Hotelier Ian Schrager working on Disney Hotels.


Well-Known Member
A sarcastic post about "the 1%" is absolutely NOT a "completely valid argument about the development and interests of Walt Disney World's 'bread and butter' middle-class guests."

Never said it was. What I did say was you can't just dismiss all criticism of deluxe/premium products and amenities as "class envy". There are very real, legitimate issues which have already been documented in the other threads you referenced.

ETA: I'm absolutely not in "the 1%" but I stay in deluxe resorts. Disney's bread and butter middle class are EXACTLY the people staying in Disney's deluxe resorts.

Indeed they are. In fact it has been reported many of the moderate and value resort guests used to stay in the deluxe resorts also before there was a less expensive option (and more recently, with steeper price hikes, perhaps priced out of the deluxe properties).

There is very little - perhaps nothing - in Walt Disney World that essentially any WDW resort guest (All-Star to Grand Floridian) cannot afford to experience. You have to make choices. If you really want to stay at the Four Seasons you can, but it may be for two nights instead of a week at Pop Century. You can eat that steak at The Boathouse and 'pay for it' by eating counter service most of the trip. The problem arises, however, with the extent and presentation of many recent 'premium priced' offerings.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
I'm *thinking* my middle class situation is like most families...

We are middle class - my hubz is a drug rep and on the side, I tutor students after school (test prep and executive functioning). Even though we do "well" we still have his student loans from a private university, along with our bills/monthly expenses, and we sock the max away for retirement - so after all of that we aren't left over with much.

After having kids we could no longer afford even moderate resorts. A couple times we did Value and Shades of Green (he's in the national guard).

It can be frustrating shelling out a crapload of $$$ and feel that your not getting the value you know you can get somewhere else.

Yes, you get Disney themeing and the WDW transportation but I feel lodging there is too high. We are willing to give those things up for a better value that fits our family.

After renting a house for the first time (our most recent trip), we found more value. I'd hate to say it, but I don't see us ever going back to an on-property resort. We split the house with friends and it came to $400 for the entire 7 days - I'd like to see Disney compete with that.

The space and amenities (2,300 sq ft., 2 masters, 2 double bed kid rooms, 4 bathrooms, in-ground screened in private pool and hot tub, laundry, kitchen, game room - fully furnished down to towels, utensils and laundry soap), you get with a house was better for us - value wise.

To this day, our kids still talk about how they want to go back to "the pool house." Sometimes it's nice to break away to a non-WDW lodging option.

I know, I know... Blasphemy. :facepalm:

PS: I'll be back in The Disney area July 17-20 this year on a family matter with my sister, cousin, 82 year old Aunt and 91 year old father... We needed someplace affordable & accessible. Guess where we are staying? Yep - a house. It will only cost $60 per person for the entire stay. My cousin's daughter works for Marriott and wanted to get us $99 night rooms with her deal - until she saw the house I found.
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Grill Master
Premium Member
I usually stay at 1BR or higher WDW properties - I'll just list a couple

1 - Maintenance (veneer missing from BLT fixtures and broken appliances at checkin)
2 - Themed dinnerware removed at AKL and elsewhere in favor of cheap 'institutional' dinnerware which would be appropriate at the enlisted chow hall not the Officers wardroom.
3 - replacement of themed linens with cheap white linens
4 - reduction in quality of the toiletries as well as quantity.
5 - reduction of resort restaurant hours and menu choices.

I could go on for hours here
Sorry, but just had to reply. We also stay in at least a 1 bdr as well. I seriously doubt you could go on for hours for REAL problems CAUSED by DVC.

1 - Haven't seen hardly any maintenance issues in our many trips. We were at VGF a few weeks ago, there was a problem with one of the lights in the area with the tub, and it was fixed that day. A few years ago, we were at the SSR Treehouses, and the main TV screen was messed up. We called to let them know that they should probably replace it after we left (meaning after our trip was over because it didn't bother us), but a maintenance person showed up with a brand new TV in less than 30 minutes! If anything is broken, I hope that you alerted the manager immediately. One thing you have to understand is that DVC rooms are booked at very close to 100%, so there are bound to be a few more maintenance issues. If guests treat the room badly, it would be nice for Disney to charge them, but I have never heard of a case where they have. If you don't tell them, they can't fix it.
2 - Dinnerware? Really? I've never even noticed the dinnerware, so can't comment on it. Are you really that into the minutiae that you can remember from trip to trip what the dinnerware looked and felt like???? I guess I have to ask, why would Disney spend the money to buy new dinnerware, when they already had it??? I guess you were really upset over the napkins as well.
3 - Cheap is certainly in the eyes of the beholder. I have traveled extensively for business and stayed at many 3 and 4 star hotels, and Disney's are the same quality as I've experienced elsewhere. Oh, and yes, I am both Hilton Diamond and Marriott Platinum as well.
4 - The new H20 toiletries are definitely a step above what was there several years ago. Just because they say Disney Parks on them, doesn't make them cheap. We even bought some of the H20 products when we got home, because we liked them so much.
5 -Ok, you mentioned ONE restaurant, so hardly a reason for a blanket statement about all of them. We love the Turf Club and eat there at least once every trip when we stay at SSR. We have NEVER eaten lunch there, even when open, so I can understand why they changed to dinner only.

I'm sorry, but you are simply wrong about DVC hurting the deluxe resorts. Oh, and have you seen the threads about the complete re-do of the Poly's main pool? That was paid for by DVC, so you can thank them for that. It is very doubtful that a complete re-do would have happened with DVC moving in.


Grill Master
Premium Member
We are middle class - husband is a drug rep and I tutor students after school (test prep and executive functioning) on the side. We could no longer afford deluxe resorts and even moderate. We did Value and Shades (he's in the national guard). However, after renting a house last time, we found more value. I'd hate to say it, but I don't see us ever going back to an on-property resort.

The space and amenities (private pool and hot tub, laundry, kitchen, game room), you get with a house was better for us - value wise.

To this day our kids still talk about how they want to go back to "the pool house." Sometimes it's nice to break away to a non-WDW lodging option.

I know, I know... Blasphemy. :facepalm:
Not blasphemy. Just what you choose to do so that you can continue to go to WDW. Nothing wrong with that at all.


Resident Curmudgeon
Sorry, but just had to reply. We also stay in at least a 1 bdr as well. I seriously doubt you could go on for hours for REAL problems CAUSED by DVC.

1 - Haven't seen hardly any maintenance issues in our many trips. We were at VGF a few weeks ago, there was a problem with one of the lights in the area with the tub, and it was fixed that day. A few years ago, we were at the SSR Treehouses, and the main TV screen was messed up. We called to let them know that they should probably replace it after we left (meaning after our trip was over because it didn't bother us), but a maintenance person showed up with a brand new TV in less than 30 minutes! If anything is broken, I hope that you alerted the manager immediately. One thing you have to understand is that DVC rooms are booked at very close to 100%, so there are bound to be a few more maintenance issues. If guests treat the room badly, it would be nice for Disney to charge them, but I have never heard of a case where they have. If you don't tell them, they can't fix it.
2 - Dinnerware? Really? I've never even noticed the dinnerware, so can't comment on it. Are you really that into the minutiae that you can remember from trip to trip what the dinnerware looked and felt like???? I guess I have to ask, why would Disney spend the money to buy new dinnerware, when they already had it??? I guess you were really upset over the napkins as well.
3 - Cheap is certainly in the eyes of the beholder. I have traveled extensively for business and stayed at many 3 and 4 star hotels, and Disney's are the same quality as I've experienced elsewhere.
4 - The new H20 toiletries are definitely a step above what was there several years ago. Just because they say Disney Parks on them, doesn't make them cheap. We even bought some of the H20 products when we got home, because we liked them so much.
5 -Ok, you mentioned ONE restaurant, so hardly a reason for a blanket statement about all of them. We love the Turf Club and eat there at least once every trip when we stay at SSR. We have NEVER eaten lunch there, even when open, so I can understand why they changed to dinner only.

I'm sorry, but you are simply wrong about DVC hurting the deluxe resorts. Oh, and have you seen the threads about the complete re-do of the Poly's main pool? That was paid for by DVC, so you can thank them for that. It is very doubtful that a complete re-do would have happened with DVC moving in.

Actually I could go on for hours about what's wrong with the hotels, We are down there 3x year so I get plenty of opportunities to see whats wrong with the hotels. I've been DVC since the 90's so I remember when the resorts were indeed first class, This is no longer the case.


Resident Curmudgeon
Why continue to stay somewhere that you complain about incessantly. Stay at a freakin' Marriott and rent your points already. 3 times a year? Are you a *********?

ETA- I typed m a s o c h i s t. Unsure why thats blurred out

Because DW and Kids like it still. That's reason enough, And my comments annoy pixie dusters so that's fun too


Well-Known Member
Because DW and Kids like it still. That's reason enough, And my comments annoy pixie dusters so that's fun too

I went to watch Frozen on ice with my daughter because she loves it. Not my cup of tea, but I enjoyed it enough because she was so happy about it.
Know what I didn't do? Come on a forum and make 6,969 posts about how much I disliked it.

Eh, to each his own on how we waste our time


Well-Known Member
Truly the maintenance at BLT is pretty I would agree...they are valid criticisms..Last year our Grand Villa was quite run-down looking. I don't know if everyone thrashes their hotel rooms when on vacation, but it always looks like that. They do keep them clean, but the condition of the furnishings et-al always leave a little to be desired. We are staying at the Poly Bora Bora Bungalows this year... will be interesting to see if they are as beat up...
And beyond that, I have stayed at the Grand Floridian, The Contemporary... The Boardwalk...all of Disney's premium hotels, and have always found them to be substandard to their real world counterparts (outside of Disney) I guarantee you the at room at the Four Seasons or Waldorf Astoria will be much nicer in their appointments than any Disney hotel... I was shocked at the Grand Floridian in a Concierge level room to have cheap bedding and towels...Certainly for that price they are charging, they could do much better....maybe a Hotelier would bring them up to speed...


Grill Master
Premium Member
Actually I could go on for hours about what's wrong with the hotels, We are down there 3x year so I get plenty of opportunities to see whats wrong with the hotels. I've been DVC since the 90's so I remember when the resorts were indeed first class, This is no longer the case.
Well, I disagreed with every item you posted earlier, as have some others, so please add on to your list as to how bringing DVC into one of the deluxe resorts has lessened the experience of staying there. I am interested in your opinion, even if I don't agree with it.

Oh, and I guess since I am not a pixie duster, you don't annoy me in the slightest. Always glad to have a civilized discussion here. :D


Well-Known Member
I don't think in general that DVC has hurt the resorts they have gone into... a lot of positives mostly... except they did build that hideous store in the Grand Canyon Concourse.... but that is minor


Well-Known Member
I posted in the DVC forum about my experience with my stay at the VGF and what I did to make sure the manager knows of all issues when I leave. So I detail out the issues paint scraps etc and turn it in. The manager is beyond grateful and immediately geta on the phone.

So again guest need to be responsible. Let them know as they don't see everything and people are complete scums to property that is not their own.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Pretty sure that abomination was there way before DVC
No. Added about the same time or slightly before. Don't know if it was added for or in anticipation of DVC, though. IIRC, Disney eliminated the Concourse Steakhouse, expanded Chef Mickey and created the Contempo Cafe in its place, then converted the previous counter serve and arcade into The Wave, created a new arcade on the side of the concourse where a store previously was, and then made a new store in the middle of the freakin' concourse. I believe the finishing touches on that store happened while Bay Lake Tower was under construction.
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