Hoop Dee Doo?


Well-Known Member
It's back and the changes are pretty good overall.

The only legitimate change I'm bummed out about is how the waiters are no longer on stage for the strawberry shortcake part.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Back from the last show this evening; a few thoughts…

-The show is in GREAT shape. Three different casts performed this evening (each took a show) because they want to get both of the full-time casts and their current group of subs through the show the next couple of days. The ones we had, mostly full-timers, were outstanding and ready to go from the moment they walked in. All were uniformly outstanding, though I was especially excited to have my favorite Six Bits performing.

-The cole slaw was lovely. It was definitely on the “wet” side, so those of you that enjoy your slaw a little drier may be disappointed. The salad and corn bread were the same as they ever were.

-The food is no longer served in buckets and the heavy metal plates have been replaced by much lighter red ones. Instead of buckets the food is served in smaller skillets. We got to speak with one of the managers who told us “the servers aren’t getting any younger” and that these lighter plates were easier to carry and the skillets cut down on the enormous amount of food that gets wasted there. Note that it’s still “all you care to enjoy” and the servers will happily bring you whatever you ask for.

-The new star of the dinner menu is the Mac and cheese. It is not the same Mac and cheese they had before (that was the worst kept “secret” at the venue). This one has some bread crumbs in it and had a much more buttery taste. I really liked it.

-The short cake at dessert seemed less dense and a little lighter, maybe more of an Angel food cake than a traditional piece of cake.

As for changes to the show itself…

-Per the company-wide policy, any references to ladies/gentlemen/boys/girls have been removed. Some of y’all are going to hate that, but trust me that this is a VERY minor change and really means nothing (for instance, instead of referring to Dolly as a “leading lady” it’s now “shining star”- nothing important at all). Most people won’t even notice these changes.

-Smilin’ Jack is now referred to as Jack B. Nimble. Again, also minor, as I think he’s only mentioned by name three times, once at the beginning, once after dinner, and once at the end. I’m not entirely sure why this was changed, but it was.

-During Shenandoah/ This Land (still staged in the middle of the house), the second verse of Shenandoah is different. It’s actually much better lyrically.

-The cigar store Indian bit between Six Bits and Dolly has been excised. This is a change that I expected, so it didn’t upset me. Anyone that thought it was going to survive was kidding themselves. And yes, it was a funny bit, but probably best they let it go.

-The servers no longer dance onstage during the strawberry shortcake number, which is significantly shorter than it has been in the past. Because it moves so quickly now and goes almost immediately into the pageant, the finale with the American flag is gone. That’ll annoy some people, probably.

-During the singing contest Dolly addresses a whole table of “tooters” and doesn’t pick out just one individual. She also doesn’t sit on anyone’s lap.

-There were some changes to the pageant (the Davy Crockett segment) that I noticed, but most had been implemented before COVID. The Indian scout is now the wilderness scout, and the guns are gone. I need to watch a video of the new pageant to see exactly what was changed because I was “busy” during this segment tonight. ;-)

-They still do the parade during the washboard scene, they still do This Land, they still are in the audience during They Come From All Over…so there’s still lots of audience participation.

Most of the changes are very small, and certainly not worth getting riled up about (though I’m sure some will). Compared to shows like Nemo, very little was cut, and this is by and large the same show that was playing in March 2020.

Also of note: they are not selling the 2nd floor as of yet. The server said they purposely didn’t sell up there the first couple of weeks so that the servers and the kitchen staff can “get their sea legs back”. He seemed to think that by “late July” they should be back to selling the full house. Both he and the restaurant manager I spoke with said they were all “surprised” to find out Disney was keeping them dark twice a week, and that if you wanted the show performing every night to “let Disney know.”

Again, things are in great shape overall, and those predicting a shorter, smaller show have very little to worry about. The show is very close to what was there in March.

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Premium Member
Back from the last show this evening; a few thoughts…

-The show is in GREAT shape. Three different casts performed this evening (each took a show) because they want to get both of the full-time casts and their current group of subs through the show the next couple of days. The ones we had, mostly full-timers, was outstanding and ready to go from the moment they walked in. All were uniformly outstanding, though I was especially excited to have my favorite Six Bits performing.

-The cole slaw was lovely. It was definitely on the “wet” side, so those of you that enjoy your slaw a little drier may be disappointed. The salad and corn bread were the same as they ever were.

-The food is no longer served in buckets and the heavy metal plates have been replaced by much lighter red ones. Instead of buckets the food is served in smaller skillets. We got to speak with one of the managers who told us “the servers aren’t getting any younger” and that these lighter plates were easier to carry and the skillets cut down on the enormous amount of food that gets wasted there. Note that it’s still “all you care to enjoy” and the servers will happily bring you whatever you ask for.

-The new store of the dinner menu is the Mac and cheese. It is not the same Mac and cheese they had before (that was the worst kept “secret” at the venue). This one has some bread crumbs in it and had a much more buttery taste. I really liked it.

-The short cake at dessert seemed less dense and a little lighter, maybe more of an Angel food cake than a traditional piece of cake.

As for changes to the show itself…

-Per the company-wide policy, any references to ladies/gentlemen/boys/girls have been removed. Some of y’all are going to hate that, but trust me that this is a VERY minor change and really means nothing (for instance, instead of referring to Dolly as a “leading lady” it’s now “shining star”- nothing important at all). Most people won’t even notice these changes.

-Smilin’ Jack is now referred to as Jack B. Nimble. Again, also minor, as I think he’s only mentioned by name three times, once at the beginning, once after dinner, and once at the end. I’m not entirely sure why this was changed, but it was.

-During Shenandoah/ This Land (still staged in the middle of the house), the second one verse of Shenandoah is different. It’s actually much better lyrically.

-The cigar store Indian bit between Six Bits and Dolly has been excised. This is a change that I expected, so it didn’t upset me. Anyone that thought it was going to survive was kidding themselves. And yes, it was a funny bit, but probably best they let it go.

-The servers no longer dance onstage during the strawberry shortcake number, which is significantly shorter than it has been in the past. Because it moves so quickly now and goes almost immediately into the pageant, the finale with the American flag is gone. That’ll annoy some people, probably.

-During the singing contest Dolly addresses a whole table of “tooters” and doesn’t pick out just one individual. She also doesn’t sit on anyone’s lap.

-There were some changes to the pageant (the Davy Crockett segment) that I noticed, but most had been implemented before COVID. The Indian scout is now the wilderness scout, and the guns are gone. I need to watch a video of the new pageant to see exactly what was changed because I was “busy” during this segment tonight. ;-)

-They still do the parade during the washboard scene, they still do This Land, they still are in the audience during They Come From All Over…so there’s still lots of audience participation.

Most of the changes are very small, and certainly not worth getting riled up about (though I’m sure some will). Compared to shows like Nemo, very little was cut, and this is by and large the same show that was playing in March 2020.

Also of note: they are not selling the 2nd floor as of yet. The server said they purposely didn’t sell up there the first couple of weeks so that the servers and the kitchen staff can “get their sea legs back”. He seemed to think that by “late July” they should be back to selling the full house. Both he and the restaurant manager I spoke with said they were all “surprised” to find out Disney was keeping them dark twice a week, and that if you wanted the show performing every night to “let Disney know.”

Again, things are in great shape overall, and those predicting a shorter, smaller show have very little to worry about. The show is very close to what was there in March.

View attachment 648360View attachment 648361View attachment 648362
Great review, thanks for posting!


Premium Member
Back from the last show this evening; a few thoughts…

-The show is in GREAT shape. Three different casts performed this evening (each took a show) because they want to get both of the full-time casts and their current group of subs through the show the next couple of days. The ones we had, mostly full-timers, were outstanding and ready to go from the moment they walked in. All were uniformly outstanding, though I was especially excited to have my favorite Six Bits performing.

-The cole slaw was lovely. It was definitely on the “wet” side, so those of you that enjoy your slaw a little drier may be disappointed. The salad and corn bread were the same as they ever were.

-The food is no longer served in buckets and the heavy metal plates have been replaced by much lighter red ones. Instead of buckets the food is served in smaller skillets. We got to speak with one of the managers who told us “the servers aren’t getting any younger” and that these lighter plates were easier to carry and the skillets cut down on the enormous amount of food that gets wasted there. Note that it’s still “all you care to enjoy” and the servers will happily bring you whatever you ask for.

-The new star of the dinner menu is the Mac and cheese. It is not the same Mac and cheese they had before (that was the worst kept “secret” at the venue). This one has some bread crumbs in it and had a much more buttery taste. I really liked it.

-The short cake at dessert seemed less dense and a little lighter, maybe more of an Angel food cake than a traditional piece of cake.

As for changes to the show itself…

-Per the company-wide policy, any references to ladies/gentlemen/boys/girls have been removed. Some of y’all are going to hate that, but trust me that this is a VERY minor change and really means nothing (for instance, instead of referring to Dolly as a “leading lady” it’s now “shining star”- nothing important at all). Most people won’t even notice these changes.

-Smilin’ Jack is now referred to as Jack B. Nimble. Again, also minor, as I think he’s only mentioned by name three times, once at the beginning, once after dinner, and once at the end. I’m not entirely sure why this was changed, but it was.

-During Shenandoah/ This Land (still staged in the middle of the house), the second verse of Shenandoah is different. It’s actually much better lyrically.

-The cigar store Indian bit between Six Bits and Dolly has been excised. This is a change that I expected, so it didn’t upset me. Anyone that thought it was going to survive was kidding themselves. And yes, it was a funny bit, but probably best they let it go.

-The servers no longer dance onstage during the strawberry shortcake number, which is significantly shorter than it has been in the past. Because it moves so quickly now and goes almost immediately into the pageant, the finale with the American flag is gone. That’ll annoy some people, probably.

-During the singing contest Dolly addresses a whole table of “tooters” and doesn’t pick out just one individual. She also doesn’t sit on anyone’s lap.

-There were some changes to the pageant (the Davy Crockett segment) that I noticed, but most had been implemented before COVID. The Indian scout is now the wilderness scout, and the guns are gone. I need to watch a video of the new pageant to see exactly what was changed because I was “busy” during this segment tonight. ;-)

-They still do the parade during the washboard scene, they still do This Land, they still are in the audience during They Come From All Over…so there’s still lots of audience participation.

Most of the changes are very small, and certainly not worth getting riled up about (though I’m sure some will). Compared to shows like Nemo, very little was cut, and this is by and large the same show that was playing in March 2020.

Also of note: they are not selling the 2nd floor as of yet. The server said they purposely didn’t sell up there the first couple of weeks so that the servers and the kitchen staff can “get their sea legs back”. He seemed to think that by “late July” they should be back to selling the full house. Both he and the restaurant manager I spoke with said they were all “surprised” to find out Disney was keeping them dark twice a week, and that if you wanted the show performing every night to “let Disney know.”

Again, things are in great shape overall, and those predicting a shorter, smaller show have very little to worry about. The show is very close to what was there in March.

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Thanks for taking the time to write this. I was fortunate enough to get reservations for our trip in August, because it is a must-do for us. I may find myself a bit sad about the change to the strawberry shortcake, but I am sure I will survive and enjoy it all the same 😉


Well-Known Member
Back from the last show this evening; a few thoughts…

-The show is in GREAT shape. Three different casts performed this evening (each took a show) because they want to get both of the full-time casts and their current group of subs through the show the next couple of days. The ones we had, mostly full-timers, were outstanding and ready to go from the moment they walked in. All were uniformly outstanding, though I was especially excited to have my favorite Six Bits performing.

-The cole slaw was lovely. It was definitely on the “wet” side, so those of you that enjoy your slaw a little drier may be disappointed. The salad and corn bread were the same as they ever were.

-The food is no longer served in buckets and the heavy metal plates have been replaced by much lighter red ones. Instead of buckets the food is served in smaller skillets. We got to speak with one of the managers who told us “the servers aren’t getting any younger” and that these lighter plates were easier to carry and the skillets cut down on the enormous amount of food that gets wasted there. Note that it’s still “all you care to enjoy” and the servers will happily bring you whatever you ask for.

-The new star of the dinner menu is the Mac and cheese. It is not the same Mac and cheese they had before (that was the worst kept “secret” at the venue). This one has some bread crumbs in it and had a much more buttery taste. I really liked it.

-The short cake at dessert seemed less dense and a little lighter, maybe more of an Angel food cake than a traditional piece of cake.

As for changes to the show itself…

-Per the company-wide policy, any references to ladies/gentlemen/boys/girls have been removed. Some of y’all are going to hate that, but trust me that this is a VERY minor change and really means nothing (for instance, instead of referring to Dolly as a “leading lady” it’s now “shining star”- nothing important at all). Most people won’t even notice these changes.

-Smilin’ Jack is now referred to as Jack B. Nimble. Again, also minor, as I think he’s only mentioned by name three times, once at the beginning, once after dinner, and once at the end. I’m not entirely sure why this was changed, but it was.

-During Shenandoah/ This Land (still staged in the middle of the house), the second verse of Shenandoah is different. It’s actually much better lyrically.

-The cigar store Indian bit between Six Bits and Dolly has been excised. This is a change that I expected, so it didn’t upset me. Anyone that thought it was going to survive was kidding themselves. And yes, it was a funny bit, but probably best they let it go.

-The servers no longer dance onstage during the strawberry shortcake number, which is significantly shorter than it has been in the past. Because it moves so quickly now and goes almost immediately into the pageant, the finale with the American flag is gone. That’ll annoy some people, probably.

-During the singing contest Dolly addresses a whole table of “tooters” and doesn’t pick out just one individual. She also doesn’t sit on anyone’s lap.

-There were some changes to the pageant (the Davy Crockett segment) that I noticed, but most had been implemented before COVID. The Indian scout is now the wilderness scout, and the guns are gone. I need to watch a video of the new pageant to see exactly what was changed because I was “busy” during this segment tonight. ;-)

-They still do the parade during the washboard scene, they still do This Land, they still are in the audience during They Come From All Over…so there’s still lots of audience participation.

Most of the changes are very small, and certainly not worth getting riled up about (though I’m sure some will). Compared to shows like Nemo, very little was cut, and this is by and large the same show that was playing in March 2020.

Also of note: they are not selling the 2nd floor as of yet. The server said they purposely didn’t sell up there the first couple of weeks so that the servers and the kitchen staff can “get their sea legs back”. He seemed to think that by “late July” they should be back to selling the full house. Both he and the restaurant manager I spoke with said they were all “surprised” to find out Disney was keeping them dark twice a week, and that if you wanted the show performing every night to “let Disney know.”

Again, things are in great shape overall, and those predicting a shorter, smaller show have very little to worry about. The show is very close to what was there in March.

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Lol at Dolly being the ‘shining star’ - Moulin Rouge vibes! 😊❤️
Is it walkable from Hoop De Du and where the Chip and Dale campfire?
I would take the internal bus or a golf cart to the campfire from Hoop but I guess you could walk if you really wanted?


Well-Known Member
Back from the last show this evening; a few thoughts…

-The show is in GREAT shape. Three different casts performed this evening (each took a show) because they want to get both of the full-time casts and their current group of subs through the show the next couple of days. The ones we had, mostly full-timers, were outstanding and ready to go from the moment they walked in. All were uniformly outstanding, though I was especially excited to have my favorite Six Bits performing.

-The cole slaw was lovely. It was definitely on the “wet” side, so those of you that enjoy your slaw a little drier may be disappointed. The salad and corn bread were the same as they ever were.

-The food is no longer served in buckets and the heavy metal plates have been replaced by much lighter red ones. Instead of buckets the food is served in smaller skillets. We got to speak with one of the managers who told us “the servers aren’t getting any younger” and that these lighter plates were easier to carry and the skillets cut down on the enormous amount of food that gets wasted there. Note that it’s still “all you care to enjoy” and the servers will happily bring you whatever you ask for.

-The new star of the dinner menu is the Mac and cheese. It is not the same Mac and cheese they had before (that was the worst kept “secret” at the venue). This one has some bread crumbs in it and had a much more buttery taste. I really liked it.

-The short cake at dessert seemed less dense and a little lighter, maybe more of an Angel food cake than a traditional piece of cake.

As for changes to the show itself…

-Per the company-wide policy, any references to ladies/gentlemen/boys/girls have been removed. Some of y’all are going to hate that, but trust me that this is a VERY minor change and really means nothing (for instance, instead of referring to Dolly as a “leading lady” it’s now “shining star”- nothing important at all). Most people won’t even notice these changes.

-Smilin’ Jack is now referred to as Jack B. Nimble. Again, also minor, as I think he’s only mentioned by name three times, once at the beginning, once after dinner, and once at the end. I’m not entirely sure why this was changed, but it was.

-During Shenandoah/ This Land (still staged in the middle of the house), the second verse of Shenandoah is different. It’s actually much better lyrically.

-The cigar store Indian bit between Six Bits and Dolly has been excised. This is a change that I expected, so it didn’t upset me. Anyone that thought it was going to survive was kidding themselves. And yes, it was a funny bit, but probably best they let it go.

-The servers no longer dance onstage during the strawberry shortcake number, which is significantly shorter than it has been in the past. Because it moves so quickly now and goes almost immediately into the pageant, the finale with the American flag is gone. That’ll annoy some people, probably.

-During the singing contest Dolly addresses a whole table of “tooters” and doesn’t pick out just one individual. She also doesn’t sit on anyone’s lap.

-There were some changes to the pageant (the Davy Crockett segment) that I noticed, but most had been implemented before COVID. The Indian scout is now the wilderness scout, and the guns are gone. I need to watch a video of the new pageant to see exactly what was changed because I was “busy” during this segment tonight. ;-)

-They still do the parade during the washboard scene, they still do This Land, they still are in the audience during They Come From All Over…so there’s still lots of audience participation.

Most of the changes are very small, and certainly not worth getting riled up about (though I’m sure some will). Compared to shows like Nemo, very little was cut, and this is by and large the same show that was playing in March 2020.

Also of note: they are not selling the 2nd floor as of yet. The server said they purposely didn’t sell up there the first couple of weeks so that the servers and the kitchen staff can “get their sea legs back”. He seemed to think that by “late July” they should be back to selling the full house. Both he and the restaurant manager I spoke with said they were all “surprised” to find out Disney was keeping them dark twice a week, and that if you wanted the show performing every night to “let Disney know.”

Again, things are in great shape overall, and those predicting a shorter, smaller show have very little to worry about. The show is very close to what was there in March.

View attachment 648360View attachment 648361View attachment 648362

Thank you for the write up - I am pleasantly surprised by the minimal amount of changes and most seem minor and understandable

Glad to hear you found the Mac n cheese improved!

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
One other important note for those staying on property…

They are NOT, at this time, running shuttles after the show to take guests back to their resorts. Instead, they have 6 buses lined up to shuttle guests back to the Magic Kingdom, where you can then get on another shuttle to return to your resort.

They were also offering Minnie Vans as an option, and stated those were the only cabs that could go all the way back to the Pioneer Hall area. Any other cabs or ride share vehicles would have to wait for you in the front parking lot.


Well-Known Member
Conceivably, but I would take the internal bus. You could, I suppose, walk all the way there on the side of the road, but there’s no lights and it’s not lit, so probably dangerous. I would take the internal bus.

Bus is fine. Never been to Fort Wilderness so wasn't sure whether it was walkable or not.

Also, the fried chicken? Is it all on the bone or is there breast? Can you request breast?

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