Hollywood Studios New Name?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what other people think, but to me, preceding the names of theme parks and hotels with "Disney's" is superfluous and unwieldy. It sounds and looks like a tacky add-on. I doubt many people ever use it. The names should be original enough that they don't need to remind people who owns it or where it is. Like the Magic Kingdom or Epcot.


Well-Known Member
The more I think about this the tougher it gets. They've abandoned any pretense of it being a studio.What's left now is vintage Hollywood. But when Star Wars and Toy Story are up and running, vintage Hollywood will figure less prominently. With Avatar in Animal Kingdom and Frozen in Epcot, movie/cinema themes now figure prominently in all four parks. It's hard to think up a unique name because there's really nothing unique about this park--nothing that could not easily fit in anywhere else. With the possible exception of vintage Hollywood.

Of the suggestions offered so far, I like Hollywoodland best. It's straightforward and simple.

I cannot believe anybody is seriously considering Disney's Cinema Spectacular or even Hollywood Adventure.

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