How Many Days for You... (Part 7)


Well-Known Member
Since the last thread had far exceeded the 5000 post mark & this is obviously one of the most popular thread series on WDWmagic, we will continue sharing our countdowns here. Post away folks:



Well-Known Member
you are so right! ive been looking at the countdown differently lately. as of today we have 430 days...we started out this countdown on may 6th of 2012, the day after we got back from our last trip and we were at i think 718 days away lol....the countdown drags on, but when your there on the magic express, the first couple days are fine because your thinking at days end, "ok, its alright cause we have 6 full days left" etc, but then, every night on the buses back to the resort, my eyes always drift to the date and time above the bus drivers head and the days start flying by lol....then its all more getting up early (6ish) and walking by myself to the food court for my coffee, taking my time while my familys still asleep, walking through the resort as the sun starts peeking through the palm trees, no more piling the family at breakfast, trying to hurry to get on the next bus to MK or epcot more having a mickey ice cream under a tree near liberty square waiting for the afternoon all know what im talking about!!!! so learn to love the countdown! i come on here everyday, and i get excited, watching everyones countdowns go down. i look forward to booking my package this summer, making my ADRs in october, making everyone give me disney giftcards for my bday and christmas lol...geez i cant wait until the morning of april 26th, 2014 at 6 am! it will be WDW time!!!

I totally agree. Along with this countdown I keep an internal countdown as well; I will be making my reservations this September, then making my ADR's next March and I cannot wait. Now instead of saying I will be making my reservations next year or going back to Disney in two years it becomes clearer everyday that my time arriving in Disney is so close!
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