So it seems that in today's age it's becoming the trend for more and more people to have tattoos. My wife and I are tattoo free and if I'm honest I've never liked the look of tattoos and find them kind of ugly. That being said I'm sure there's some people who find me kind of ugly too, so I'm not suggesting people shouldn't get tattoos based on my tastes and it's up to them what they do with their bodies. I also understand that a person's desire to have a tattoo doesn't reflect on their ability to do a certain type of job, so for instance we shouldn't think a doctor with tattoos is any less qualified or capable than one without them. Basically I'm firstly trying to clarify here that I have no issue with those who want or have tattoos, neither am I questioning their choice to have them.
I do however applaud certain companies rules such as Disney's, to have their employees cover their tattoos up whilst in front of their customers. Whilst I accept some think this 'discriminatory' (and technically is probably is), I find it on a par with expecting employees to dress to a certain standard as appearances are important to many companies and their customers expect and demand a certain image from their employees.
However times are a changing as they say and where I work in the UK used to enforce the rule of tattoos not being visible at work, a few years ago however they let that slide and now several colleagues openly display their tattoos. Now some of these people are my friends and I certainly don't judge them for having them, also they have no effect on their in work performance which is why they're there at the end of the day. But (apologies to you tattoo people) I find big tattoos and especially neck, face and hand ones really off putting and really hope in a few years time I'm not seeing them on Disney CM's as I visit the parks. I compare it to CM's looking untidy or wearing food stained or dirty clothing whilst on duty, it's an appearance issue more than anything else.
But with the way things are going and the current popularity of multiple tattoos all over people's bodies, how long do you think it will be before we see CM's allowed to display them?