Haunted Mansion


Well-Known Member
I’m pumped to see Haunted Mansion.

Seems that there’s something in particular about Disney films in just doing badly atm. Could it really be because everyone knows they’ll be in Disney+ on 8-12 weeks from now?
I think this is a huge factor.

Our family has not gone to a movie since 2019 but we have purchased movies on streaming and it some cases waited for it to go on streaming app for "free".


Well-Known Member
great movie for what it can be, I totally enjoyed it

that being said, they should have released it at halloween with a much better trailer (i knew i was going to see it, but the trailer made me second guess that, it should be the opposite, the trailer SHOULD sell the movie)
should have leaned into spooky and halloween release date. And had some cross marketing with other companies.

Now i expect Disney plus might get it for a halloween release?


Well-Known Member
. Not sure how saying that it opened to a modest $51M 5 days and that'll have to find legs if it wants to be profitable is being anything other than honest. But ok, whatever.
The untruths came mostly from your retconning on the costume discussion and awkward pictures randomly shared.

The attempt of untruth of box office talked was when you stated it will be like Ruby Gillman. Which is already surpassed by Turtles at 51 million dollars in 5 days where as Ruby only made 15 total when it left theaters. That is no longer an opinion but a fact that did not happen so its untrue to say that is happening to the turtles. It is number three behind the biggest anticipated releases of the end of the summer. It has been out for only a week tomorrow and it already has made three times that and surpassed HM. Take off the bias goggles. I am glad you liked The Haunted Mansion subjectively, but objectively, the movie is not going to make the company dime.
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Well-Known Member
The error was telling someone that they were from the 90s after you were told those were not authentic costumes. a mistake is a mistake. What made it a lie is you leaned into it when you were told those were not legit sold costumes, tried to save it with well parts are(they're not) and you even said you just pulled a picture from the internet after the fact of getting caught in that. So you had no idea where the image actually came from or what it contained but you leaned into it being authentic when it got the laughs and even said they were wearing original pieces.

Hocus Pocus was not smash hit but not a flop. It made 44 million dollars in 1993. With inflation that is nearing 100 million dollars today. Haunted Mansion is not going to reach that. It had a lot more of a following by the time it left theaters compared to HM today which had far more marketing than not. Hocus Pocus' marketing was limited pretty much to the Disney Channel.

Hocus Pocus also only had the budget of 28 million.

Like Turtles, the truth sure seems skewed here.

Haunted Mansion is 157 million plus a large marketing budget.

Haunted Mansion is an iconic property and name because of the great theme park attractions. It not need this movie for Halloween merch for The Walt Disney Company. And the last HM flop did not even reach a Halloween Classic.

There are not enough Halloweens in our lifetimes.
I always ASSUMED hocus pocus flopped, but then became a cult classic. Thats what I get for assuming


Well-Known Member
I always ASSUMED hocus pocus flopped, but then became a cult classic. Thats what I get for assuming

Yeah, it is the talk around here for some reason. It was not a bomb by any means.

It made coin by the time it left theaters and soared on home video because it is a movie all about Halloween in a time where home video was the rage for kids with VCRs and specifically, traditional network Sunday Night TV and The Disney Channel were still the means of tradition.

Modern streaming would not have that benefit today.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is the talk around here for some reason. It was not a bomb by any means.

It made coin by the time it left theaters and soared on home video because it is a movie all about Halloween in a time where home video was the rage for kids with VCRs and specifically, traditional network Sunday Night TV and The Disney Channel were still the means of tradition.

Modern streaming would not have that benefit today.
I always think of movies such as national lampoons christmas, nightmare before christmas, christmas story, rocky horror, as movies that did ok but were kind of forgotten until they became tradition/ cult classics. But never looked at any numbers.


Well-Known Member
I always think of movies such as national lampoons christmas, nightmare before christmas, christmas story, rocky horror, as movies that did ok but were kind of forgotten until they became tradition/ cult classics. But never looked at any numbers.
True. Those are a good list that definitely benefit from yearly showings on TV and special occasions.

Wizard of Oz was actually not a huge hit, and Its a Wonderful Life was panned and is now considered a staple.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
The error was telling someone that they were from the 90s after you were told those were not authentic costumes. a mistake is a mistake. What made it a lie is you leaned into it when you were told those were not legit sold costumes, tried to save it with well parts are(they're not) and you even said you just pulled a picture from the internet after the fact of getting caught in that. So you had no idea where the image actually came from or what it contained but you leaned into it being authentic when it got the laughs and even said they were wearing original pieces.
The image issue aside, the point being made was still the same. And yes I made a mistake about the image, mea culpa, but again so what. Those looked exactly like costumes I saw at many Halloween parties in the 90s, some store bought some made by hand some a combination of both. So again I say so what that the specific image wasn't specifically from the 90s itself, the sentiment was still the same.

Hocus Pocus was not smash hit but not a flop. It made 44 million dollars in 1993. With inflation that is nearing 100 million dollars today. Haunted Mansion is not going to reach that. It had a lot more of a following by the time it left theaters compared to HM today which had far more marketing than not. Hocus Pocus' marketing was limited pretty much to the Disney Channel.

Hocus Pocus also only had the budget of 28 million.

Like Turtles, the truth sure seems skewed here.

Haunted Mansion is 157 million plus a large marketing budget.

Haunted Mansion is an iconic property and name because of the great theme park attractions. It not need this movie for Halloween merch for The Walt Disney Company. And the last HM flop did not even reach a Halloween Classic.

There are not enough Halloweens in our lifetimes.

Hocus Pocus most certainly was considered a flop back in 1993.

You can't adjust for inflation to today's numbers if you're talking about whether a movie was a flop or not back when it released, you have to use the numbers for the time it was released unadjusted. $44M on a $28M budget in any time period is still a flop.

As for whether HM will become a classic or not, you may have an opinion but you can't predict the future any more than any one else can. So it very well could find a cult following just like Hocus Pocus did, you don't know and so don't act like you do.


Well-Known Member
Hocus Pocus was a flop in 1993. Don't let someone fool you into thinking otherwise.

Those are modern articles exaggerating the term for interest pieces on a movie from 1993. It was not a hit. But it was not a flop.

Movies today need a bigger gap due to bigger budgeting. A movie that nearly doubled its cost in 1993 was not a debt to the company. It was something they knew did some coin and if people liked it, it would do well on home video.
The image issue aside, the point being made was still the same. And yes I made a mistake about the image, mea culpa, but again so what. Those looked exactly like costumes I saw at many Halloween parties in the 90s, some store bought some made by hand some a combination of both. So again I say so what that the specific image wasn't specifically from the 90s itself, the sentiment was still the same.
The mistake was lying about it. You snapped at the other postings as if you knew what it was. There is mea culpa, and there is lying through teeth to save face when you knew from the state you were wrong. When you stated you saw those exact costumes at many different parties when they were pulled from a website of homemade costumes. Which hurts reputation of future discussions you partake in and questions ones of the past.

Such as the Ruby Comparison to Turtles making all the more sense now.

HM won't even wind out with 1/3rd the people who saw Hocus Pocus in theaters here in the states.

Think about that and realize why the educated guess of it not being a cult classic in Halloweens to come is right off the bat a good educated guess.

Then the likelyhood diminishes even more when you realize we are in a world of streaming on demand. If one types in Haunted Mansion to Disney Plus, if they have it. They will see two Haunted Mansion movies and a Muppets Special. Which underperforming Haunted Mansion film do they go with? They may just choose The Muppets Haunted Mansion special.

It is not a VHS or DVD world anymore. It is certainly not a free network TV gathering society anymore. Hocus Pocus had over 20 years of that on free and paid tv, and was not tied to anything other than its cheesy fun Halloween self.

The gap to 157 million plus is huge for HM and has none of that.

There are no absolutes, but come on, let's be genuine educated guessers here.
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Well-Known Member
Hocus Pocus was not smash hit but not a flop. It made 44 million dollars in 1993. With inflation that is nearing 100 million dollars today. Haunted Mansion is not going to reach that. It had a lot more of a following by the time it left theaters compared to HM today which had far more marketing than not. Hocus Pocus' marketing was limited pretty much to the Disney Channel.

Hocus Pocus also only had the budget of 28 million.
Encanto was much more successful even with the figures adjusted for inflation, but I seem to remember you saying it didn’t earn enough back against its production budget.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
The attempt of untruth of box office talked was when you stated it will be like Ruby Gillman. Which is already surpassed by Turtles at 51 million dollars in 5 days where as Ruby only made 15 total when it left theaters. That is no longer an opinion but a fact that did not happen so its untrue to say that is happening to the turtles. It is number three behind the biggest anticipated releases of the end of the summer. It has been out for only a week tomorrow and it already has made three times that and surpassed HM. Take off the bias goggles. I am glad you liked The Haunted Mansion subjectively, but objectively, the movie is not going to make the company dime.
I never stated Turtles would be like Ruby Gillman. In fact here is what I said:

Ruby Gillman did about half its production budget back as well, but it ended up dying in the seas and being pulled from theaters.

Not saying that is going to happen here, but if the Turtles don't leg it out over the next couple weeks its going to end up with the same fate. The point is that its starting soft in my opinion. It needed to get closer to $70M by this weekend to be considered to have a really good opening weekend, hence my opinion.

None of what I said was untrue. In addition its an opinion, which is my stance on the subject which also can't be untrue since its an opinion.

Also just because it ended up being number 3 for Sunday and number 4 for the weekend doesn't provide any indication on its future at the box office. It opened soft, just like other movies have before it including many Disney movies. Maybe if Barbenheimer hadn't sucked up all the oxygen at the box office it would have done better, but it didn't.

If your opinion is its a success now, hey you're entitled to that opinion, more power to you. But in my opinion it opened soft and that it'll need legs in the coming weeks, that is all I've said.


Well-Known Member
Its not untruths, but you go ahead and think whatever you want based on an opinion and finding an error made via an image search.

As for HM, just like Hocus Pocus before it its very possible it'll find life after theaters and become a Halloween classic. Now obviously you don't have to agree and think its never going to find an audience even after leaving theaters, but that would be your opinion nothing more.
so it will have an afterlife? 😉


Well-Known Member
I never stated Turtles would be like Ruby Gillman. In fact here is what I said:

None of what I said was untrue. In addition its an opinion, which is my stance on the subject which also can't be untrue since its an opinion.

Just because you call an untrue fact an opinion, does not make it an opinion. It makes it stubborn, lying, delusional or misnformred/maybe delusional in something.

Ruby Gillman did not make half of its production budget back. It cost 70 million to make and earned 15 million. That is not half.
Another misleading falsehood. That is not an opinion situation.

Turtles just started their run. No one knows the future, but again, educated guess here.

Last Voyage of the Demeter comes out next, I don't think that Universal dracula based story is going to steal much from family's looking to end the summer with their kids out on that do you?

Next week is Blue Beetle from WB and randoms. By then. I think Ninja Turtle has a pretty good grip on word of mouth and family market, don't you?

Educated guess. Turtles could just fizzle out, but educated guesses point to it not likely.

Turtles are not a Ruby Gillman situation.

It opened soft, understandable due to competition and awareness of the dog days of summer/people unsure of another Turtles movie.

It opened to close to the same as Elemental, and cost half as much.
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
Ruby Gillman did not make half of its production budget back. It cost 70 million to make and earned 15 million.

Turtles just started their run. No one knows the future, but again, educated guess here.

Last Voyage of the Demeter comes out next, I don't think that Universal dracula based story is going to steal much from family's looking to end the summer with their kids out on that do you?

Next week is Blue Beetle from WB and randoms. By then. I think Ninja Turtle has a pretty good grip on word of mouth and family market, don't you?

Educated guess.

Turtles are not a Ruby Gillman situation.

It opened soft, understandable due to competition and awareness of the dog days of summer/people unsure of another Turtles movie.

It opened to close to the same as Elemental, and cost half as much.
Ah, now we're getting somewhere, you admit it opened soft. Yes, it opened soft due to Barbenheimer sucking up all the oxygen. That release schedule does that sometimes you know.

I'm happy that your educated guess (opinion) is that TMNT has good word of mouth and the family market. Again not saying TMNT will be Ruby Gillman. Just that it needs legs so it doesn't end up being pulled from theaters like Ruby did. Again maybe it does find legs and maybe it doesn't. Only time will tell.

And your comparison to Elemental, budgets aside, is apt here as Elemental did find legs.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Hocus Pocus most certainly was considered a flop back in 1993.
Correct, It was absolutely a flop theatrically in every definition of word. It needed, to be conservative, 70mil to break even. It did find new life after, and to this day I wonder why because it's so bad. Lol

Will HM find the same post theatrical success? Who knows. I'm not really hearing a lot of it's terrible or poorly made. So it could find an audience later. But while it does have ghosts and spooky things. It isn't really a Halloween movie, so who knows.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Correct, It was absolutely a flop theatrically in every definition of word. It needed, to be conservative, 70mil to break even. It did find new life after, and to this day I wonder why because it's so bad. Lol
Yep, and to state otherwise is not being honest.

I personally thought it was alright and just meh.

Will HM find the same post theatrical success? Who knows. I'm not really hearing a lot of it's terrible or poorly made. So it could find an audience later. But while it does have ghosts and spooky things. It isn't really a Halloween movie, so who knows.
Most that see HM have ended up liking it. So yeah I could see it finding an audience post-theatrical. I'm sure it'll find a spot in the Freeform 31 days of Halloween rotation.


Well-Known Member
Ah, now we're getting somewhere, you admit it opened soft. Yes, it opened soft due to Barbenheimer sucking up all the oxygen. That release schedule does that sometimes you know.

I'm happy that your educated guess (opinion) is that TMNT has good word of mouth and the family market. Again not saying TMNT will be Ruby Gillman. Just that it needs legs so it doesn't end up being pulled from theaters like Ruby did. Again maybe it does find legs and maybe it doesn't. Only time will tell.

And your comparison to Elemental, budgets aside, is apt here as Elemental did find legs.

The difference is, you called your mistated facts opinions. And earlier you called your random findings and pictures as facts you have seen in person, so imagine how difficult it is to take your word even if the numbers were accurate.
Not comparable to Ruby Gillman getting pulled, nor did Ruby get to half of its budget at 15.

And of course it will be on TV eventually, the difference is to earn back it's 157 is not likely to ever happen. This is not Hocus Pocus, and it is not 1993.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
The difference is, you called your misinformed facts opinions.
Opinions are not facts my friend, they are opinion. Now whether they are misinformed or not, that is also a matter of opinion not fact.

Not comparable to Ruby Gillman getting pulled, nor did Ruby get to half of its budget at 15.
Point of fact, Ruby made $40.1M WW in theaters. Using the average of 50% it earned ~$20M not $15M. Also I was being generous when I said Ruby made half its production budget back. That was me being nice. You can find where I actually state the reality that Ruby made less than half it budget back at the time it was pulled from theaters on this forum.

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