Hidden/Secret/Unknown/Unseen Disney List


New Member
ooh! i cant wait to find all of these things!! I just printed out the list...not to excited about looking all "tour-isty" again walking around with a 6page packet of papers haha! but im super excited!! Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
In animal kingdom you can find the talking bush or talking trashcan that moves about and talks to all the people that will listen. My daughter wanted to just hang out around the bush all day. We saw the bush right at the entrance before you even got into the park (not there all the time though) and the trash can was in the petting zoo area at Rafiki's planet watch. I have noticed that it is the same person that also does the talking trashcan in MK so you may not see it often....but it's neat to watch- especially if there are kids around


Well-Known Member
allabtbrdway said:
ooh! i cant wait to find all of these things!! I just printed out the list...not to excited about looking all "tour-isty" again walking around with a 6page packet of papers haha! but im super excited!! Thanks so much!

In 2002, while strolling through Toontown, I actually spotted an older couple paging through a stack of papers, and squinting at...well, *something* at Mickey's house. At the time, I thought they must have picked up a scavenger hunt guide at City Hall or something like that, but in retrospect I think it's more likely that they just printed out a list like the original poster's.

Now that our Disney trips are becoming more frequent, there's a great likelihood that my wife and I will take up secret-hunting as well.

Mecha Figment

New Member
I have three things.

At animal Kingdom there is a secret path that takes you very very close to the tree and under a waterfall. the pathway starts across from where the band plays just before you enter africa. It is also at this location that you sometimes can watch Bruce the Catfish get fed .

AT MGM Studios. If you go over to star tours after it gets dark , the regular music loop has ended and you can actualy hear the ewoks conversing and having a meeting, while they have fires buring in their huts. They can actualy get quite rowdy.

also you can go into the barber shop on the street going to sanfransico.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! Great list! I've tried several of these in the past as well. While I was in DL in February in line for Muppets 3D I looked under the door mat and found the key but it was free for taking!!! :wave:


New Member
Master Yoda said:
You wake up Tinkerbell at Tinkerbell's Treasures behind the castle. You will need to get to the park before it opens and make a bee line for the castle as soon as you are let in. Go through the gates and the store is on the left as you exit the castle. Ask the cast member in the store if you can wake Tink and they will take care of it from there.

Thanks Master Yoda! You are as wise as your namesake!:wave:


New Member
Nut4Disney said:
The umbrella with the rain at MGM was not working in April when I went, but it has worked in the past for me. You can also find more at HiddenMickeys.org.
Yea i was there about 2 weeks ago and it wasnt working, i still got a picture though!:D:lol:


Well-Known Member
first of all, thanks for the great list, i know i'll keep these in mind next time i go.

Mecha Figment said:
At animal Kingdom there is a secret path that takes you very very close to the tree and under a waterfall. the pathway starts across from where the band plays just before you enter africa. It is also at this location that you sometimes can watch Bruce the Catfish get fed
That 'secret' path is really a great one, you can get some great pictures/views of the tree when you take it. and its out of the way so there's barely any other traffic along it. I usually enter it by the it's tough to be a bug fastpass distriubution. you go in the area where the machines are, all the way to the right. it looks like it could be a queue line for ITTBAB, but it's the path.

I'm upset that they closed up that other more hidden pathway in Asia before i could walk through it. from what i heard it was really out of the way. (across streams and all).


Well-Known Member
28) Magic Kingdom, Frontierland, Tom Sawyer Island - On Tom Sawyer Island, if you find a paintbrush lying around, take it to a Cast Member and you may get a small prize!
My sister and I partook in this quest years ago. We were on one of the first rafts over there in the morning, and they announced the game. We found our paintbrush and took it to a cast memeber. our prize was two 'fastpass'-like rewards to go to the front of the line in either splash mountain or big thunder mountain. I can't remember if this was before or after fastpasses were available.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if anyone mentioned this but in one of the rooms in the queue for Expedition Everest, there is a wall shelf with a bunch of yeti dolls and one of the dolls is wearing a Mickey hat and there is also playboy-like magazines hanging on the ceiling somewhere in the queue


Active Member
35) Magic Kingdom, Main Street, General Store - In the Main Street Market house, I believe, there is a old phone mounted on the wall. If you pick up the receiver and listen to it you hear a conversation between a women and her child.

there is a phone in the kitchen area of the store, in the far right corner (after walking through the door) there is an old bell telephone, when u pick it up to your ear you will hear a women gossiping. almost completley inaudible, because of her quick speech. but it is there.

Mecha Figment

New Member
on the inside door frame of the parent friendly door.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v171/Superfireconvoy2000/u6-17-06030.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>


Active Member
pilka214 said:
there is a phone in the kitchen area of the store, in the far right corner (after walking through the door) there is an old bell telephone, when u pick it up to your ear you will hear a women gossiping. almost completley inaudible, because of her quick speech. but it is there.

Theres also a simular phone in the Barber Shop but I dont know if it works the same. Heres a pic of the one in the Market House.


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Original Poster
Great replies. I'm glad we are adding some Animal Kingdom things, the orignal list was lacking in that area. Another good one that I somehow forgot to include in the list is the 20,000 leagues carving.

I will edit the orignal list tomorrow with the changes and new elements.

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