Have any of the characters "hit" on you or your significant other?


New Member
I think the Queen of Hearts held her hand out for me to kiss in SpectroMagic lol.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one this happened to:ROFLOL: She really freaked me out because I wasn't expecting it. I got embarassed but it was all funny afterwards. IMO, it's not really in her nature to do something like that, but I guess there's a soft side to her I never saw.....NOT lol.
Oh, please, y'all ain't seen nothin' till you've seen Suzy and Perla go after my man. It's one thing in ToonTown, where I chalked it up to just random flirtatiousness, but the very next night at Park Fair? They could not get enough of him!

All joking aside, he was thrilled with the attention and I applaud the mice in question...it was such a fun experience and my daughter and nieces got a huge kick out of how much attention the characters were paying to DH. I for one took the OP's post as a "what do I do now" as opposed to a serious inquiry as to whether or not his girl was about to run away with a cartoon character...of course you might feel a little silly but the best bet is to play along. DH asked where Jaq and Gus were and Suzy and Perla got all shy and put their hands up to their faces. They loved it and it really enhanced the experience...I think it just goes to show that you get out of it what you put into it.


New Member
Honestly, coming from the "other side" of the flirting, I don't know why you'd be uncomfortable. It's not like Mickey is going to find you and your girlfriend at PI and try to take her away from you. Honestly, if it happens again just try to speed up the meet and greet process. But know that it's all in good fun.


New Member
thats actually pretty creeptastic. i would have been very awkwarded out (and yes im aware of the unusual amount of made up words)

also, is your name Caitie? Because then from one Caitie to another, way to spell it right! :wave:

It was pretty creeptastic. Then he just walked away leaving us thinking ummmm...

And yes, my name is Caitie, and it is spelled the best way :)


New Member
Characters were flirting with me left and right. (Kinda weird... considering who's probably under most of those costumes :lookaroun ) It's cute though. Chip got me a ring from a nearby store and "proposed." Stitch was flirting in a stitch-like way. And the list goes on.

The best flirting was by far the evil stepsisters with my husband. The two of them and their mother played the parts SO WELL! The mother was trying to get me out of the picture! It was hilarious! Of course I don't blame them... he IS a catch! ;)
Characters were flirting with me left and right. (Kinda weird... considering who's probably under most of those costumes :lookaroun ) It's cute though. Chip got me a ring from a nearby store and "proposed." Stitch was flirting in a stitch-like way. And the list goes on.

The best flirting was by far the evil stepsisters with my husband. The two of them and their mother played the parts SO WELL! The mother was trying to get me out of the picture! It was hilarious! Of course I don't blame them... he IS a catch! ;)

Kat, that is a riot!!!! And he is quite the dish....but girl... keep your hands off my Stitch!!!


Well-Known Member
listen, if you can't "trust" your girlfriend NOW, how will you trust her if you get married? and if you can't "take it" now, how will you take it when again, you are married?

either put faith in your relationship or get out. Or is it that you cheat on her, and flirt with others, and now you are making a deal when the shoe is on the other foot?

in other words GROW UP.. this is sixth grade stuff Seventh at best.

I think you kind of missed the point with his post. He's saying it's uncomfortable because what are you supposed to do? Should he have swatted at Mickey a few times playfully, or what? Sometimes characters do stuff you really can't react to or have to be really quick to come up with something clever.


Well-Known Member
I had to dish out some pain to Baloo in AK a few years ago. He kept trying to take my wife's wedding ring....He had to pay....

I'm sorry, this is going to be so juvenile, but it would be freakin' hillarious if someone jack-knife powerbombed a character over something like that.


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Characters hitting on you

hey there everyone

yup, it has happened to us too

we are a gay couple from nyc and i was hit on by the dinosaurs in animal kingdom, not the cartoonie ones they have now but the original ones that looked more like real ones

the "boy" one had a fascination with mens chest and nipples and got me so bad it was sore for the day


Active Member
*meh* part of the package, some great photos are had however when the photo is taken ;)

just join in, you look more silly when you stand dead still and look peeved.

mind you - there is an iffy photo of fryer tuck at dlrp where it looks like he is groping mrs c (similar photo with tigger) - he wasnt it just looks it :p

..only thing i have to be careful of is mrs cmatt and fire men :p :eek: :lol:

but at the end of the day its harmless
I have two stories. I was taking a picture with Mickey when he started to dance with me and Minnie came over and tapped my shoulder to get out of the way. My boyfriend decided to take Minnie's hand and then we all started to dance.

At the show near Pirates Jack Sparrow hit on me. He was selecting kids to sword fight and I raised my hand (I'm 20) and he said, "If only I could pick you darling." And later on his assistant pulled me in and said, "Captain I got a nice hot suprise for you" and Jack agreed.

I love it because even though were not kids anymore the characters still get to interact with you and make you laugh and smile!! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
The characters who have to wear the hot, heavy costumes deserve to have some fun. The others don't have any excuse. Like, if Ariel started coming on to me and groping me that would be just...so...terrible....



Whenever my wife and I go to Disney World, Characters ALWAYS hit on my wife. Chip and Dale usually fight over her. It is funny. Mickey grabs her hand and proposes. I usually tap their shoulder and give them a no no with my finger.

One Easter at the Liberty Tree Tavern, Goofy and I arm wrestled over her. I didn't know if I should let him win for the "fun" of it so I did...and my wife still picked me ...it made Goofy laugh....

Later I went to the bathroom and he took my seat.....and handed me the check.... It is funny. Just play along...


Active Member
My daughter was kissed on the lips by Prince Charming.:eek:

Oh wait - that's right, SHE kissed HIM on the lips (she was 3 years old at the time). :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
This Thread is hysterical Yoop, We bumped into a Caveman and some sort of escort outside of Mousegears @ Epcot a few years ago,(still not sure who or what they were) and thanks to my kids, I traded my lovley wife for the cavemans club. Hey, it was a real nice club. I laughed for the rest of the trip, so did my wife. Have fun with it.

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