have any interesting ride breakdowns ever happened to you?


Well-Known Member
In May, ToT broke down just as we were about to move into the drop shaft. All of a sudden, we stopped moving, and I was like, "this isn't right." A very scary situation to be in on such a scary ride.


Active Member
Here goes:
SplM: Just the usual "Brer Bear and Brer Fox are causing some commotion, you will be moving shortly."
CoP: (This is very interesting.) We were going from the second scene into the third, and we hear a very loud, annoying sound. Then a CRASH. Some ceiling tiles were thrown into the back rows of seats. Apparently, the moving wall hit the ceiling. :lookaroun No one was injured, but we reported the situation at the end of the ride, it was closed for several hours afterwards.
HM: Just a brief stop in front of the ballroom scene.
WDWRR: Not anything too exciting, just thunder and lighting caused us to get off (we hadn't even left MSUSA station yet, lol).
Maelstrom: We were going up the first incline and it stopped. The usual spiel came on "Please stay in your boats. You will be moving shortly." Nothing happened for a while, and finally the lights came on and the Norweign CMs came up and got us off.
That's all I can think of.
[I copied and pasted that from a different thread with the same meaning, incase you recognized it.]


Well-Known Member
2 come to mind...
The first was on Dinosaur. The ride stopped at the huge scary dino when they take your photo and the lights came on. Let me tell you, he's not so scary when the lights are on and you see only half his body. HeHe
The second was on Cyber Space Mountain at Disney Quest. My bestfriend and I built a coaster and were ready to ride. 5 seconds after the ride started the screen turned off and out red car stopped. You could hear the operator trying to find the right key to get us out. They took us to another car and we rode the whole thing.


New Member
Just after Epcot opened, my mom and I were on SSE and it broke down. I don't remember which scene we were in but am pretty sure it was toward the beginning. Anyway, after about 15 minutes of hanging out they came through and got everyone off the ride. We climbed down--my memory of this is pretty hazy but I think we went down an interior set of stairs.


New Member
Splash Mountain- Got pulled off right towards the end where Brer Rabbit's house is. Lights came on, and a CM came to get us. We went out the emergency exit towards the end (saw a boat upside down... they are plain white with wheels!) and into the gift shop.

Spaceship Earth- Broke down in the 2nd scene. Were evacuated after about 10 minutes, went down the ramp and staircase that's to the right side of the vehicles in the first set of scenes.

Space Mountain- Similar to previous story, lights came as the ride started, and emergency brakes kicked in on a straight part of track before the largest drop in the ride. Cast member eventually came to release the brake and push us down the hill as we slowly made our way towards the exit.

Rock N Roller Coaster- No biggie, but lights came on and emergency spiel played in the exit tunnel and we sat in the cars for 3-4 minutes until the brakes were released and we slowly rolled to the unload area.

I agree with the previous poster that it's scary when Tower of Terror stops. I haven't had it breakdown per se, but I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) there are points where it won't go if the elevator in front of it hasn't cleared a specific point. I've stopped for about 30 seconds after the corridor scene where the starfield emerges and the window breaks before moving up to the next level, and also right before entering the drop shaft in the 5th dimension level. This has to be just to give the next elevator clearance, because it's spooky to hear one elevator in the shaft and people screaming while you're unloading off the ride!


New Member
marni1971 said:
Right side is designated Omega.

Actually, nowadays when refering to the tracks we say A or B. When going up the main lift, the B side is on the right and the A side is on the left.

Most of the time when we reset the ride track, we have to push the rockets. It's a normal thing. The first train at the load area after the ride is up again usually sits on the break until I have to pull it by hand to move.


New Member
I've been on rides several times with minor stops where you here the "please remain in your seats" spiel. Two times I have been on actual breakdowns.

1) Tower of Terror - Stopped at the bottom of the shaft as we were rolling backwards away and towards the exit. It was pitch black for a few minutes. Funny thing is we had a TOT CM bellhop riding with us carrying one of the small pieces of luggage. We all laughed and chit chatted for a few minutes ih the dark until maintenance arrived. The lights went on and he tried to get it going but couldn't so we all piled off and got a nice view of some backstage areas you normally don't see. They then put us on another elevator and rode again.

2) Star Tours - As we were blowing up the Death Star the film suddenly shut off, the cockpit shield flew back in to place and the lights came down. The CM came in and said something moved and tripped the sensors outside the simulator so it shut down. We were moved to a different simulator and rode again.

It was kind of nice because each attraction stopped at the end of the ride and we were put right back on with no wait to enjoy it again!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
It probably wasn't a breakdown, but I was on the Skyway when it stopped for over 10 minutes!!

All I could think about was how in the world were they going to get us down from up there.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
:) My wife and I took a little trip without the sons and we were on splash, when we were near the bottom of the last drop and it suddenly stopped, the cm came on and stated that we should stay in our seats, we were watching the buzzards for what seemed forever when, after a while they came to lead us off the ride. Thru the laughing place, which was interesting they never said that we could not take pictures which I did, down the wholes to see half the gophers, then we were taken out back where we could see the floats for the parades, and some of the back displays for BTM, they also gave us FP's good forever or at least till we use them, but just for SM, which by the way I still have. While we were waiting and the lights came on, the people behind us said out loud, "That's it, the magic is ruined for us!" we all had a good laugh.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Well...I have posted many experances in other threads but here goes.

Splash-Stuck before the Big Drop, evacuation needed.
Test Track-When the truck comes at you. for about 10 min.
Soarin'- My 13th time (see the irony?). I felt a "bump" in the gliders (uncommon because the ride is so smooth) just when the thunderbirds flew by. There was no motion, but the film kept going. Then, just as Tinkerbell came up, The movie blanked out, and the work lights came on, showing shadows of the gliders on the screen, and Patrick's voice said "Please remain seated, your flight has been stopped momentarely, We will continue in just a moment." And then they lowered the ride, and because someone was taking flash pictures, asked every row "did you see who was taking the pictures, and almost everyone said B2, so they released everyone but B2, so who know what happened. It was neat to see the mechanics of the Ride.
Philharmagic-No sound...so they evacuated the theatre, and gave us all FP's.

There's a bunch more...I don't have the best of luck when it comes to techincal difficuties.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Craig & Lisa said:
... which was interesting they never said that we could not take pictures which I did, ...

That sounds like it was really interesting to see, I'd love to see those pictures !!

Can you post them in a link or photo album ? :wave:


New Member
i'm one of those wimps. i hate get stuck places. i'm pretty sure buzz lightyear got stuck. they told us to remain seated. luckily i was in a huge target area and ended up with 170,000 points. i do usually hyperventilate when rides get stuck glad i read this thread after my disney trip


Well-Known Member
Once I was on TOT at the very end when you go backwards towards the exit and once we got to where the exit was the lights didn't turn on and we sat there for a good 2 or 3 minutes and sometime during that another elevator car started coming towards us but the exit doors finally opened then.


New Member
My family got stuck on ToT right at the moment when you reach the last floor and begin to move forward. The lights went on, and we sat there for about 10 minutes. We got to see how everything worked, and how you could see through the floor. We finished the ride with the lights on, which wasn't very scary. It was funny because a woman who didn't want to ride but was convinced to by her husband was freaking out. She kept saying, "This is a part of the ride isn't it?" The rest of us were all laughing.

We got to go through the backstage area and get on the next elevator though.


New Member
I have two of them:

the funniest one was when I got stuck in IASW, we stopped moving and the audio kept on going, i swear that my mind was about to explode, I mean I love the IASW song but only in small doses!

the second one, I was with my brother and we went on Soarin' for the annual pass preview, we had to do a 40 min line, and after we got on the ride, right after the golf scene, the screen whent pitch black but the audio was still going and there was still movement. We stayed up there for about 7 min. in the dark, in the dark so dark that you can't even see your hand in front of you, but after that, they turn on the lights and leave us up there for another 5 min with the audio still one but the ride finally stopped moving. After this they finally bring us down, but they asked us not to move in case they could get the ride working again, so again we waited even longer, until they finally let us go, by then I was really annoyed as well as everyone else who was stuck in the ride. So we are outside of soarin' they tell us to wait for a manager to talk to him about how we could ride soarin' again, nothing was solved, they just told us that they were evacuating the building and they took us backstage where they told us that someone would come outside to talk to us, but after waiting backstage for the manager, security come up to us and tells us that we have to go back in the park, so at the end nothing was solved, I got to see Journey into your imagination backstage, but only that.


Well-Known Member
I was on TTA a few days ago, and as we were passing through Space Mountain, I noticed one of the ride vehicles for Space was stopped on the first incline. Then the lights came on. We got to see pretty much the whole interior with all the cars stopped in place as we passed through. It was pretty neat.


New Member
My first post - though I've been reading for months

My best was on Test Track last September. Our friends & older girls went first while we sat with our 2 year old. We did our child swap, went through the ride and right where you break through the crash test "wall" we slowed way down, and came out into pouring rain (it wasn't raining when we entered) we drove along very slowly until the banked turn at the furthest point when the vehicle stopped. We were the only 4 on the ride - my husband & 14 year old were at the top uncomfortably hanging waiting for something to happen. After 20 minutes (no exaggeration!) a CM came out & restarted our car. We drove slowly until after the straighaway, when we suddenly went normal speed for the last turn & back into the building. We were completely soaked. They even handed us hand towels (which I still have). The best was the look on our friends' faces as we came back soaked all except for the slanted "L" from the seat belts!


Well-Known Member
The only lengthy one we've ever had was CoP. We would love to have one on SE on a hot summer afternoon. It would give a good chance to cool off and look around.


Well-Known Member
MissionSpaceFan said:
Thats pretty much it. Oh, and I got stuck on IASW for 1 hour listening to that song over and over. "GET ME OFF!"

I didn't think IASW could get stopped, I thought it was free floating or whatever. I thought at the entrance/exit was the only place. Same as POTC, but there also at the top of the waterfall.


Well-Known Member
We got stuck on the elevator to Sea Base Alpha in the Living Seas. We had to be rescued by a crack commando team, who attached us to harnesses and pulled us all back up to the surface one by one. It was a terrifying experience.

If you believe that, I have some great land to sell you in Florida.

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