How do you save $$ for your WDW trip?


New Member
Everyone knows that WDW is expensive...but WELL worth it! Is there any special way you save for your trips to the world? I make candles as a hobby/side job, and sell them. All of my candle money is my "play" money, so this year I've decided to play at WDW!! It may take me 8-12 months to save it this way, but at least I know I've earned every mickey bar! How do you save for your trips?


Active Member
I'm also a change saver. If you take your loose change out of your purse, etc. every evening, you'd be surprised how fast it adds up. I also work lots and lots of OT. :snore:
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Well-Known Member
I figure up how much the trip will cost (resort, tix, food, gas) and then divide by the number of months until we go and put that much in a savings account each month. I also use the Disney Visa for everything and pay it off every month. From July 2004 - Dec 2005, I accumulated 800 reward points (remodeled 2 houses and put everything on the Disney Visa). That was enough to pay the difference between Pop and WL, so we stayed at WL for 6 nights (MK side woods view).
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santa's surpriz

New Member
I take $100 out of every pay to cover coffee, lunches, etc for the two week pay period, anything left goes to savings. As far as the extra change I create I have a piggy bank I keep at my desk. On every Tuesday or Wednesday I dump the change out of my purse and put in my piggy, on the last day of the month I deposit it to a vacation savings. That vacation savings also receives all of my reimbursed amounts from expense reports and my flexible spending accounts thru work.

I also do the keep the change program w. BOA.
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Every night change goes into my Mickey bank. When it gets full we roll it and take it to the bank. That also includes money we get back for bringing back all the cans and bottles. I also take the money that is saved by using coupons in the grocery store and set it aside. When I reach $100 or more I take it to the bank and convert to it $100 dollar bills. Not as tempted to use them on a whim like a 5, 10 or 20. Holidays, birthday, anniversary if anyone asks what I want the answer is Disney Dollars. My husband even gave them to me for Valentine's Day! You may not think it's romantic but a great dinner at Disney is! If I get any rebates that goes into the Disney fund. It all adds up! Disney Visa is also great. I may even try a garage sale this spring!
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I have my bank account automatically transfer a certain amount every pay, into a saving account that is a trip only savings account. By the time we are ready to go next to celebrate my son's 10'th BDay at WDW, I'll have enough to cover Flight, Hotel, Transportation, Park Admission and Food. I won't have to worry about spending money on anything, except maybe some souvenirs. But even that will probably be covered. Plus the amount that goes into that savings account is not that much, so we don't miss it.
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New Member
We have a money tin that you can't get into unless you use a can opener the kids have their money boxes and bank accounts but for most of it i have envelopes that when i get paid i put £200 into every month untill i have about £2500 then we change into travellers cheques and a few dollars$$$$$$ then were ready then when we get to WDW we add up how much we have then divide it between how many days were there then we know how much money we have to spend and we never have to use the plastic!!:D:D:D:cool:
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Well-Known Member
Work bl**dy hard !!!! I do as much overtime as my body will take and save that money in a seperate, higher interest earning account. I appreciate the efforts I make - I just hope the family do too

I do that too! I guess the fact that i don't have children helps too!
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Active Member
I save change, I am the advisor for the Future Teachers of America club and I coach track(indoor and outdoor). I also try to do a summer curriculum project each year. All of my extra curricular money goes right to the "Disney Fund".
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We have a jar for loose dollars and change that we save up and it goes as extra spending money for my children while they are at Disney. I also buy them a $100 gift card about mid ways before the trip so that it's already ready for them. While we are paying for the trip, I take $500 every pay check and pay towards the trip. That way it's not too hard to get that balance down and when I'm doing our budget I just budget with a $1000 less a month.

I also ask the Grandparents to give Disney Dollars or Disney gift card for birthday gifts. Everytime my Mom sends a card to my children, she usually puts in a few dollars to surprise them, so she'll go to her Disney Store and get disney dollars and send them instead. It usually amounts to a nice little bit for the trip :)
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New Member
I also buy them a $100 gift card about mid ways before the trip so that it's already ready for them. While we are paying for the trip, I take $500 every pay check and pay towards the trip. That way it's not too hard to get that balance down and when I'm doing our budget I just budget with a $1000 less a month.

Wow! I wish I had that kinda money. Every penny I make (not counting side work) goes to paying bills etc. So we literally scrape together money for our trips, and it is very worth while! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I also have a Mickey bank. It's full right now so I need to empty it and start over again. I have no idea how much is in it (I tend to only put quarters in) so I hope that I am pleasantly surprised.
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Well-Known Member
So many change savers :)

I save change as well, but the problem is I never cash it in :)

I also seperate out pennies. I have an old canvas bank bag that has about 60 pounds of pennies in it. I keep it on the floor for people to trip over :) I just can't bring myself to cash it in.

I use my Disney Visa when I can, which gets me reward points. I also get a bonus every year. A take that and divide it up. Some goes immediately to some things I want - like a new computer. Some goes into savings. The rest goes into a seperate account for "discretionary spending" - vacations, "toys", things like that.

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Wow! I wish I had that kinda money. Every penny I make (not counting side work) goes to paying bills etc. So we literally scrape together money for our trips, and it is very worth while! :sohappy:

We're just lucky right now that we don't have hardly any debt, so our monthly output isn't really high. I agree, Disney trips are very worth while :)
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Active Member
DS's preschool has a consignment sale every spring and fall. Since I'm not looking for anything at the sale this time around, I think I'll use the money earned from selling as Mad Mouse Money at the park in May!
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New Member
We're just lucky right now that we don't have hardly any debt, so our monthly output isn't really high. I agree, Disney trips are very worth while :)

This is awesome! I am working on paying off debt as well. Our family Disney vacation is pretty much all we do all year long, so I am very committed to making that happen.

Question for Disney Visa Card members! What is the reward scenario on this card and how much do you really get back on it?
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