Hidden/Secret/Unknown/Unseen Disney List


Well-Known Member
Heh... don't forget this one. (From the linked thread)

1. Contemporary Resort: near the Monorail loading dock, there is a huge mosaic. Look for the 5 legged goat within that mosaic.

*cough* <-- *cough*


Well-Known Member
I don't know how unknown this is, so forgive me if this is common knowledge. On the GMR as you are entering the gangster area and the CM usually begins their spiel on James Cagney, if you look to your left at the posters on the wall you will see what looks like a poster of a painting of Mickey that has been covered up. Mickey's feet are showing at the bottom
Top Notch i have to say thanks to all that are adding this...

After reading some of the posts its fun to think back remember all the times I thought I noticed something wierd...
Looks like the trip in september will have me looking a little more closely:)


Number 8 is somewhat incorrect. When the artist was done doing the mural, he/she wanted to sign it, Disney would not let them or she did not want to ruin it with a signature ( I cant remember) so she put a green stone I believe somewhere near the doors of the land so that she knew it was her's, and the reason it was a green stone was b/c it was his/her daughter's birth stone.

Can anyone else confirm? I've heard this story, as well as different ones. Our tour guide on the "Undiscovered Future World" tour told us the green stone was the birth stone of the male author's mother. He even joked that perhaps it was an Oedipus complex.


New Member
Blast from the Past

There used to be a robot called SMRT-1 in Communicore at Epcot that would play interactive games with guests. He now resides near the cash register in the Concourse Steakhouse in the Contemporary Resort!:p


AK hidden

Add this one for a hidden Animal Kingdom factoid:

On the approach to Expedition Everest is a shrine with cups, Yeti figures, and coins. If you line up the outline of the shrine properly it will match the contours of the Forbidden Mountain in the distance behind it.


New Member
colliera said:
Add this one for a hidden Animal Kingdom factoid:

On the approach to Expedition Everest is a shrine with cups, Yeti figures, and coins. If you line up the outline of the shrine properly it will match the contours of the Forbidden Mountain in the distance behind it.

i heard about this one,apparently when it is matched up the positionof the carved yeti on the shrine is roughly in the same place as the real yeti on the ride.thats what i read.

i have one cool secret

-MGM studios -rock 'n' roller coaster-once inside the main building you will see 2 recording rooms (STUDIO A and STUDIO B), if you put your ear next to each door you will hear a different aerosmith song bieng played as if they were actally in there.
if you keep listening,each door has a continuous loop of a recording sesion done by aerosmith themselves,you can hear steve tyler saying stuff like "that sound awesome" and stuff.
heres the 2 songs that are played and at what door
  • studio A:permanat vacation
  • studio B:pink (and studio B's door is lit up in pink)
i have just remembered another for if your bored in the queue for ToT

-once you are in the main lobby area of ToT watch the wine bottle cooler on your lift as you enter after about 5-10 mins the bottle inside the cooler starts to shake.
also keep an eye on the bust statue on you left as you wait for the left side pre-show room,after about 5-10mins its eyes open and look around for about a couple of seconds and then goes back to normal,similar to the madame leota headstone in the MK graveyard.


New Member
48) Disney-MGM Studios, Muppets, Pre-show - In the pre-show room of Muppets 3-D there is a net full of green Jell-O hanging from the ceiling. It signifies Annette Funicello. Also look into the rafters up to the left, there is a large picture of a Muppet that is modeled after Jim Henson. One display near the front says "2-D Fruities".

Why would green jello be significant guys? Was a bit confused by that...


Well-Known Member
JCrane said:
48) Disney-MGM Studios, Muppets, Pre-show - In the pre-show room of Muppets 3-D there is a net full of green Jell-O hanging from the ceiling. It signifies Annette Funicello. Also look into the rafters up to the left, there is a large picture of a Muppet that is modeled after Jim Henson. One display near the front says "2-D Fruities".

Why would green jello be significant guys? Was a bit confused by that...
It's just a play on words. "A net full of jello" sounds a lot like "Annette Funicello."


Active Member
bassman said:
-once you are in the main lobby area of ToT watch the wine bottle cooler on your lift as you enter after about 5-10 mins the bottle inside the cooler starts to shake.
also keep an eye on the bust statue on you left as you wait for the left side pre-show room,after about 5-10mins its eyes open and look around for about a couple of seconds and then goes back to normal,similar to the madame leota headstone in the MK graveyard.
wow! i had no idea about those
have you confirmed them yourself, or just read about them?
anyone have pics?


Active Member
colliera said:
Add this one for a hidden Animal Kingdom factoid:

On the approach to Expedition Everest is a shrine with cups, Yeti figures, and coins. If you line up the outline of the shrine properly it will match the contours of the Forbidden Mountain in the distance behind it.
Hello. I didn't know that. Next time I will look for that.


New Member
Excellent list thanks for popsting. Going to the world with people who have never been before in September cant wait to try out this list


Well-Known Member
36) Magic Kingdom, Main Street, Train Station - When you first enter Disney World's Magic Kingdom, walk under the train station where the lockers are. Facing Cinderella Castle, look for a door on the right just before you exit from under the station. Open this door and get a look at the Mural on the wall

What was this a mural of?


Active Member
TAC said:
Magic Kingdom - mainly Fantasyland - Look at the concrete pathways. See how they are not square, but have intricate curves in them, and they are divided up into basically the same size ? They were designed that way, because each section holds the equivalent of one truckload of concrete. So, if a section were to be damaged, WDC could/would replace it overnight, using quick setting concrete of course.

Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland - Take a look at the large planters between Cosmic Rays and the Indy Speedway. Notice they are not all the same height.

Magic Kingdom - Libery Square - Again, look at the pathways. Notice the different color "path" in the middle? Could it signify the early Colonial sewer system ?

MK/LS - the colored concrete is indicative of the old time drains. We also learned that the CM's wearing the longer dresses would have been the servants where the short dressed women were usually the woman of the house. The short dresses would have been so that they didnt get dirty crossing these drainage ditches.


Active Member
Another little factoid - If you are in the area of Liberty Square and Fantasy Land at night, a bit before they start Wishes, you will notice water dripping off the buildings as if they washed them. They actually have an irrigation system on the tops of the buildings so that no embers will not catch the buildings on fire form the fireworks.


Naturally Grumpy
Couple of minor corrections and some additions:

#8 the murals at The Land. The two sides were done by two different artists, a father and daughter. They are identical with the exception of one signature stone in each. The stone is different for each artist, and is different (stands out) from the mosiac patterns.

#60 Tinkerbell - after getting to wake Tink, throughout the day, she can be "seen" travelling across the room, stopping in various places signified by a flash of light. Only when she travels to the dresser and the light flashes insided can you see her by looking in the keyhole.

#43 Garbage cans. There are also actively "talking" garbage cans in Future World and at Rafiki's in AK. They are called Push and Pipa respectively. You can have an active conversation with them. Similarly at AK, you might meet Wes Palm...a talking palm tree in the Palm Courtyard.

Speaking of animated foliage...don't miss DiVine...a rather sensuous, walking (sort-of) bit of kudzu and grapevine.

Also, you can add...that there are no bathrooms in Liberty Square (hense the reason for the outdoors discussed previously). This is achieved because the restrooms in Liberty Tree Tavern are in the back and actually in Adventureland, and in Columbia Harbor House, they are in Fantasyland.

this item mentioned previously:

also keep an eye on the bust statue on you left as you wait for the left side pre-show room,after about 5-10mins its eyes open and look around for about a couple of seconds and then goes back to normal,similar to the madame leota headstone in the MK graveyard.

references something else not everyone catches, and that's the Madame Leota headstone to the left of the entrance to HM who periodically opens her eyes, and her face looks around.


New Member
CoffeeJedi said:
wow! i had no idea about those
have you confirmed them yourself, or just read about them?
anyone have pics?

i have seen both,but the ToT bust head i last saw in 2004 and i went back last year and didn't see it,then again in 04 the wait to get into the pre-show room was something like 45 minutes and i only saw it just before the doors opened to the pre-show room so it could only do it once every hour or something.
the wine bottle thing i think happens every 15-30 minutes i think, i have seen it everytime i have ridden ToT.

i have read that the bookings book on the reception desk moves and the hat on the same desk moves too, i haven't seen these though so i dont know if they are true.


Active Member
ClemsonTigger said:
Similarly at AK, you might meet Wes Palm...a talking palm tree in the Palm Courtyard.

Nothing much to add here, other than the fact that Wes Palm is really cool... I've encountered him twice - both times while waiting for morning EMH at AK. He's a great distraction to keep you entertained instead of just baking in the sun while you wait to get in.:wave:


this year when i went to WDW the guy on the boat told us some intresting facts and secrets about the swan and dolphin hotel

- the swan and dolphin hotels are switched. the dolphin was supposed to be the swan and the swan was supposed to be the dolphin. thats why the outside of the swan has waves and the outside of the dolphin has tropical leaves. they placed those huge statues on top of the hotels on the wrong buildings and they were so heavy they didnt feel like moving them again.

-the swan and dolphin were going to have monorails going through them. thats why there are those black windows in the middle. if they ever want to build a monrail there. they can take those rooms out and just build it. those rooms are built with some special constructional thing, i forget what its called though.

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