Have you ever had a loose thread...


New Member
*looks at this imfamous MrP curiously*

Hi.. I'm new..
Nice to meet you. :)

(can you guys tell I'm avoiding school work again and am bored?? LOL)


New Member
With my eyes playing tricks on me and my head all jumbled I think I better just go and take a nap till I have to enroll for the next quarter at 4:30 lol.

Except I'm anti naps.

Okay I will stop avoiding it and read my celti mythology for class tomorrow.. lol.


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Originally posted by Angelique
*looks at this imfamous MrP curiously*

Hi.. I'm new..
Nice to meet you. :)

(can you guys tell I'm avoiding school work again and am bored?? LOL)

See now, I was going to paraphrase something from this horrible movie that I’ve seen way too many times where Steve Martin explains that I must be so famous that they say I’m “in-famous” but unfortunately it doesn’t work here because you spelled it with an “m” instead of an “n”… Oh well, to lost opportunities – cheers!:hammer:


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Originally posted by Angelique
Please forgive my horrible spelling. LOL This is why computers have spell check and I usually have a dictionary next to my desk :).

Trust me, if you read my posts long enough, you’ll see I have no room to talk! In this instance, it just happened to work out that the word I wanted to use for my bad (ok, terrible) joke was not only misspelled but had the wrong letter in exactly the wrong place for my punch-line (that nobody would have understood anyway) to work. ;)


New Member
She was actually trying to say: *looks at this "I´m famous" MrP curiously* :D ;)

.....and Kellydriscoll, wow! You read the whooooole nonsense thread? hahaha well done girl!! :sohappy: now you know why it is a lose thread! ;)


New Member
Originally posted by kellydriscoll
I just read this whole forum, and I got completly lost. You all go off on random subjects. hehehe I find it very funny. :)

..I can recommend some terrific clinics to treat your condition...only someone missing a few marbles could've made it thru the entire thread...


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Originally posted by Maria
She was actually trying to say: *looks at this "I´m famous" MrP curiously*

.....and Kellydriscoll, wow! You read the whooooole nonsense thread? hahaha well done girl!! :sohappy: now you know why it is a lose thread! ;)

:mad: :mad: :mad: You women are really killing my act! :rolleyes:

I was all about to make a comment on how we are all just an "easy" bunch but you said 'loss" instead of "loose"! I just can't win with all of this! :cry:

It's ok, though. I still love you ;) :kiss:


New Member
Originally posted by MrPromey

:mad: :mad: :mad: You women are really killing my act! :rolleyes:

I was all about to make a comment on how we are all just an "easy" bunch but you said 'loss" instead of "loose"! I just can't win with all of this! :cry:

It's ok, though. I still love you ;) :kiss:

I can always edit my text and add an "o", so you can do your joke.... hehe :kiss: ;)


New Member
You guys are silly...
I shouldn't be saying that cause I've been acting wierd all week and today is worse cause of my migraine but.. *shrugs* hehe.

Okay ... I know .. this makes no sense....


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In 1989, a financial analyst from Philadelphia paid $ for a painting at a flea market. He really only wanted the frame, so he removed the painting... and discovered a copy of the Declaration of Independence, folded up, about the size of a business envelope.

Researching his ‘find,” he learned that after finishing the Declaration in 1776, the Continental Congress had copies printed and sent “to the several Assemblies, Conventions & Committees and the Commanding Officers of the Continental troops.” This was one of those original copies. In 1991, it sold at auction for $2.4 million.

And not so BTW, the diameter of the wheel on TV's “Wheel of Fortune” is 8' 6" - Bet you didn't know that!



Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by The Mom
NOOOO!!! It lives on and on!!!!

I thought the Wheel of Fortune thing was pretty good. I mean, I don’t know about everyone else but that’s something I always wonder about when I see that show.:lookaroun


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Clear Beer

In the wake of huge publicity generated by Crystal Pepsi, Tab Clear, and other colorless soft drinks (most of which flopped), Miller came up with this clearly stupid idea.
Unlike soft drinks, which are artificially colored, a beer’s color is natural. So it's just about impossible to remove the color without destroying the flavor and body at the same time. One newspaper critic described Clear Beer ad "a lager the color of 7-UP, with little head and a taste like sweetened seltzer... with the faintest touch of oily, medicinal hoppiness in the finish." Born? 1994; Died: 1996

And not so BTW, five hundred cubic feet of air pass through your nose every day. Now isn't that useful information that you can take with you? :D

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