Heard anything more about the SM rehab??


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but nobody visits MK and DL at the same time, so it doesn't matter. What should be a concern is what DL has compared to DCA.

MK already has 3x the rides of the other 3 WDW parks. Once the 20K plot ride comes, I say don't even think about adding anything new to MK until you add 5 or 6 to each of the other parks (especially AK). Rehab and rebuild, yes. Completely new rides - why? It already takes 2 days to do MK. Why make it a 3-day park?

I think the MK needs at least one more E-ticket and a solid D or C to help spread out the Guests; there's no reason the MK should feel crowded when it's only moderately attended. Remember, two E-tickets (20K and AE) have been removed without sufficient replacements. Pooh's Playplace is a cute area for about a hundred toddlers, and Stitch simply doesn't pack in the crowds like AE did.


The MK doesn't need as many attractions as DL. Epcot, DHS, and AK absorb Guests and allow attractions to be spread out; DLR was only one park for decades. Considering how unpopular DCA is right now, most Guests still visit only DL. I know that some people insist DL is superior because it has more attractions and a greater level of detail (the spaces are so confined that WDI has to decorate them with something); but I'm among those who prefer the wider walkways, beautiful views, larger castle, and happier CMs of the MK.

Hobnail Boot

Well-Known Member
^ I`m sure they will too, but you`d be surprised how well DLCs track does fit WDWs ride. Remember these tracks are split into sections, with each section triggered when the car reaches a certain place on the track ;)
I actually took my MP3 player on Space Mountain and played Disneyland's "Space Mountain (Daytime Track)" from the top of the lift hill to the finish. The length was just about spot on!


New Member
Okay, the great guru of LP has hinted twice now in separate postings that he has heard the SM rebuild may be either greatly slashed or nixed (although he has stated it as non-confirmed). Has anyone here with inside sources heard such rumors?


Haven't heard that, and hope I don't.

Honestly, I was led to believe that it had "passed the point of no return".....

Pete C

Active Member
Is that the guy ranting and raving about the recession and how no projects are going forward? It's purely speculation on his part...no concrete evidence whatsoever. Not that it isn't sound reasoning, but speculation nonetheless.


New Member
I'm really glad MK is updating most of their current attractions. Are we still going to see a large JC rehab?

And on the note of Space Mountain... I can't wait to see the final product!:sohappy:


Active Member
Haven't heard that, and hope I don't.

Honestly, I was led to believe that it had "passed the point of no return".....

what is this referring to? the original post? and what do you mean by "passed the point of no return"? do you mean it is now so greenlit that nothing can stop it, or the other way around?

thanks :wave:


Well-Known Member
what is this referring to? the original post? and what do you mean by "passed the point of no return"? do you mean it is now so greenlit that nothing can stop it, or the other way around?

thanks :wave:

Greenlighted. Disney doesn't have a choice. They either refurb Space Mt. or watch it fall apart.


what is this referring to? the original post? and what do you mean by "passed the point of no return"? do you mean it is now so greenlit that nothing can stop it, or the other way around?
tirian said:
Greenlighted. Disney doesn't have a choice. They either refurb Space Mt. or watch it fall apart.

Yep. Tirian beat me to it.
To stop it at this point would mean losing a lot of money and wasting a ton of man-hours on work already done.
Highly unlikely anything would cause them to pull the plug.
However, it is slightly possible that the refurb schedules for the MK might get pushed around some for money reasons, but not SM.


Active Member
Good to hear. And here's to hoping that nothing gets sliced off the top of the rehab, too, hopefully all the bells and whistles will remain intact!


New Member
I did some digging through Spirit's posts to find the exact 2 quotes.

The thread entitled "More Bad News for O'town," post #52 (6/22/08), says he was told that the "budget for Space Mountain 2.0 got slashed yet again." The thread entitled "Survey Says," post #1 (6/26/08) his exact terminology was "[revamp of Space Mountain]...may have been tabled." Note: He advised to treat strictly as rumor because he has not been able to confirm.

I only bring this up because alot of people around here consider his insider info to be among the best on the web. He posted here recently, so maybe he'll come on to clarify.


Well-Known Member
However, it is slightly possible that the refurb schedules for the MK might get pushed around some for money reasons, but not SM.

Definitely not SM.

And count me among those who hope the guy behind the various incarnations of "74" returns. Even though we have wildly different political views, I respect his opinions and sources.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear. And here's to hoping that nothing gets sliced off the top of the rehab, too, hopefully all the bells and whistles will remain intact!

At worst—and this is purely speculation on my part—the bells and whistles may have to be slowly added after the initial budget is spent, similar to the SSE refurb.

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