How long has Expedition Everest looked like this?

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
Saw this for myself a few days ago and it just looks awful. I realize it was an attempt to make sure that Bamboo doesn't fall into the path of Ride Vehicles, but they've got to come up with another solution!


We need time for things to happen.
Stop over reacting about the ride vehicle building. Just about every roller coaster ride I have been on in my life u usually end up riding through those areas or next to them. It's just rediculous what you people complain about on here sometimes...

Yes exactly - EVERY OTHER're not on EVERY OTHER ROLLECOASTER. You're on EE the flagship ride of AK....which happens to reside in WDW, the place that made it's name by having world class theming and immersiveness. This is presumably one of the many reasons you get charged more to enter the parks than you do at EVERY OTHER theme park in the world.


Well-Known Member
Bamboo is authentic and makes a great "wall" but they might want to pick a couple of Asian broadleaf substitutes in while it gets there. Bamboo is unwieldy. I think when they cut it, they found like many people that it jeopardized the structural integrity of the "wall" it was creating. But yes to those who say this is nitpicking, this is WDW and we do expect more. We go here to be taken out of reality for a week or more, not to be immersed in it.

The MaD Hatter

Well-Known Member
Saw this for myself a few days ago and it just looks awful. I realize it was an attempt to make sure that Bamboo doesn't fall into the path of Ride Vehicles, but they've got to come up with another solution!
If that's the concern, then it seems like an easy solution would be tall bamboo behind some type of netting to prevent it from falling on the track. Even fake, fabricated bamboo/foliage would be better than what we have now.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's awful. Same with Kali.

The bamboo was cut down incase it fell onto something or someone after the Tree of Life incident.

I kid you not. It began about 6 weeks ago.
Yes in areas. It was a park knee jerk reaction to the Tree incident. Read into that what you will but the morning it happend EE CMs were very vocal to park management to protest their dislike. And then they butchered Kali too.

Way to go DAK management.

((forehead smack))

Then again, why am I not surprised? At all?

The MaD Hatter

Well-Known Member
After looking at the photos again, it seems plausible that they cleared the area in order to add something else there. They most certainly won't leave it this way....I hope!


Well-Known Member
To pile on DAK's sightline woes, I was saddened to notice that several white backstage garage-like buildings (the upper portions) are visible now from several points within the tiger areas of Maharajah Jungle Trek. DAK management must have reduced plantings there as well (I was there back in April). True shame because Maharajah, when landscape/sightlines are properly attended to, may be the most transportative, beautiful zoo habitat on the planet.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
After looking at the photos again, it seems plausible that they cleared the area in order to add something else there. They most certainly won't leave it this way....I hope!
I was wondering the same thing. A more permanent (but costly) solution would be to screen off the area with more rockwork or perhaps a facade of a Himalayan village. Here's hoping that something suitable comes ASAP.


Well-Known Member
I try to look at the positives of such things, but does anyone know if they will be "trimming" up around the Tree of Life? All of the foliage has grown up so much around the base, you can't see the tress as well anymore??


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In the Parks


Well-Known Member
Yeah I rode everest a month ago and thought it was odd that I could see back there but I have no pictures of what it used to look like


Well-Known Member
Ok, you all seem to going a little too far in the complaining. If it had been clear cut and left barren I could understand, but the new plants are in place and growing. This is no different than when a new park opens and the foliage just hasn't grown in. How long was the Magic Kingdom like this before it's foliage filled in the gaps? Sometimes you all seem to complain out of pure boredom, pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you all seem to going a little too far in the complaining. If it had been clear cut and left barren I could understand, but the new plants are in place and growing. This is no different than when a new park opens and the foliage just hasn't grown in. How long was the Magic Kingdom like this before it's foliage filled in the gaps? Sometimes you all seem to complain out of pure boredom, pathetic.

I know foliage needs to grow in, but the issue here is not just that trees or plants need to grow in more fully, but that now you can clearly see right into an ugly backstage area from the elaborately themed Everest attraction. So it actually is a different situation.

It doesn't matter that foliage is missing, even if temporarily -- they should do whatever it takes to make sure that backstage area is not visible.

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