Honey I Shrunk the Audience just sucks!


True Colors was awesome.

As for HISTA, I've seen it enough, and unless I need to take a nap in a cool, dark place, I won't be back. I've not decided whether I think it needs to be only refilmed, totally replaced, or maybe reshot with a couple different endings, but something really needs to change.

And what is up with those "Bonus Fastpasses" for it?:veryconfu They should realize that if they have to beg people to come see it something's up.


New Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
I think Honey, I Shrunk the Audience is a fun show and I still laugh during it, but I just don't think the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids franchise is really...existant...anymore. The movies came out when I was a young kid, so today's kids probably don't remember it very well.

So by that logic, know kids should know any disney movies other than brother bear and other such recent films.

The franchise may not be as popular as it was in it's heyday, but it is Disney's responsibility as a company to keep their franchises in the public eye. Lately, every film that hasn't been a smash hit has fallen between the cracks. Maybe that's the right thing to do. There have been some awful movies lately. But this isn't the thread to argue that. The point is, HITS_ is a viable franchise to use in the parks, and with the right promotion, it will be for years to come.

What REALLY needs to go, is professor nigel channing. What happened to you Eric Idle? Anything that he taints goes down a notch in my book.


New Member
I enjoy HISTA:) I like watching the audiance react to the show. I think its great especially when you know what is going to happen and others do not. call me crazy, but I think that is entertaining. It is all so fun to watch when you take a family member who has never been to Disney world and has never seen any of the 3-D shows. It is pure Magic:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by civileng68
Ok, slam me, I don't care. I think this attraction is just way outdated with Philharmagic and Muppet vision 3D. Bring back CAPTAIN EO!:lol:

No, only the title of this post does. If you don't like an attraction that is fine, but to create a post with that title just to complain with no other rationale behind it seems pretty pointless.

Have some tact and say you don't like it and why you want it replaced or what could be done to improve it. The title of your post makes you sound like a 12 year old :kiss:


New Member
I actually have never seen HISTA at WDw because I have seen it 2 or 3 times at DL and that was enough for me. I haven't seen Its Tought to be a Bug at WDW either for the same reason, but I probably will next time we go because I actually like that 3D movie. I loved Philarmagic and could see that tons of times. Muppets didn't do much for me, but I could probably see it once or twice again. HISTA needs to be replaced at both Epcot and DL.

They could bring back Captain EO because no one would recognize who the main character is anymore. That was a pretty good, but cheesy 3D movie. I would actually enjoy seeing it again. Maybe a limited time rerelease...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I really like HISTA. Even though it is a bit dated, I think it has a great story line and great effects. Plus I like Dr. Nigel Channing. He's a funny character. Even the honey franchise is old, it still kind of works at EPCOT. The only thing I think they should change is the HISTK backlot adventure at the studios. Turn it into munchkin land! I think muppets is funny, but needs a new movie and some newer effects ( does anyone else think the water effects are getting very old? ) Philarmagic is practicly perfect in every way, and ITTBAB is also a good show, but some of the 3-D images are a blurry mess. Am I the only one who thought that EO was rather dumb? The only part I liked about it was the supreme ruler ( who had to be the coolest bad guy next to darth maul ) but the whole part about turning the planet into good with the power of music is very cheesy. Plus the 3-D movies have to have some sort of story line like HISTA where you're supposed to be seeing a presentation and you are the guests, but EO was just a movie in 3-D. That's all. No story. Overall, I think HISTA could use some updating, but its still a fun experience.


I think a Figment 3D show should be put where HISTA is. The Honey I... Series was never really good in the first place, so I don't belive it deserves its own attraction.


New Member
I have never liked this attraction much, and in my opinion, it should be replaced with a different ride or show. I have only seen the show twice, with five years between viewings, and yet I was still very bored during my second time. I liked Muppets so much more.


Premium Member
HISTA is just fine for me, but yes the pre-show was awful. Especially since the last time we were there my 41 y/old brother was having extremely bad gastrical emissions...oh no wait, that's what made the pre-show so funny watching everyone move away from him and then there was my 41 y/old going on 12 y/old brother standing in the middle of the room all alone showing his "true colors". :lol:

I did enjoy watching my 3&4 y/olds trying to figure out where the mice went, etc...and they thought their uncle was just halarious (especially since he's right on their mental level).

And really, leave HISTA there at least until you renovate the upper area above JiYI. First time I took my (at that time) future wife/stepchildren they spent hours up there. It's one of my favorite WDW memories and we I've been there err...I stopped counting years ago when I passed the 125 times mark...

I'd like to hide in the Muppet pre-area one time just to watch the pre-show from the very very beginning. That's one of my favorite things in DS.

And in ITTBAB my favorite is taking new people. The first time the bugs exited the theatre I jumped up looked down and started to ask my wife if she grabbed my butt. As I started my question she jumped up and almost knocked me out with a head butt. The next time I made sure my Mom sat next to her grandson and I just so we could watch her jump straight out of her seat. Then the three of us laughed for about 10 minutes about it.

Philharmagic looked great, but I think I'd have to "ride" it a few more times to really know what I think of it.

Miss Bell

New Member

I personally love the HISTA pre-show, both True Colors and the new one. They're just old-fashioned, sappy Kodak commericials!


New Member
Originally posted by Laura22
I am SOOO with you on that one! I think that might just be the most unbearable preshow in all of Disney.

I think the show itself was ok the first time back when the whole "Honey I shrunk/blew up the whatever" movies were popular, but the 20th time I am bored to tears. I only see the show out of routine, and so my husband (who has only been to Disney 3 times) can see it.

MY GOD YES!:fork:


New Member
Re: Re: Honey I Shrunk the Audience just sucks!

Originally posted by KevinPage
No, only the title of this post does. If you don't like an attraction that is fine, but to create a post with that title just to complain with no other rationale behind it seems pretty pointless.

Have some tact and say you don't like it and why you want it replaced or what could be done to improve it. The title of your post makes you sound like a 12 year old :kiss:

Look if you disliked the name so much why did you take the time to reply

Plus this isn’t school the is no set criteria for what goes in a thread


Ok, so what happens in the new pre-show that is SO TERRIBLE??
I have'nt seen HISTA since fall '02, and it was still old True Colors pre-show.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Honey I Shrunk the Audience just sucks!

Originally posted by themouseman
Look if you disliked the name so much why did you take the time to reply

Plus this isn’t school the is no set criteria for what goes in a thread

I'm not the morality police, but honestly, when you use terms like that, people are going to take you less seriously. :)
I am SO shocked by the responses here. HISTK is great. The part where the kid picks up the audience and the whole place is shaking and shows our reflection in the mirror was just a brilliant idea.

You guys don't like the snake and the Lion? The fact that when we shrink everyone is extremely huge and the entire audience shakes when the big people walk? I just don't get it. Philharmonic, to me, was awful. It was absolutely nothing special. The only thing I enjoyed was the 1 second where Ariel throws out her hands towards the audience as if to sort of grab us. That was really the only thing that was very "3D" to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming that you don't like it because you weren't paying attention to it. That is brecuase it is PhilharMAGIC. Not Philharmonic, the correct term.


New Member
I haven't see PhilharMagic yet but I have seen the other 3 3D movies one time each. HISTA was just plain bad. There were some good effects but it is not up to Disney standards. I saw it for teh first time on our last trip. I had not seen the other 2 yet so I didn't have anything to compare it to and it still was bad (I'll refrain from using "sucked"). I did LOVE ITTBAB and Muppets. I thought they were both outstanding and i can't wait to see PhilharMagic when we go. If they tore down HISTA and put in a garden I wouldn't be dissappointed. It is just plain bad.

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