation coming true and starting to suffocate. How long does the worst part (the taking off) last? Are there other parts on the ride that are like that or is it just that one part?
You’ve bumped a 16 year old thread which is generally a no-no, but you ask a legitimate question.

I haven’t been on Mission Space:Orange in a very long time, but I don’t recall being tilted completely back for take-off. I think it just feels like you are because of the image on the screen.

That being said, I don’t feel that this ride is for you. Especially NOT Orange. You will be enclosed in a very tight cabin, with the screen quite close to your face. The restraints are also pretty confining. If you are prone to motion sickness, unlike other simulators, you MUST NOT close your eyes, or you will feel much worse. There are barf bags in the cabin for a reason.



Your dad should not be angry with you if you don’t feel that you can ride this. MS:Orange is a pretty intense experience. My family used to ride it together all the time, and then about 10 years ago, my husband had an unpleasant experience on it. Nothing went wrong. Nothing was different. Just for some reason, this particular time really messed with his equilibrium. His head was funny, and he was totally out of sorts for two days. He has never ridden since.

MS:Green is a much less intense version, but the cabinet configuration is the same. It’s tight. No g-forces, no spinning centrifuge, no instant face lift; but it’s still a confined space.

From Wikipedia:

The minimum height requirement for Mission: Space is 44 inches (112 cm). Spiels and warnings throughout the attraction caution that people who do not like enclosed dark spaces, simulators, spinning, or are prone to motion sickness should not ride. Signs also warn that the ride may cause nausea, headache, dizziness, or disorientation, and that people prone to motion sickness, or who have a headache or an inner ear problem, or who have a history of migraines, vertigo, or elevated anxiety also should not ride. These signs are similar to those present at considerably less-intense rides in the same park, such as Soarin'. There are also signs which instruct the rider to keep their head flat against the headrest, stating that if one ignores this, the centrifugal motion acting on one's head can cause undesirable effects such as dizziness and/or headaches, or possibly even more serious effects.


Please don’t feel pressured to ride any attraction outside your comfort zone. I bet if you discussed this with your dad beforehand, he would totally understand.

Watch some YouTube POV videos; although they’re not that helpful in showing anything more than the cabin configuration and what you will see on the screen in front of you.

At the 4:20 mark, you can see the instrument panel being brought closer to you; and at 6:15, you can see the take off.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes - whether you decide to ride or not.

Disneyfreak Jen

Well-Known Member
i'm a wimp.

i don't like scary rides like rollercoasters, space/splash mtn, tower of terror, etc. or other rides that make you feel like you have no control and something bad is about to happen... the farthest i go is like dinosaur in ak and the goofy barnstormer in toontown.

is mission space scary? i think it looks really cool and i was really looking forward to it until i saw that commercial where the kids trick their parents into going on it and it looks bad! and now all of this talk about barf bags!

can someone please give me a detailed description of what is actually involved and how it makes you feel???

I'm just like you, if not worse because I haven't done Barnstormer. I did MS green. The premise is that you're watching a screen and feeling like you're moving along with it. I did close my eyes a few times....just like I do on Soarin' when the glider dips way down over the Great Wall. :rolleyes::p I did feel a pressure type feeling in my stomach during the ride....I don't know how to explain it. Have you ever been on the Gravitron ride at a carnival? I did that when I was a teen, and I can compare the pressure feeling to that, if that makes any sense. I didn't feel sick at all during the ride if that helps.


Well-Known Member
I have autism, sensory processing disorder, claustrophobia and the severe fear of lack of control. Are you on your back as you take off? I rode the Space Shuttle Launch experience at NASA and it just shook you around. I’ve had dreams where I get the sensation of being glued in a seat on my back with lack of control over the situation. And I started crying and panicking. I don’t want to make my dad mad and not go on it but I am terrified of that situation coming true and starting to suffocate. How long does the worst part (the taking off) last? Are there other parts on the ride that are like that or is it just that one part?

Hello there,

it's a fairly tight squeeze in there when you ride, if I were you I'd enjoy all the other stuff in Epcot and give this one a miss. I'm sure if you explain this to your dad he wouldn't be angry with you, there's lots of other fun stuff you could do together.

You're never on your back in this attraction, it never tilts forward or backward. You don't consciously feel the spinning like on the tea cups, it's more a weird feeling that you're weightless for a few seconds. If you didn't know how the ride works and you were asked what did it feel like, never in a million years would you say "It felt like it was spinning". At worse my eyes feel a bit strange when I ride it, a bit like they're moving a lot without actually moving. Before launch the panel in front of you moves towards you and at this point you feel fairly enclosed, this is where I fear you might feel claustrophobic and you're in this position for the whole ride. You do have cold air blowing on your face and you do have a sick bag, however neither of these will be much help if you're afraid of tight spaces.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
How do you like going to the toilet on an airplane? If that kind of space is too confined for you then definitely don't ride MS. In fact if you think the airplane toilet is as confined as you can stand but would freak if it were say two people stuck in there together, then that is about how it feels on MS. Others have warned you not to do orange, and you shouldn't given your fear of being glued down, because that's kind of what it feels like and it won't matter if you know it is only for 10 seconds or 30 seconds, if it is something that freaks you out time will seem to stand still and those could be the longest seconds of your life. So on the off chance you think you'll be able to deal with the tight space, do not let anyone talk you into the orange.


Well-Known Member
here are also signs which instruct the rider to keep their head flat against the headrest, stating that if one ignores this, the centrifugal motion acting on one's head can cause undesirable effects such as dizziness and/or headaches, or possibly even more serious effects.

If you have a high tolerance for motion sickness, looking to the side during launch is quite fun.


Well-Known Member
It's not scary. Neither the green nor the orange is "scary." The green is a basic simulator. If you are claustrophobic, then you might be a bit anxious on it, but it's pretty basic. My kids love it actually, and we go on it every time. The orange is also not scary. It's intense. I got a headache and some nasuea after riding it (subsided in a couple hours). It's like the barrel at other theme parks - it's a centrifuge. So, the theme is not scary at all. It's actually pretty cool if your equilibrium can handle it.

Model3 McQueen

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Mission Space isn't "scary", but it might give you a headache like it gave me one. Even on the side that doesn't spin, the capsule closes in EXTREMELY near to your body. So that's another thing if you don't like tight spaces.

Honestly, if you're on the fence, don't do it. This is a ride I don't mind skipping.


Well-Known Member
I haven't rode Mission Space since like 2010 so I literally can't remember whether it was "scary" or not. We just got our annual passes back after 8 years (got them Nov 2018) and since we've been to Epcot we've seemed to skip it every time.

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