hogwarts to replace 20k?

Sharon L

New Member
tigger248 said:
Why won't this thread just go away?!? :brick:

HP does NOT belong in the MK, not now, not ever!

The books may be good (I don't know, I've never read them), but they're not Disney. Therefore I don't think it belongs there.
Then you must believe that rides like Star Tours, The Great Movie Ride and Indiana Jones don't belong at Disney. The Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies were not produced by Disney, and many of the movies represented in the Great Movie Ride were not produced by Disney either.

Maybe you should read the books. Then you would understand that Harry Potter would be a good fit for Fantasyland. I also think it would be a wise investment, given the popularity of the books and movies. There are plenty of people out there who would be attracted to the park for a Harry Potter experience.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, i think that this just fits in perfectly with the end of the eisner campaign. they way i look at it, you build the HP attraction, it is some sort of newer age omnimover, maybe something like spidey at US, and all the kiddies will want to come and talk with british accents. that great.

but the best part of this evil plan of eisners ( :drevil: ) is that in the gift shop, besides the red and yellow scarves, they will have broom sticks for sale (whatever it was called in the movie, "something 3000" ???) since everybody has been complaining about the cleanliness of the park, this will help maintanence upkeep when little joey gets tired of humping, errr, riding his "something 3000" and starts dragging behind himself. with this action, besides getting a rash or perma-wedge, the "something 3000" will automatically drag debris to the gutter and/or right by a trash recyptical making it easier for the maintenance crew to clean up.

PERFECT PLAN. wow, im all for hogwarts, let the little joeys of the world keep of beloved WDW clean.

i guess that is why eisner is retiring....... he is going to play the evil monster that harry and his other conrads are fighting. what was it a 3 head dog or something. hhhmmmmm.

just a thought while banging my head against the wall. lol



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
tigger248 said:
Why won't this thread just go away?!? :brick:

sorry, needed to quote before posting (see above) but you needed to know about the conspiracy plan. it is BRILLIANT.

i was told the above by my special "source". he is my friends, neighbor, that is cousins with Farris that dated Eisners grand-daughter. wow, thank god for Kevin bacons 6 degrees theory. we would have missed out on that great update.

lol lol lol


Well-Known Member
Sharon L said:
Then you must believe that rides like Star Tours, The Great Movie Ride and Indiana Jones don't belong at Disney. The Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies were not produced by Disney, and many of the movies represented in the Great Movie Ride were not produced by Disney either.

I like those attractions, but I wouldn't so much if they were in fantasyland. There is a place for everything, I just don't think non-disney attractions belong in Magic Kingdom at all let alone fantasyland. I'm still anti-potter, but I could at least accept it if it were in the studios. I would prefer to not see a potter attraction at all. It just doesn't sound all that appealing to me, in my opinion.

Sharon L said:
Maybe you should read the books. Then you would understand that Harry Potter would be a good fit for Fantasyland. I also think it would be a wise investment, given the popularity of the books and movies. There are plenty of people out there who would be attracted to the park for a Harry Potter experience.

I probably won't ever read the books. I simply don't have time. I don't have time to read the books that I already have that I really want to read. This is just one of those things that some people really like, while others not so much. I understand the popularity of the books, but that doesn't really make me anymore interested. In my opinion, the only good thing about a potter ride would be that maybe people who ride it will also have to wait in line, thus making lines for other attractions a little shorter.

By the way, jmaxwell007, that was hilarious! :lol:


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
I probably won't ever read the books. I simply don't have time. I don't have time to read the books that I already have that I really want to read. This is just one of those things that some people really like, while others not so much.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion on this, but you should really read one of the books so you can have an informed opinion, so you know exactly what you are for or against.

I sympathize with the opinion that Fantasyland should remain true to its roots. A week ago I might have agreed with you that Harry Potter didn't belong, but...

I just read the first Harry Potter book (reluctantly, only because my daughter will soon be old enough to read them and I wanted to read it first). Seriously, I just finished it last night!

I can really see why the books are so popular, especially among kids. I already bought the second book, um, because I want to read that before my daughter does too... :rolleyes:

Harry Potter takes you to a completely different world, a world of complete fantasy. To read these books is to take a journey to another place that is limited only by your imagination.

And isn't that what Fantasyland is all about?


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter has been living at our home for several years now. I started reading the books also because my kids were interested in them. We now have all of the audio books (incredible!.....Try them if you haven't heard them), and multiple versions of the novels in all of my kids bedrooms.

I have never found books that cross the ages of my family members like HP.

Harry would be a great fit at WDW. It fits the "family" profile that Disney went after with many of their original attractions, in that everyone could enjoy it. The themes of the novels are friendship, good vs. evil, family, and mystery. The stories are full of rich and interesting characters. It's more "Disney" than Disney in many ways. It could be the best thing in the parks to fit the family profile in ages. Since Disney seems to be struggling to find attractions that are "cool" for everyone (TOT, MS, EE, etc seem to all be targeted a specific age groups), if done correctly this could be the best thing that they have added in years.

Except that I don't believe it is happening. Ah well.

But there is always hope.


New Member
Wow, I just read all 11 pages of this post. It bridges a lot of time. The thing that some people need to remember is that some of us don't check the boards every day, or even every week, so sometimes you might have read and discussed this topic frequently some of us haven't. :hammer:

That being said:

I think this is great news. I think that HP will fit in FL. AND I think that people that don't like this idea should stay out of line when the new ride opens so those of us HP fans can ride it more often!! :sohappy:

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Ok, let me clairify: The reason most of us have deep resoundinig hatred for this thread is that it was responsible for spawning many, many others, all about the same topic.
The question about whether this attraction will ever happen has been answered:NO!
The question about whether Disney currently owns any creative rights to the series has been answered: NO!
The question about whether this attraction (should it ever for some reason happen) should be put in the MK has been answered: Well, this one is kinda up for interpretation, but my feeling is NO!

Please, if you are interested on the discussion of this attraction idea, by all means run a search. You will find 15 billion threads on this topic.

Now please, LET THIS THREAD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fork: :fork:


Active Member
That would be neat to see but I still want to see 20K

AkEverestAK said:
today, april 25, i was told that a harry potter attraction was going to be replacing the 20k lagoon if all the paper work was completed. ( have no idea what the paper work is about) of course i heard this from a source in disney who is a family friend. (pretty high up too:animwink: )apparently, the attraction would be in a hodwarts school building and look pretty miraculous from fantasyland. i hope this happens now that i have been told that is is VERY possible in the future. does anybody else know about this?


New Member
Please, if you are interested on the discussion of this attraction idea, by all means run a search. You will find 15 billion threads on this topic.

Now please, LET THIS THREAD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What if someone has new information??? Should we post on the old links??? Should we only get to post if you think that it is important??? Maybe all posts should go through you??? Or do you think that, like I already posted, that some people want to discuss this because it is news to them???

If you don't want to discuss this...DON'T. Don't respond. Leave the thread to us stupid morons who want to talk about rumors even if you think that they have been answered.

I can't stand when some one tells other people that they can't talk about something. If you don't want to talk about it...DON"T RESPOND!! D'uh!!

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Hey, watch it with the personal attacks. I in no way personally attacked you, and I in no way implyed as much. About the new info, as far as I can see, no new information has been brought to light in the re-surfacing of this thread. Believe me, there have been times when I have wanted to post as I have above, but have resisted because I didn't want to continue this thread. Consider the above post a venting proceedure. I'm sorry if you found it offensive. Let's not get into a shouting match, far too many people have been banned from this forum lately for doing so.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
For those of you who are calling this "good news," you're mistaken (or mislead). This is, in no way, news. The idea that Harry Potter might go into Fantasyland is more of a fantasy the Harry Potter franchise and Fantasyland put together.

Sorry to break it to all of the Harry Potter fans. You'll have to get your fix elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
For those of you who are calling this "good news," you're mistaken (or mislead). This is, in no way, news. The idea that Harry Potter might go into Fantasyland is more of a fantasy the Harry Potter franchise and Fantasyland put together.

Understood... and I'm sure you're right. But you never know... besides, it's interesting to talk about.

IMHO, unless somebody has real info to share, the value in this thread (and in most "rumor" threads) is to discuss what you'd like to see in that space. On one extreme are the Disney "purists" who want 20,000 Leagues rebuilt exactly the way it was. These are the same people who want Pooh destroyed and Mr. Toad rebuilt board-by-board in its place.

On the other extreme are people who want whatever the latest craze is, even if it will be short-lived - a Princess Diaries 2 ride (Soaring Over Genovia) or a Home on the Range 3D show (Roseanne Barr cows jumping out at the screen at you) etc.

I find myself leaning more toward the purists. I think Disney should always think about Walt's vision before they do anything. But at the same time, that shouldn't stand in the way of progress. If Walt were around today, you can bet he would be the first to tear something down to make room for something better. So just because Walt might have been involved in 20K doesn't mean it should live on... and because Harry Potter has nothing to do with Disney (so far) doesn't mean it doesn't fit into Walt's vision for Fantasyland.

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