Well-Known Member
We can talk about what it lack’s definitely but I don’t think that alone is fair considering its ride count falls into a similar range to Shanghai and Paris. Like people do seem to forget that Paris as the core Disneyland isn’t actually that ride dense (though it’s absolutely gorgeous) and Shanghai is rather top heavy and lacks filler attractions
All three are in the 18-20 ride count falling short of the 29 of Tokyo and the almost 40 of the stateside parks but both Shanghai and Paris pull in 13-18 million while 10 still feels like a pipe dream for HK
I can definitely accept that Paris is a much more balanced and overall better experience for the average Disney guest who isn’t experienced in Disney park design but does Shanghai really do enough “more” than HK to justify its almost double attendance
Paris may only have 21 rides, but it has an usually high number of walk through attractions and diversions, much like HKDL , which helps to fill out the day. HKDL has a strong entertainment and seasonal overlay line up too.
But Parc Disneyland only has 4 flat rides total, compared to HKDL's 7 (high for a castle park).
I think Martin's list of major additions is correct, but I do feel like Toy Story Land brings down the rest of the park because it doesn't have anything substantial as far as experiences or capacity is concerned.