I just returned from a whirlwind 8 day trip to WDW/Universal and had a great time. We spent the first 2 days at Universal Resort and then the remaining 6 days at WDW. During our time at Universal we ate at both the 3 Broomsticks and the Leaky Cauldron and had great meals. The one thing I noticed in both restaurants is that they won't let people sit at any of the tables unless they have already purchased a meal from the establishment and have the food (or number) in hand. In both instances we didn't have to wait more than 2-4 minutes for a table to open up and when it did we were directed to the seat by the staff. Why doesn't Walt Disney World do these for their QS restaurants as well. I seem to remember them trying this out a few years ago but I'm not sure what happened. We ate at Pecos Bill's restaurant and had to wander around for close to 10 minutes until we finally found a seat outside. We went from room to room trying to find a seat only to encounter a person holding on to multiple tables while the rest of the family was getting their food. This was extremely frustrating and really came to a head when we at at the Canteen in Pandora. For a land that is trying to be fully immersive you would think that they would have some process in place to ensure people buying food in the canteen would be able to find a seat. This was another example of us spending almost 8 minutes trying to find a seat only to see tables being held by people who were not eating and waiting for their families to arrive. I can't believe I'm saying this but in this example Universal does it way better then WDW. WDW needs to do a better job of keeping tables available to those patrons that are eating in the specific establishment.