How busy is WDW during Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I've got a friend thinking about taking a trip here during Thanksgiving weekend because he's heard its one of the slowest times of the year. Is this true?


Premium Member
Not only is it busy, but the restaurants jack up the prices for that weekend. We paid around $130 for a buffet on Thanksgiving day a couple years ago that should have cost half that much.


Premium Member
Not only is it busy, but the restaurants jack up the prices for that weekend. We paid around $130 for a buffet on Thanksgiving day a couple years ago that should have cost half that much.

Yep you are in the lovely "Holiday pricing"! Gotta love that one.


New Member
We've gone in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, and it's relatively quiet. As a matter of fact, the first half of November is our favorite time to go. But we'd NEVER attempt WDW on Thanksgiving weekend--I've heard many, many times it's a zoo. If I remember correctly, once Thanksgiving is over, and through the first two weeks of December, it quiets down again till the Christmas rush. I'm sure someone will correct me if that information is wrong.


Well-Known Member
A couple of years ago we were there the week of Thanksgiving...but we left on Wednesday afternoon. The weekend before was pretty slow, but by Wednesday, you could barely walk in the Magic Kingdom. We basically did a few things early, got in line to see the Princesses as soon as Toontown opened, then left - it just got too crowded to even move around.

As others said, I think your friend heard wrong...or heard that from someone that doesn't like them very much!!


Well-Known Member
I have been there twice the week after Thanksgiving and the crowds were light on both trips. The second trip I dont even recall having to get a single fastpass. I booked my trip for the same week this year and I am hoping to find the same.


New Member
I think this yr is going to be different, since they extended the free dining in Nov. & Dec. the only days that are blacked out for T-day are 11/25-28. So I think this is going to be crowded no matter what.


Well-Known Member
When I went a few years ago, the parks were ridicously crowded until about 3pm, then the crowds thinned out. I think everyone was heading to dinner about that time. Had a great Thanksgiving Day dinner at Fulton's of all places - traditional Thanksgiving fare. Best Thanksgiving I ever had as it was the only time since being an adult that I didn't have to cook or deal with the in-laws. :lol: Parks were super crowded again on Friday, but by mid day Saturday, the crowds had thinned.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member's, not quiet, its going to be crowded. :lol: But,that being said, when we went a few years ago, we actually didn't think it was that bad. Using FastPass, we actually managed to get quite a few attractions done in both Epcot and MK. The important thing is to realize that it will be busy; knowing that, tell yourself to make it a nice, slow, leisurely day, and you'll have a great time and the crowds won't exhaust or frustrate you. :wave:


Well-Known Member
We did it once and I would never do it again. It was insanely crowded. MK was shutting down by 10:00 in the morning. You literally could not move or do anything. We ended up spending most of our time at DHS & AK. They were still crowded but not as bad as MK. If it was the only time I could go.. as much as I love WDW I would stay home.


Well-Known Member
Thanksgiving Week

My daughter and I went for the full week of Thanksgiving last year. It wasn't too bad up until the day before Thanksgiving...after that, I was ready for a turkey shoot! LOL

That being was still wonderful and filled with the spirit of Holiday Season and such. So much so...we leave in 37 days for another full week during Thanksgiving!

Best of luck and tell your friend to have a blast if he/she decides to go...:wave:


New Member
Beginning in the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day it seems that everyone in the greater Orlando area, and all their visiting relatives, head for WDW.
That lasts into Monday morning.

IMHO, go the week before or the week after.
Good luck.


Active Member
Don't even think about going Thanksgiving weekend unless you love immense crowds, pushing, 3 hour ride waits, jacked prices, professional pickpockets, etc


Well-Known Member
We've gone in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, and it's relatively quiet. As a matter of fact, the first half of November is our favorite time to go.

Yup, I went mid Nov. last year, and no lines, I mean no lines (my wife and I got to stay on Test Track for 2 rides without having to get off). Very good time to go. The only problem we had last year was that a cold front came through, and it was really cold (for Orlando) like in the 40's :eek:

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