How do you save $$ for your WDW trip?


New Member
Everyone knows that WDW is expensive...but WELL worth it! Is there any special way you save for your trips to the world? I make candles as a hobby/side job, and sell them. All of my candle money is my "play" money, so this year I've decided to play at WDW!! It may take me 8-12 months to save it this way, but at least I know I've earned every mickey bar! How do you save for your trips?


Active Member
I used to buy Disney Dollars each time I go to the mall. That way the money can't be spent on silly things like groceries, gas, electricity etc. This year I am putting money on the Disney gift card each trip to the mall. Since the Disney Stores sell hardly any adult clothes, it is easy not to be tempted to buy anything there except to add money to the card.
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I work part time so my family and I can have some extra play money and since I work in the mall when pay day comes I always head to the Disney store and buy some Disney Dollars and put them away for our next's not cash so we're not tempted to spend it.....and the kids like paying with Disney Dollars when we're there it adds to the magic for them.
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
I sell things on ebay to pay for the plane fare and park tickets and down payment for resort.....both things I resell and things we no longer need. I use my Disney Visa to pay for everything throughout the year...groceries, gas, etc. and use the dollars earned to pay for most of our food. Usually get 400-600 dollars per trip that way....and I do pay off my bill each month....:king:. It's rather funny as I have a few gf's who plot each trip as well....and each time a small 'windfall' comes our way our minds first think...park ticket...airplane ticket...etc. We were all talking the other day and admitting we should be thinking new driveway....but that's no fun!!! I am thinking if that tax thing goes through this spring it may get earmarked for disneying.....if the driveway doesn't get its way....:lol:

Also all our loose change goes into a mickey bank and rolled towards spending $$$...and finally the resort balance is paid for with our tax refund filed before each trip.
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Think Disney Dollars can be used for anything in the park....I prefer a card to swipe...use up my reward dollar card first then use my Disney Visa for the rest....and earn more rewards....if you stay at a resort you can use your room card throught the parks.
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New Member
Thanks. Sounds like Disney Dollars would make great xmas and birthday presents from Grandparents over the next year so DS can buy whatever he wants at the park. Goodness knows he doesn't need any more toys for gifts.
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DVC Dave

New Member
Thanks. Sounds like Disney Dollars would make great xmas and birthday presents from Grandparents over the next year so DS can buy whatever he wants at the park. Goodness knows he doesn't need any more toys for gifts.

Thats exactly the way we look at it. Especially the closer we get to a trip. We also get Disney Dollars for us ( mom and dad) so that we have some untapped money to spend in the World!
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My husband comes home to eat lunch and we eat a lot of dinner's at home, because we found that we were spending sooooo much money on food during the week that it was ridiculous!!!! Also we try to use cash during the week for non-necessity purchases, so we put all change in the big jar (we had almost $400 for our last trip) and at the end of the week we put all the left over cash in there, too.

We have found that these two little things helped us save all of our spending money and mousekeeping tips for the week!

Great Thread!!!! :wave: The Disney Dollar idea is awesome!
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Thanks. Sounds like Disney Dollars would make great xmas and birthday presents from Grandparents over the next year so DS can buy whatever he wants at the park. Goodness knows he doesn't need any more toys for gifts.

They are really fun and cool, because each one has a different character on them and they are festively decorated :)!
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DVC Dave

New Member
We get to go to Disney World about every 2 years. Some of the ways we save: We never spend our change. it gets thrown into a jar and adds up until we are about 2 weeks away from our trip. Its amazing how much those coins can add up. We usuallt have enough to pay for a plane ticket and maybe half another. Its kind of like "free money"
We collect and return refundable bottles. My Wife and I work in retail where there are pop machines. We collect the empties and thats another bit of "free money"
Lastly we create a Disney World Bill and pay it every month just as if it was due. Thats how we pay the bulk of our trip.
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Well-Known Member
Everyone knows that WDW is expensive...but WELL worth it! Is there any special way you save for your trips to the world?

Work bl**dy hard !!!! I do as much overtime as my body will take and save that money in a seperate, higher interest earning account. I appreciate the efforts I make - I just hope the family do too
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Well-Known Member
I have a separate bank account that's used solely as a vacation fund. 10% off the top of any and all money coming in goes into that account. As a fail safe, this account is not hooked up or linked to any bank card, so the only way to access it is online or at a bank branch.

I also collect Airmiles, which helps with flights and MYW tickets.
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Well-Known Member
I second the Disney Visa...I pay all my regular bills with it (gas, groceries, cell phone, etc.), pay off the card at the end of every month, then use the Disney Rewards dollars as food/play money in the parks.

I really like the ideas of starting a "vacation fund" where I can put away a bit of money for each trip...just might have to start that one. :cool:
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The Mom

Premium Member
Saving change is a good idea, and I also save $1 bills. You tend to think twice before breaking a $5 rather than a $1.

I started saving them for my hurricane fund, but over the years I've accumulated enough to buy a generator, small refrigerator, lots of battery powered fans, tarps, plywood, etc and any other durable supplies I could think of, so I keep a few hundred for last minute supplies, plus ready cash. (I also have $50 worth of quarters for laundry, in the hopes that I can find one with power)

The rest goes into a vacation fund once a month. :)
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New Member
Ways my family saves for Disney:

1. We collect and recycle Aluminum Cans (This is not much but it helps)
2. I do side work (drafting/rendering) and some of that money goes to Disney
3. I just opened an ING Direct Savings account which has a great rate and all our savings money goes into that online account which adds some change plus I received an offer that gave me $25 just for opening.
4. I also just started doing online surveys that pay cash and I am putting that toward Disney. (I checked into these real good and have been very hesitant about them but they do pay out.)
5. Any and all change goes into our savings as well.

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Well-Known Member
The contents of our milk bottle full of change and my Disney Visa rewards are paying for all our food this trip. Very exciting =)

4. I also just started doing online surveys that pay cash and I am putting that toward Disney. (I checked into these real good and have been very hesitant about them but they do pay out.)
I do these when work is slow too. I only made $26 in the past year, but hey, it's something.
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Active Member
Thanks. Sounds like Disney Dollars would make great xmas and birthday presents from Grandparents over the next year so DS can buy whatever he wants at the park. Goodness knows he doesn't need any more toys for gifts.
That is exactly what we do with our kids(DD11 and DS6). I hold their Disney Dollars in seperate envelopes with their names on them and they can buy whatever they want while on vacation but, they know that when the money is gone that is it! I don't have to spend any of my own money on souveniers for them and I don't have to listen to the begging, "please, please, please, I won't ask for another thing, I promise":rolleyes:!
They typically wind up with approx. $200 in Disney Dollars each to spend for the week. I am always amazed at how careful they are when it comes to spending their Disney Dollars.
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Well-Known Member
I have money direct deposited into my vacation fund at the Credit Union. All my change goes into a jar. And I just bought a big hard plastic piggy bank at the dollar store. It doesn't have a plug in it, so the only way to get the money out will be to cut a hole in it. That's where any extra cash will go (overtime, tax rebate, etc.) Once a trip is booked, usually about 4-6 months out, I do the Disney gift card thing on every trip to the mall. If you take it in little bites, it's a whole lot easier to swallow.

I'm considering taking my great niece-6 & nephew-9 down around this time next year (my niece is a single mom and has NO extra money.) I took two of the containers the Crystal Light tubs come in, cut a slot in the lid and glued the lid to the container. I'll let them decorate with some Disney stickers, and they can start savings their own spending money.
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