Herbie: Fully Loaded


MKCustodial said:
And did you see the trailer? On it, Lindsay finds Herbie in the junkyard. Personally, I predict something along the line of "Daddy gave me money for a car, but all I can take is junkyard material". Anyways, she's in Herbie and she finds a note inside the glove compartment. It says for whoever finds Herbie to take good care of him, he'll help with whatever problems the person has. She gets the key, turns him on, a green glow rushes through him and he's alive again.

I think if the note's from anyone it should be from anyone it should be from Bruce Campbell's Hank Cooper character from 97's The Love Bug (it sucked but it is one of the Herbie movies). Hank was the last known owner of Herbie you know.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Teaser Poster...

I've heard that it is coming out in June.

This answers the question...whether it will be a vintage bug or a new beetle.
(Not sure I like the bodykit. And that spoiler??? I hope they say it's some "NASCAR Regulation" or something)

The poster makes it look like she has something in her eye. :p


Well-Known Member
BigNorm said:
Hank was the last known owner of Herbie you know.

Sure, and it was in 97. But the way Herbie looked in that junk yard, he seemed to be there much longer than just 97... Maybe they skipped the last one, although Jim Douglas appeared in it. Maybe Hank returned Herbie to Jim? I know the letter seemed to be written in very old paper.

dandaman said:

Don't know if you noticed, but the direct link for the trailer has already been posted on the thread. :wave:


YUCK! jeeze that is one awfull looking herbie in that post. What is up with the fake air intake on the side, the cheezy chrome headlight covers and the awfull wheels... not to mention the spoiler. I've not clicked the trailor but I'm scared to now... For me Herbie was at his best in Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo, I love all the others except Herbie goes Bannanas ( couldnt stand that kid) and Ive not seen the err 2000 remake. Anyhow Good to see Herbie returned, sad to see how he did though.

Question if Herbie is sucha great car to every owner he has then why do his owners treat him like crap, Makes Jim Douglas a winner again, Jim runs off even after Herbie saves his life on the bridge, and he races cars in Europe or whatever. He comes back for him with Wheely as the side kick they win the race and return the diamond and what happens..... he gets abandoned on some island where he befriends some kid and looks like crap throughout the movie. And finally we come to this new one where he... is found in a junkyard... bah


Well-Known Member
Icekid84 said:
YUCK! jeeze that is one awfull looking herbie in that post. What is up with the fake air intake on the side, the cheezy chrome headlight covers and the awfull wheels... not to mention the spoiler. I've not clicked the trailor but I'm scared to now... For me Herbie was at his best in Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo, I love all the others except Herbie goes Bannanas ( couldnt stand that kid) and Ive not seen the err 2000 remake. Anyhow Good to see Herbie returned, sad to see how he did though.

Question if Herbie is sucha great car to every owner he has then why do his owners treat him like crap, Makes Jim Douglas a winner again, Jim runs off even after Herbie saves his life on the bridge, and he races cars in Europe or whatever. He comes back for him with Wheely as the side kick they win the race and return the diamond and what happens..... he gets abandoned on some island where he befriends some kid and looks like crap throughout the movie. And finally we come to this new one where he... is found in a junkyard... bah

Alrighty...well, the fake air intakes...just may not be "fake" it could be an air intake into the rear engine. The wheels are classic VW...the chrome headlight covers weren't just added for "bling" affect...VW Beetle's made chrome headlight "eyelids" popular. The spoiler and intake may be a requirement for NASCAR in the movie...(You only see those additions in the NASCAR scenes and after he has been "cleaned up").

Now...did Herbie save Jim Douglas' life...or did Jim Douglas save Herbie's life? First off, Jim stuck up for Herbie when he had a "bad" owner. Herbie appreciated this and befriended Jim. Jim's priorities were racing, but he always had love for the "Bug". Jim buys a Lamborghini and Herbie goes to "commit suicide" by jumping off the bridge...If Jim wasn't present, Herbie would've gone off the bridge.


Alrighty...well, the fake air intakes...just may not be "fake" it could be an air intake into the rear engine. The wheels are classic VW...the chrome headlight covers weren't just added for "bling" affect...VW Beetle's made chrome headlight "eyelids" popular. The spoiler and intake may be a requirement for NASCAR in the movie...(You only see those additions in the NASCAR scenes and after he has been "cleaned up").

Now...did Herbie save Jim Douglas' life...or did Jim Douglas save Herbie's life? First off, Jim stuck up for Herbie when he had a "bad" owner. Herbie appreciated this and befriended Jim. Jim's priorities were racing, but he always had love for the "Bug". Jim buys a Lamborghini and Herbie goes to "commit suicide" by jumping off the bridge...If Jim wasn't present, Herbie would've gone off the bridge.

Lol well here we go, (nothing against you) The air intake is fake :) the beetle engine has no need for such cooling devices especially since it would be hard to manipulate the air flow in the tiny body not designed for it so therefore they are fake in real life. But they could come up with a phony reason for them for the movie. The wheels are not classic, wheels too big and they are placed a little to much inward. The chrome covers that stick out were never part of Herbie before in any of the other series, true they give him a personality with his 3d gimmicks he performs in the movie, I guess I'm just a traditionalist at heart.

True Herbie would have committed suicide. However Jim found him and attempted to stop him, Jim slips while trying and slides off landing on his bumper, Herbie could have carried on with the suicide but instead the two made up and in a sense should have had a stronger bond with each other since they each saved each other's life. So there for Herbie was treated like crap having been given away so many times.

Btw luckily that was not a Lamborghini 350 that got beat up in the movie :)
[EDIT] hmm seems they even thrown good oh Nitrous in Herbie ( looks like it to me) ( NOS)... ahhh Disney Disney always have to throw in whets hot And Herbie even has two spoilers in the movie... one a NASCAR type and the other that giant GT2 Whale tail look alike. My favorite part is the hood pins in his hood which evidently don’t work since he’s popping his hood open with them. It also seems that Disney screwed up there CG Herbie model, or there real one , hard to tell but the lights are way to far apart and the fenders have an awkward shape. Anyhow I know its a movie but just a car enthusiast having fun :D


Well-Known Member
Just saw a Great Trailer

Just saw a Great Trailer to this movie, and Now I am really excited to see it! I think the spirit of Herbie is gonna come back. Now with a little bit of CGI, which, in and of itself, may not be a bad thing

Check out the trailer I saw here.

Herbie Trailer


Well-Known Member
Yep, same trailer that we've seen posted two or three times already in this thread. IMO it looked horrible before and still looks horrible seeing it again.

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