I am getting a new puppy! It is going to be a CHIHUAHUA!!! It'll be a teacup one with long-haired. The one below is my cousin's. What should I name my new puppy?
If it's a chihuahua then it will probably eventually adopt the name "Gerroff out from under my feet dammit!" Bit too small a dog for my liking, it's bad enough when I've worked in a primary school with 7 year olds :lol:
I've been trying to come up with names, but am finding no inspiration. I need to know the gender before any amazing ideas can flow. But then again, I tend to like bizarre names for pets. My cat is Miss Jackson (because she's nasty) and my hamster is T Hamilton Biggs. I almost named my cat after my favorite Starbucks drink, Iced Venti Soy No Water Chai Latte. Not exactly your standard Fido.