How am I making it a big deal? I said I didn't care about people who've never been to DLR. How is that making it a big deal? It doesn't bother me that I've yet to go to WDW, because I know I'm going someday.
That's all I'll say in response to your post. Like you said, this debate can and will go on and on, and we already know each other's stance on the subject. I don't feel like going back and forth again.
It's just a pattern I've seen in reading and commenting on these forums. This debate has gone on for months and I'm really kinda tired of it.
Not trying to be insulting in any way, but when debate comes up on these forums about Cars land, from my impression you get so defensive about it remaining in DCA because if WDW wants to build it then that's just lazy. Then to the people want Carsland to come to WDW because they can't travel out west, you've said to them (which is a fair point) that each resort should have their own attractions.
But I do feel that there is another side to this argument (which also provides fair points) which is why I think this debate goes on forever. Because there are reasons why people feel the way they do, that you would only understand if you were in their shoes.
For example, a logical person would argue that if a family spends $10,000 in WDW for 6 days, then they should have enough money for the flight and a 4-5 night stay at Disneyland. A logical thought process. But not very practical for some families. There are components of that decision that are not factored into that logical argument. Some people can't fly, some people don't want to fly, some people like staying close to home, some people just don't like the hassle of long flights for their vacation And some people just simply like WDW better, because there is more to do, it's more of a vacation destination, and they already enjoy it. Some people have the philosophy of "if it aint broke, don't fix it"
If you don't care about these people, that's fine, but that also means you don't care about the reasons behind their opinion, which is why I feel these debates go on forever because one side can't understand the other. Again, not trying to insult, just trying to provide a more in depth view from a regular visitor to WDW who wouldn't mind Cars land coming to DHS. Actually, It'd be a really warm welcome to DHS, because it needs some love. I've been to Disneyland before as well and I agree traveling to different disney parks that not everything should be copied. But I don't think Cars land constitutes as everything. And it's still in DCA. So the people who want it in DCA can still go to it. That's why I don't view it as a big deal.
It's not a big deal that 7dmt is also being built in china. It's not a big deal when the tower of terror is "cloned" throughout Disney parks around the world. But when a clone of cars land could be coming to Disney world, then it's lazy. If that's lazy then the idea of the magic kingdoms in Orlando, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc are lazy concepts as well, as they all "copied" the same format as Disneyland. I'm sure people around the world are thankful they can enjoy the Disney magic closer to their home. And there are always differences despite copying an idea. There are minor differences in the orlando's little mermaid ride, although it is considered a copy of dca's version. The magic kingdom in paris is different than the magic kingdom in flordia, although they have similar attractions/layouts. I could go on and on but the point is, to me, Cars land in DHS is following that same notion.