How long has Expedition Everest looked like this?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter that foliage is missing, even if temporarily -- they should do whatever it takes to make sure that backstage area is not visible.

Agreed, even "doing whatever is takes", wouldn't be that expensive. They could put in a row of potted plants with a green tarp behind them, not that expensive as the area is relatively small, though it really wrecks any sort of theming they are going for.

It would take about 25 box cypress trees (or another plant), some green tarp, wooden pole for the tarp . . . funny they never panted the cement green back there, would have helped hide the presence of all this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Surely they must have some black cloth left over from inside the attraction that could be used as a temporary "wall" here, ala Tower of Terror 5th dimension. o_O


Well-Known Member
If you check out this ride video, at the beginning you can see a white backstage building through the bambo, it is possible that the new plants will hide the backstage area better than the bamboo. I doubt that they took out the bamboo because of issues with it falling as it isn't that heavy and wasn't right next to the train.



Well-Known Member
You've got to love DAK management. They go from one extreme to another. In this situation, they go overboard and cut back all the foliage and then it'll be lightning and raining but they'll still send MJJP out during that. They say Safe "D" begins with everyone but in reality it's like screw the parade cast.

haha, It's not just Entertainment nor DAK management. The entire property is like that. Gotta love it.


Well-Known Member
You act as though Disney does these things with the intention of ing off it's customers. Disney saw a problem and took action to solve it, and for a period backstage will be visible for a few seconds as the train leaves the loading dock. Stop taking everything Disney does personally and you will have a far better time.

I agree with you 100%!

It's not like TDO does things with the intention of ing off its customers because that would require them to actually think about their customers at all ...

Rose Marie

These Everest pics are a little disconcerting, seeing backstage like that is not what I'd expect to see at at WDW. Looks as bad as California Screaming. :eek: Anybody have pictures of what happened at Kali?

DL hasn't cut down any foliage that I know of but they have put up a lot of rails. See the disaster that Alice in Wonderland is currently dealing with.


Well-Known Member
I'll give Disney the benefit of the doubt on this one.

This certainly wasn't "cheap", as they're often accused (it's cheaper to leave it, put up chain link fences, etc) And they can't be criticized for past safety oversights (DL BTMRR) and then criticized for going overboard on this issue.

The danger, I assume is not so much the bamboo directly falling on someone, but rather the risk that it will fall and block the path of a self-propelled ride vehicle, causing injury during a collision. Neither Kali or Everest can stop a vehicle outside brake zones.

They have probably never had this concern on Jungle Cruise (or the RR) because the vehicles are driven by a human who can stop it in time to avoid a collision.

Also, give Disney some credit. This is the company that spends thousands of dollars making custom-decorated tarps when they paint buildings. Obviously they see what you all see. An just like the complaints about the "ugly green walls" of the Dumbo tent before it was landscaped, this may call for a little patience. It's really ridiculous to expect them to tear out bamboo and replace it within days.

Now if it looks this same way a month from now....

(I don't quite understand the bamboo connection to the Tree of Life branches falling. The ToL seems to be a structural integrity issue versus wind-blown plants)

Yes, but here is the thing.... the Bamboo was initially removed the week of July 23rd so its already been over a month

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
It hasn't been this way for very long guys. We all know it won't be left this way.
I don't have proof, but I know I saw it looking this way since at least late June.

Everest is kinda built whacky, they've got this great immersive queue, and then just plain old landscaping between that and the mountain. It's never even been close to the "jungle" type landscaping they put into Adventureland (at least in Disneyland), which looks wild, yet is really maintained by horticulture.
To be fair, the non-mountain sections did look pretty barren when Everest opened, but eventually that bamboo and landscaping grew to be decently full and lush, as seen in this video from a year ago:

as someone pointed out, if you look through the trees you can, in fact, still see backstage, but when you have to look that hard, 90% of people wouldn't even notice.
Anybody have pictures of what happened at Kali?
No pictures, but I did ride it recently and there are several spots where big patches of bamboo that formerly enclosed and towered over the river are now just small stubs. It doesn't look totally barren like in these Everest pics, but the feeling of being in a dense jungle is somewhat lost.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
You act as though Disney does these things with the intention of ing off it's customers.
They're not cartoonishly evil enough that they're trying to their customers off. They're just so dumb that they think their customers won't notice or care; they don't realize that doing little things like this (if we can call this little) is what made them king of the theme park industry.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I remember hearing after the Paris Thunder accident (rock falling on train), and the Tree of Life incident (branch falling down) that Disney would no longer approve of overhead show elements.

I didn't expect that to mean foliage. Wow.

Half of DAK is bamboo wall. Frankly, it makes me feel almost claustrophobic, and I tend to get a bit bored by it. If you walk from the Oasis via the island to Asia, there's bamboo pretty much all along the route. But this just looks silly.

Anybody got any pictures of Kali? Maybe we won't even notice any difference there, considering the theme of Kali pretty much is 'slashed tropical plants' anyway...


Well-Known Member
Did not read the whole post so I apologize if this is a duplicate.
I know that there is a disease that has effected bamboo plant an there leaves. Wondering g if this is why it was clear cut to prevent its spread.


Well-Known Member
Unless someone can confirm otherwise, It looks to me like whats growing now is just new sprouts from the stumps of what they slashed.

It looks to be (stupidly) in the same location as the last wall of bamboo.

You can see what appears to be little stumps of which I assume were the previous plants.

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