Horizons Question...


Active Member
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In the Parks
Another question to throw out there...

What type of ride mechanics was used for the vehicles? Was it the "same" as we see in the Haunted Mansn or Nemo - the typical omni mover? Or was it "different" because it moved sidways?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Horizons differed slightly from other ride systems; it was a suspended multicar ride system - not strictly an Omnimover, since aside from the ending the car orientation didn`t alter. The main difference of course was it travelled sideways, and so it needed an evacuation route using a panel in the rear of the seats to access a walkway behind the ride vehicle. Apart from that is functioned like any chain of ride vehicles would.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Another question to throw out there...

What type of ride mechanics was used for the vehicles? Was it the "same" as we see in the Haunted Mansn or Nemo - the typical omni mover? Or was it "different" because it moved sidways?

I would think same as the clam mobiles except you exited from the back instead of the front.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Horizons differed slightly from other ride systems; it was a suspended multicar ride system - not strictly an Omnimover, since aside from the ending the car orientation didn`t alter. The main difference of course was it travelled sideways, and so it needed an evacuation route using a panel in the rear of the seats to access a walkway behind the ride vehicle. Apart from that is functioned like any chain of ride vehicles would.
hey martin, we have discussed this before about the omni screens upstairs, but i cant recall what you said, actually i think it was about the decent but similar principle here. ok, did every vehicle coming up the ramp obviously see the image of the shuttle taking off in the space scene? that is the concensus on the videos i see. now, if that to be true, this is were i get confused on the projections and the screens so that every car sees the same thing. i wont continue until you confirm that part first.


Active Member
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In the Parks
hey martin, we have discussed this before about the omni screens upstairs, but i cant recall what you said, actually i think it was about the decent but similar principle here. ok, did every vehicle coming up the ramp obviously see the image of the shuttle taking off in the space scene? that is the concensus on the videos i see. now, if that to be true, this is were i get confused on the projections and the screens so that every car sees the same thing. i wont continue until you confirm that part first.

Wasn't it on a "short loop" - meaning short enough that it played over just in time for the next round of cars to come in from the beginning - where no matter where you where when a particular scene started you were able to see the full loop?
I'm probably so wrong on that - but hey!:veryconfu


Well-Known Member


Park History nut
Premium Member
^ bless :) - and it`s an older version too!

The Omnimax loop lasted 3 minutes 10 seconds - ifyou hit it dead on you could just about see the entire loop in 2 trips. Most guests needed to ride 3 times to see the entire loop.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
^ bless :) - and it`s an older version too!

The Omnimax loop lasted 3 minutes 10 seconds - ifyou hit it dead on you could just about see the entire loop in 2 trips. Most guests needed to ride 3 times to see the entire loop.
interesting. how long (well i guess i could watch the video and time it) did the ride through of the omnimax last? about 60 i presume.


Well-Known Member
I would think same as the clam mobiles except you exited from the back instead of the front.

Nope you entered and exited from the front. Only the emergency access panal was in the back. They were much like the clam mobiles except you couldn't see the car next to you due to the cars design. They also didn't travel on a track in the floor but were suspended from above like Peter Pan. When you went up or down a hill your car stayed level and didn't tilt.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't seen that comment before...

However if they truly wanted to save it they could have. It still seems to me like these stories of having to destroy it even though they really didn't want to were just released to quell some of the backlash.

I have saved numerous buildings with structural deficiencies, very rarely is it bad enough to be forced to raze a structure that was not even a decade old, though it does happen.

Now they claim that it had major structural problems that had to be shored up as early as 1992???

I doubt Disney would have ever re-opened Horizons if that were the case, the liability of opening something after it has been found to have major structural problems is enormous.

If the building were leaning to one side as is claimed there *should* have been some visual evidence of the stress from such an event, especially considering that they calim it was bad enough to warrant complete removal of the structure. Exterior facades cracking around the beams etc... From the pictures in the link I posted none of that was present until the started the demo.

But how many buildings house a complex ride system that put stress on the building?

Horizons rocked. Simply put. But shift happens...


Well-Known Member
But how many buildings house a complex ride system that put stress on the building?

Horizons rocked. Simply put. But shift happens...

How many ride systems regardless of the type have caused a sinkhole?

Also the ride system at Horizons traveling at a whopping 2 MPH would not put enormous strain on the structure of a building. Roller coasters are a completely different story, however rides like Horizons, WoM, JII, SSE, HM do not place an extreme amount of stress on a building.


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All I can say unofficially is Horizons enginering knew of no structural issues with the building.

With that said - it makes you wonder what type of $$$big money$$$ was actually paid, by NASA - to Disney, to tear down Horizons and build Mission to Space?!?! :veryconfu

I mean, NASA, was/still is, trying to "rebuild" it's name - with the few tragic setbacks they've had in recent years/decades. Shuttle explosions stick with people! Heck, I still remember where I was when the Challenger accident happened. :cry:

Obviously (to me anyway) they had the next phase for the use of the land WAY WAY before they tore Horizons down.

I've said this before - just think of what Horizons could have been with a HUGE update/overhaul!:shrug:



Park History nut
Premium Member
I've said this before - just think of what Horizons could have been with a HUGE update/overhaul...
Yep. And as a pure rehab - no rehashing for a Space Pavilion. It was looked at, but Eisner scrapped it since it would cost more than $52.

Okay, maybe a little more than that :D but it was passed to him, and he refused to use company money to do it.


New Member
They should rebuild it in a new location, Just think of what type of a building they could build now. And the ride couldbe so much more futuristic with better effects. Horizons on roids, Future world could use a ride like this to get back to it's roots. But they won't too bad. :(


Just think of what type of a building they could build now. (

As a (somewhat) interesting side note that few realize...well, I'm sure Martin does...
The original concept for the Horizons building was almost identical to the current Mission:SPACE building. Style-wise anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Here`s another, slightly less cluttered version (bear in mind the elevation has been exaggerated):

Martin where can I buy that shirt?!?!?!?!? :ROFLOL:

As far as the end of the attraction, I remember the last time I rode on it watching all 3 endings. The car to my right I picked Space, mine was water, and the one to my left was the farm. It was great to be able to see all that on my last visit. Then next thing I know they have a watch this SPACE wall up.

I was really sad to see this go, but I also remember the last time I was there NO ONE was going on it. We all look back and miss the best attraction ever, but this is just like so many of the GREAT attractions of the past. Disney can't keep attraction that no one visits going, I would rather have it gone then other options. Just think what it could have become if it was still around Horizons starting Nemo/Incredibles/A bugs life.....Rather gone then cartoon-ized!!!


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