Hot Times in the World: A June 2011 Trip Report!

We’ve been home for a week, I’m back at work, and reality is truly setting in. Time to escape it with a trip report!

The cast includes myself (Shannon, 27) and my husband Will (26) spending 8 days in WDW for our second anniversary!

Since this was an anniversary trip and all, here we are a little over 2 years ago on our wedding day…


…and 2 days later on our honeymoon!


We’ve been together since February 2005, and we met in math class during my junior and his sophomore year in college. NERDS.

This was our fourth trip to WDW together after the aforementioned honeymoon in May 2009 (Boardwalk Inn), a quick Thanksgiving trip with the in-laws in November 2009 (Boardwalk Inn – no trip report! For shame.), and another quick trip in February for the 2011 Princess Half Marathon (Port Orleans – Riverside).

For this trip we decided to rent DVC points for the first time as a way to save some cash. Will suggested we do a split stay (great idea since I couldn’t decide on one resort anyway) and we put our requests in with excellent results. For the first 3 nights we scored a savanna-view studio villa at Kidani. For the remainder of our trip we’d be traveling back to the Atlantic coast, staying in a “preferred/boardwalk-view” studio at the Boardwalk Villas. Woot!

Pretty early on in the planning process we ultimately decided that we also wanted to fit in a one-day trip to Universal, primarily to spend a morning frolicking in HP-land. Of the two of us, I am the giant Harry Potter fan (admittedly, more a fan of the books than the movies), and being the fabulous husband that he is, Will tags along with me to the movies and enjoys them, though I don’t think he fully grasps the awesomeness of HP since he refuses to read the books. :cry:

Other than that, we made our ADRs, put down some cash for a tour, changed said ADRs a million times, and had some major face palm moments along the way :eek:

Above all else, I was most excited to get to spend some quality time with Will. It seems like we were both (separately) super busy for the entirety of spring, and I was more than ready to put real life aside and have another adventure together in WDW!



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We headed back to The Seas next, hoping to catch another show with Crush Dude. We were a bit early, so we passed the time by testing our sea knowledge.


I was deemed Sea Worthy…which means I got a less-than-stellar 50% on my quiz. Will was some sort of Sea Expert, I think.


Anything wrong with the shirt below?? :lol: (Sorry for the blurriness…I was in stealth mode when taking the picture. Didn’t want to get busted!)


Crush’s voice was a little off during this show, but he made up for it by being super funny. We enjoyed it!

After Crush, we headed back to Norway for lunch.


We split the ham and apple sandwich and the tomato vegetable soup (which I was hoping would soothe my still sore throat…and it did help a bit).


After lunch it was time to do our first-ever KP mission! But first, a shadowy picture with Snow White in Germany:


Having never done a KP mission before, we assumed that the location printed on the pass would be where our mission was…so we were off to Italy to pick up our Kimmunicator!


But…fake-out! We were actually tapped to save Germany that day.


Overall, I thought they did a great job with this. Everything blended in pretty seamlessly with the elements that were already in the pavilion and it’s a really neat idea, but we had 2 issues that made the experience not so fun. First was the heat (not Disney’s fault, obviously)…Will especially was struggling with this and was cursing himself for wearing a black shirt that morning. The second issue is that there were about 5 other families that started the same mission at the same time we did, so it look a lot of the fun out of solving the clues when someone was already doing it right in front of us. I’m hoping to try this again some other time when it’s cooler, because I feel like we missed out on how fun the experience really could be.

After successfully saving the world (you’re welcome, everyone), we headed back up to The Land to cash in our Soarin’ fastpasses.


The family behind us had who I assumed was one of those hired tour guides. He assured them that they’d get prime seats on the ride, and when they got to the front of the line they were pulled off to the side to wait for what I think were front-row center seats on the middle glider. Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to have a guide with us all day? Probably not my cup of tea.


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After touring California, we headed back to the International Gateway to return to the Boardwalk. On the way we discussed what we wanted to do the next morning (the last day of our trip :cry:) and decided to cancel our breakfast reservations at Kona Café and sleep in instead. Some other time, Tonga Toast. Some other time.

We got back to our room and finally had a swim in the Boardwalk pool. No pictures from this afternoon, but this pool was much more crowded than the pools at Animal Kingdom Lodge, and the Keister Coaster slide was a lot more fun than we remembered.

After our swim, we took a nap and enjoyed a snack from the Boardwalk Bakery on our balcony…a s’more cupcake. Yum!


Check out this art in our room…love it!


And just like every other afternoon since we’d checked in to the Boardwalk, we cleaned ourselves up and hopped on a bus to the MK, ultimately heading back to the Grand Floridian…

…what’s that you say? Life would have been much easier if we’d stayed on the monorail? Why yes, yes it would have. :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, transportation ridiculousness aside, we decided to switch things up a bit and took a boat to the Grand Floridian, rather than our usual monorail ride.

Some not-so-great pictures from the boat:





I believe the boat then headed to the Polynesian. We really enjoyed this ride…it was short (maybe 5-7 minutes), scenic and relaxing.




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Anything wrong with the shirt below?? :lol: (Sorry for the blurriness…I was in stealth mode when taking the picture. Didn’t want to get busted!)


I've enjoyed your TR, Ariel, and I don't normally read trip reports.

Um. It seems that someone was "dinking" and not proofing. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Um. It seems that someone was "dinking" and not proofing. :lol:

LOL I wonder if this was intentional! Being on his back, he/she may have skimmed over it and just threw it on! Funny for sure!

I'm loving your report, so sad you are on your last day!! I love all of your subtle humor and your photos are awesome!

We really need to try a KP mission next time we're at EPCOT. Our kids especially will love it!

And I agree, those boat rides are the best! We always try to take at least one boat to get to our destination. We love being out on the water with the warm breeze and the gentle rocking...and the unique views you get of the resorts. It is very "Disney" to us.


Well-Known Member

I'm certainly no photography expert, but here's my attempt at some advice...for the night shots I went with a slow shutter speed (30 seconds for the bench shot, for example). If you can't adjust the shutter speed on your camera then I think you want to put the camera on the nighttime picture setting without the flash on. More importantly, I think, you need to find a way to stabilize the camera (on a tripod or something)...I didn't bring a tripod so when I was going around the boardwalk I was putting my camera on tables, on fence posts (with the camera strap around my neck in case it fell off) and on the ground to make it stable. Something else I did was put the camera on a 2-second delay so that it wouldn't shake when I pressed the shutter button (so I'd press the button and it would take the picture 2 seconds later)., make sense at all?! :rolleyes:

For a less rambling, much better explanation, check out this link.

Thank you very much for your help! I will definitely play around with it again when I go at the end of September and hopefully i can get some good ones! And it did make sense :D

And thanks for the link as well! I didn't even think of looking there


Active Member
Great trip report!! I was feeling less-than-motivated at work today, so this was the perfect way to pass some time! :ROFLOL:

We stayed at AKL on our honeymoon and loved it...glad you had a good experience! Staying at BWV for the first time in November, so I'm loving your descriptions and photos. Great tip about the bus....we stayed at BLT last summer with our daughter and the monorail was SO easy with a stroller, I'm afraid we were spoiled. How was the bus service overall?

Sounds like you both had a blast....meals were amazing! Our countdown is on...cannot wait to get back there (plus it will be my first trip with my new DSLR!)


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I've enjoyed your TR, Ariel, and I don't normally read trip reports.

Um. It seems that someone was "dinking" and not proofing. :lol:

Thanks, glad you're enjoying the report! And I think your guess about "dinking" and not proofing is probably spot on. :lol:

LOL I wonder if this was intentional! Being on his back, he/she may have skimmed over it and just threw it on! Funny for sure!

I'm loving your report, so sad you are on your last day!! I love all of your subtle humor and your photos are awesome!

We really need to try a KP mission next time we're at EPCOT. Our kids especially will love it!

And I agree, those boat rides are the best! We always try to take at least one boat to get to our destination. We love being out on the water with the warm breeze and the gentle rocking...and the unique views you get of the resorts. It is very "Disney" to us.

Lesson to all - have a friend proofread your design before sending it to the printer!

I am also sad that the TR is coming to an end! These things are a great way to sort of keep the trip going :cry:

Yes, definitely try the KP mission. It sort of forced us to explore Germany a bit more than we normally do, which was nice. I'm sure your kids will have a lot of fun!

I agree with you on all counts when it comes to the boat rides...taking the boat to Downtown Disney was one of my favorite things about staying at Port Orleans Riverside in February.

ZOMG, this is HILARIOUS!!! Spell check is our friend for this reason!!! :lol:

I know, right?!

Thank you very much for your help! I will definitely play around with it again when I go at the end of September and hopefully i can get some good ones! And it did make sense :D

And thanks for the link as well! I didn't even think of looking there

No problem! The best thing you can do is just practice and see what works. Good luck!

Great trip report!! I was feeling less-than-motivated at work today, so this was the perfect way to pass some time! :ROFLOL:

We stayed at AKL on our honeymoon and loved it...glad you had a good experience! Staying at BWV for the first time in November, so I'm loving your descriptions and photos. Great tip about the bus....we stayed at BLT last summer with our daughter and the monorail was SO easy with a stroller, I'm afraid we were spoiled. How was the bus service overall?

Sounds like you both had a blast....meals were amazing! Our countdown is on...cannot wait to get back there (plus it will be my first trip with my new DSLR!)

Thanks! Glad I could contribute to your procrastination a bit :lol:

You'll love the Boardwalk...and yes, I could totally see how a person can get spoiled by having constant monorail access. For all the bus sharing going on at the Boardwalk, we didn't think the bus service was bad overall. They seemed to come pretty often in the morning, maybe every 5-10 minutes, and the rides themselves didn't seem too torturous. The buses were just crowded. If you don't mind walking I would definitely recommend getting off at the first stop when you come back from the parks (whether it be at YYacht & Beach or Swan & Dolphin) and just walking the rest of the way to the Boardwalk.

We did have a blast, and lots of good eats! Have fun with your DSLR, if you're anything like me you'll take tons more pictures now and will notice that your family is leaving you in the dust as you stay behind attempting to get that perfect shot! :lol: :lookaroun

Great TR! I love the food reports (especially for Sanaa and Jiko- now I really want to try them).

Thank you! I cannot say enough good things about Sanaa and Jiko...such unique food, great ambiance and service...overall, just great restaurants.


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After a bit of shopping in the Grand Floridian, we hopped on the resort monorail and got off at the Contemporary. It was our first time ever exploring this hotel... I have to admit that I’m actually quite nervous about posting this next portion of the report. :( So I know a lot of people here like the Contemporary…but our experience there was not great.

It started at the area near the monorail, which immediately reminded us of a mall or an airport…just not our taste I guess.


We had quite awhile until our dinner reservations, so we headed over to check out Bay Lake Tower. I’d (unsuccessfully) tried to rent points here for our January trip and we had yet to see the resort in person.


We sat in the small lobby for a bit, just sort of relaxing and looking around, but that didn’t last long. The two CMs at the desk were sort of giving us funny looks, like they didn’t think we should be there. They didn’t say anything, but it made me slightly uncomfortable, so we headed back to the A-frame.

From the walkway:






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After admiring the view from the walkway and looking through the stores near the monorail area, we checked in for our 7:50 ADRs at California Grill.


We’d wanted to try this place since our honeymoon, but the timing just hadn’t worked out until this trip. Upon entering the restaurant, I was surprised at how crowded and busy the place was…quite different from Citricos and Jiko. I’m sure it was due to the times of the ADRs (5ish at Citricos and Jiko vs. 7:50 at California Grill) and the popularity of view from California Grill. It’s well-documented that this place is pretty popular, so I’m not sure why I was so surprised by this, but I was.

After about 10 minutes, we were shown to our confetti’d table, with a larger family on our left celebrating Father’s Day and a middle-aged couple on our right. And wouldn’t you know it, this was the one place where we did not get a window table. Darn!


We sat down and almost immediately started to feel a little strange being there. I can’t quite explain it, but for whatever reason we almost got the vibe that everyone around us was just a little more well-off than we were, like we were just a couple of little kids pretending to have a fancy, grown-up meal. It was weird.



After we put in our drink orders, Will excused himself to use the bathroom. While he was gone, the bread came out.

At this point in the report I’m sure you’ve noticed that, like a lot of people here on WDWMagic, I take photographs of almost all of our meals, not only for myself but also for the rest of my WDWMagic friends! :sohappy: And let me just state that I realize this may seem odd to other folks that don’t do the same thing. When I do it, I almost never use flash (I think I did once on this trip, at Raglan Road), so in general I don’t really think it bothers anyone. Throughout the entire week I’d never gotten one funny look or comment from anyone when I did this (that I know of, anyway) except for the occasional “Hurry up already!” look from Will when he was extra hungry. Until now.

I took the photo below…


…and happened to glance at the table next to me, the one with the middle-aged couple. The woman sitting there was looking right at me. She then looked at her husband and said, kind of loudly, “Should I take a picture of the butter?” before looking back at me with a little smirk on her face, chuckling.

I have to admit, I was a little upset by this. I mean, was I ruining this woman’s evening by taking a picture of the freaking bread? Was it necessary for her to say that (and purposely loud enough so that I could hear)? I will admit I can be a bit over-sensitive at times, and I'm trying hard not to make this little story sound dramatic, but I thought this was uncalled for. And I am definitely someone who cannot hide my emotions, so I’m sure she could see I was upset/horrified, but she didn’t say anything to indicate that she was joking. Mean! :(

I relayed the story to Will when he returned, and he was like, “Seriously? I’ll say something!” I asked him not to and just decided to try to let it go so as not to ruin the entire night, but for the rest of the meal I was incredibly self-conscious that I was being watched. Add to that the fact that we were already feeling like we didn’t belong there, and you have what was by far the most uncomfortable we’ve ever been during a meal anywhere, not just in Disney.

Anyhoo, the flatbread and drinks we ordered came out, I thought, “Suck it, lady,” and continued to take my photos. :D

Anchor Steam for Will, and a Riesling for me.




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After the flatbread, I, like most other diners, walked around the restaurant a bit, trying to get some photos of the sun setting over the Magic Kingdom. It was funny, the sky turned pink and suddenly everyone whipped out their cameras and/or cell phones, trying to capture the beautiful sunset. The Cast Members at California Grill were super nice, even giving me tips on how to get the best photos (take the photo at a certain angle to reduce the glare from the windows, etc.). Ah, if only I were skilled enough to actually apply their suggestions successfully!

Anyway, one CM pointed me to an observation deck I hadn’t seen before, so I popped outside for a bit.


The railing of the other observation deck sort of messes this one up…oh well.



I was still a little upset over the food photo incident, so this was a good way to get some air and take my mind off of the whole thing. After a few minutes, I returned to our table and our entrees came out. At this point I’d had 3 steaks that week and was starting to feel like I needed to get something that perhaps would not clog my arteries quite so much, so I picked the vegetarian entrée: ravioli with artichokes, black garlic and Parmesan foam. Will chose the same dish for his meal.


(At this point, Will told me that, yet again, the woman was commenting on my picture taking. Except this time she was telling her husband that she thought it was “cute.” I didn’t hear it, and it didn’t matter at this point since she’d already made me so uncomfortable earlier.)

Anyhoo, we were not too impressed with our dinners. I honestly don’t know why I chose the ravioli and not a different non-steak entrée…I don’t think I’ve ever gotten ravioli at a restaurant and been blown away by it. It wasn’t bad, just kind of basic, especially for what we were paying for it. Beyond being somewhat fascinated by the parmesan foam, neither of us found the meal particularly interesting or memorable. We both wish we’d ordered something else.

We tried to ease the pain with dessert, which was yummy. Tasty chocolate crème brulee for Will:


And absolutely delicious espresso cheesecake for me. The ice cream is vanilla coffee, which I didn’t like, but Will thought it was pretty delicious and gobbled it right up.


Overall, this dinner was pretty disappointing. We liked the flatbread and desserts, and the service was good, but the entrees were just okay, and like I said, we felt super uncomfortable the entire time. As we were sitting at the table discussing what we thought went wrong, Will just sort of said, “Good luck writing about this. I don’t envy you at all.” Ugh. Really, I think we were expecting a lot going in to this meal, maybe too much…but why shouldn’t we have expected this meal to be great? We’d been two 2 other fabulous signature places and had been looking forward to trying this one for 2 years, and it just didn’t do it for us.

After dinner, we went out to the observation deck and set up camp to watch Magic, the Memories and You! and Wishes. In my opinion, MMY just does not work from the observation deck – you can’t see the castle projections, and if I remember correctly, they didn’t pipe in the music. (That can’t be right though…why would they pipe in the Wishes music and not MMY? Hmm…) I’d been hoping to take pictures, but with no tripod and no desire to get in the other guests’ way, it was pretty much impossible. Here’s a couple I did get from sitting on the ground:



We really loved seeing Wishes from the deck. The piping in of the music made us realize how much we had not been able to hear in the park the previous night, so that was really enjoyable for us. And it was funny to see how far back from the castle the fireworks are actually shot off.

After Wishes, we headed back down to the second floor of the Contemporary (I think the elevators from the California Grill automatically go to this floor), where a man was absolutely berating the Cast Member at the desk. I don’t know what the problem was (something was supposed to be waiting at the desk for him that was not there yet?) but this man was completely flipping out, swearing and yelling, face turning red, all that good stuff. I felt SO bad for the girl he was yelling at. It was awful, and pretty much the perfect way to end our less-than-stellar evening at the Contemporary. Sigh.

As we walked to the Magic Kingdom to catch a bus to the Boardwalk, we agreed that after this evening we’ll probably never want to stay at the Contemporary or Bay Lake Tower. I love all of the pictures of the rooms I’ve seen, and the location is awesome of course, but we were so uncomfortable all evening, start to finish. We’ve been lucky enough to go to Disney twice this year, and will go a third time in January, but we know this won’t always be possible - more than likely we’ll be going once a year in the future, if that. So a resort’s first impression really goes a long way in our deciding where we’re going to spend our time and money, and so many weird things had happened this evening at the Contemporary that it just left a bad taste in our mouths.

The funny thing is we would’ve expected to feel uncomfortable at the Grand Floridian, which is almost universally regarded as stuffy, but we didn’t experience that at all. I guess that’s why there are so many different hotels at Disney…some appeal to others, some don’t, and the Contemporary just isn’t for us.


Well-Known Member
Say what?! How rude! I'm sorry that that incident put somewhat of a damper on you're dinner. Some people can be rude. I would have reacted the same way. On the food note, my sister and her friends both had the ravioli. They HATED it. Parmisian foam sounds kind of scary. I heard it tasted weird. I wouldn't try it. I also had the same dessert as you. I loved it! Mmm I'm craving it right now... Too bad it wasn't that great of a dinner. I think Cali Grill needs somewhat of a renovation and an update to the menu. For now, I think it's safe it say Cali Grill is only awesome for its view.


Well-Known Member
Well what a way to end your last day there! What a bummer. I am so sorry to hear that.

And now you have me nervous about California Grill. LOL. Andy and I are having our anniversary dinner there since it was a place we had never had and wanted something special..I will cross my fingers and hope that everything will be ok. If not, no harm done we just won't go there again.

I am also sorry to hear about your disappointment with the BLT. This will be our first experience with it, or the Contemporary. I am actually not sure how we are going to enjoy it, since WL is our favorite. But I figured its worth trying out. lol...

I will say the sunset from the overlook does look gorgeous though. What a view!


Well-Known Member
Awwww, I'm so sorry about your experience at the Contemporary! Have you ever went to Chef Mickey's for the character breakfast? Perhaps that will restore some of your faith ;) It is very fun.

We have never eaten at any of the other restaurants mind you, so I don't really know either way, but I don't blame you for feeling the way that you did. (Chef Mickeys' is nothing like California Grill!!) Mostly, I'm glad you were honest about your experience. If we ever decide to dine there, we will have an idea of what might be the feel for the place. I mean, we spend a lot of money to stay at a resort or dine at a signature restaurant, it is good to know the postives AND negatives!

UGH that lady and her little comments! I probably would have given her a stare and a snide little smirky smile. Then I would have followed that with something like, "Enjoying your view?" I just can't stand obnoxious people! She sounded so uppity! :mad:

And come to think of it, maybe next time ask to be moved to another table. Perhaps one with a vew? :drevil:


Fantastic Trip Report! I've enjoyed your phots as well.....beautiful. You've got me all excited for our trip (just hubby and me) in October. It's his birthday! I've come across people a time or two, that have made remarks about my picture taking....I just GRIN like the cheshire cat....real evil....that face usually tells them to SUCK IT! :p

Thanks again for posting.....:)


Well-Known Member
Great report! Great pictures. Thanks for enduring the slings and arrows of the Cali Grill elite to take them.

If someone had made a comment like that to me, I'd have turned and snapped her picture a couple of times.


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Say what?! How rude! I'm sorry that that incident put somewhat of a damper on you're dinner. Some people can be rude. I would have reacted the same way. On the food note, my sister and her friends both had the ravioli. They HATED it. Parmisian foam sounds kind of scary. I heard it tasted weird. I wouldn't try it. I also had the same dessert as you. I loved it! Mmm I'm craving it right now... Too bad it wasn't that great of a dinner. I think Cali Grill needs somewhat of a renovation and an update to the menu. For now, I think it's safe it say Cali Grill is only awesome for its view.

Truthfully, I'm a little annoyed with myself for getting upset about it, but at the same time I know if that had happened a couple of years ago I would have cried right there at the table. At least that didn't happen!

Interesting that your sister and her friends also didn't like the ravioli. I'm glad we weren't the only ones! I think if I were to go back there I would order the flatbread as my entree and maybe get a salad. :shrug: And the cheesecake, of course! YUM!

I agree with you that the view was awesome, and I'm glad that we got to see it. Amazing, amazing view.

Well what a way to end your last day there! What a bummer. I am so sorry to hear that.

And now you have me nervous about California Grill. LOL. Andy and I are having our anniversary dinner there since it was a place we had never had and wanted something special..I will cross my fingers and hope that everything will be ok. If not, no harm done we just won't go there again.

I am also sorry to hear about your disappointment with the BLT. This will be our first experience with it, or the Contemporary. I am actually not sure how we are going to enjoy it, since WL is our favorite. But I figured its worth trying out. lol...

I will say the sunset from the overlook does look gorgeous though. What a view!

Ooh, sorry! I hope you guys have a better experience there than we did. Maybe from what disneygal1 is saying above you shoudl avoid the ravioli! :lol: I am glad we tried it once though, we'd been wondering about it for awhile and the view really is spectacular.

Hope you guys have an amazing trip! I just visited the Wilderness Lodge for the first time on the last day of this trip and I loved it immediately.

Awwww, I'm so sorry about your experience at the Contemporary! Have you ever went to Chef Mickey's for the character breakfast? Perhaps that will restore some of your faith ;) It is very fun.

We have never eaten at any of the other restaurants mind you, so I don't really know either way, but I don't blame you for feeling the way that you did. (Chef Mickeys' is nothing like California Grill!!) Mostly, I'm glad you were honest about your experience. If we ever decide to dine there, we will have an idea of what might be the feel for the place. I mean, we spend a lot of money to stay at a resort or dine at a signature restaurant, it is good to know the postives AND negatives!

UGH that lady and her little comments! I probably would have given her a stare and a snide little smirky smile. Then I would have followed that with something like, "Enjoying your view?" I just can't stand obnoxious people! She sounded so uppity! :mad:

And come to think of it, maybe next time ask to be moved to another table. Perhaps one with a vew? :drevil:

Good call on trying Chef Mickey's someday. I will have to keep that in mind...if a fun character breakfast can't restore my faith in the Contemporary I don't know what can!

I don't know that I've ever heard anyone say that they were as put off by the atmosphere at California Grill as we were. I've heard people say they didn't think the food was signature material, but nothnig about feeling uncomfortable, so that might just be us!

"Enjoying your view?" That one made me laugh out loud! You're right that we should have asked to move to another table...the place was packed but I may have been willing to wait for something to open up.

Wow! After reading this report I'm even more excited about our honeymoon in August!

You should be! Honeymooning at Disney is the best! :sohappy: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding/honeymoon!

Fantastic Trip Report! I've enjoyed your phots as well.....beautiful. You've got me all excited for our trip (just hubby and me) in October. It's his birthday! I've come across people a time or two, that have made remarks about my picture taking....I just GRIN like the cheshire cat....real evil....that face usually tells them to SUCK IT! :p

Thanks again for posting.....:)

Thank you! :wave: Ooh, I'm jealous that you get to go in October. I don't know that we'll ever get to go then with Will's work schedule. I hope you and your husband have an excellent birthday celebration.

I've never had anyone comment on the picture taking, so it was just a little jarring. I'll have to start practicing my evil cheshire grin for next time! :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great report! Great pictures. Thanks for enduring the slings and arrows of the Cali Grill elite to take them.

If someone had made a comment like that to me, I'd have turned and snapped her picture a couple of times.

Haha, thanks. Me turning and taking that lady's picture just gave me a really funny mental image :drevil: :lol:

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