Haunted mansion

'Cause it would then be like Phantom Manor and make it too scary for small children that would be able to go on it now. Its a family friendly 'haunted house' dark ride. Really the technology in that attraction is still quite amazing just look at the ball room scene although I have an idea of how its done by viewing a backstage video from doombuggies.com (i will not mention how I think it is done as to not get told its wrong :( and to not spoil it for anyone) but still that is an amazing scene.


Well-Known Member
While Alien Encounter was my favorite attraction, I would not want to see the Haunted Mansion changed to be scarier. I don't like HM as much as alot of people on here, but it is still a classic attraction that should not be changed. The Haunted Mansion is fine just the way it is.


Active Member
No it should be kept the way it is, it is funny and yet scary for kids at the same time. Plus if they were to make it more scarier it would losse it magic that it gives of.


Active Member
What is Phantom Manor like? It is Scarier, really. I thought it was the same ride in all of the parks, just different houses. How much scarier is Phantom Manor over the other Haunted Mansions?


New Member
The Haunted Mansion is a classic. The only changes I would like to see are an improved sound system and possibly a rework of the staircase spider scenes. Other than that it shouldn't be touched, especially with all the other changes going on at the Magic Kingdom. The consistently long lines at HM (and Peter Pan and Snow White) are a testament to the fact that not everything has to be "improved" or state-of-the-art to be popular.


You don't need technology to create a frightening experience.
I don't think The Haunted Mansion is really meant to be scary.
I love it for what it is- a funny, cheesy ride. One of my favorites!


Well-Known Member
The Haunted Mansion is a classic attraction. One of Walt's own ideas. It is also a "family" attraction as most attractions are in the MK park.
HM shouldn't be changed. It's a classic and also one of the best rides in WDW IMO. To make it scarier would ruin many children's experiences in WDW. It's perfectly fine the way it is.


New Member
"What is Phantom Manor like? It is Scarier, really. I thought it was the same ride in all of the parks, just different houses. How much scarier is Phantom Manor over the other Haunted Mansions?"

The video doesn't do it justice. Phantom Manor is radically different from the domestic HM. While not out-right terrifying, it's far more creepy than the HM. The story is a bit more obvious, and the effects a bit better at first. The ride's lay-out is similar to the Disneyland version until it takes a radical turn after the attic.

Here you plunge below ground and dig your way out of a grave, along with abunch of grave-yard residents. A really cool, and creepy, effect. After that it wonders through a western ghost town, populated by spookables.

To me the ick factor goes way up here, as the inhabitants aren't the happy-haunt variety, but look more like the Crypt-keeper, or the cast of the PoC-movie in the moon-light. I, for one, don't think animated decomposing bodies add to a supernatural atmosphere the way a translucent ghost does. Also , I wasn't impressed with the lighting here, it seems stark, and tends to ruin the believeability factor. Most importantly, the town's story doesn't seem connected to the Gracey love-triangle.

There is some redemption at the end; the blue lady is still there, and it's fun to hear her speak in both English and French.

The one question I had about PM: why did the Gracey's move into Norman Bate's house?:animwink:

I say leave the HM alone. Changing it would be like adding a hat to the Mona Lisa.


Well-Known Member
Just because they have newer technology does not mean that they need to make the ride scarier. The ride was designed to be fun/scary. If they wanted it to be scary they would have made it so originally.


Account Suspended
yensid91 said:
with the technology we have now why not make haunted mansion scarier

The Haunted Mansion is a classic and should not be changed. There are just some things that should be kept as they are. I don't mind shall refurbs and changing the scenery around inside but, do not change the format.

It also has the perfect fear factor to allow the whole family to ride.


The Haunted Mansion was not meant to be scary. It was meant to be a funny, somewhat cheesey take on the haunted house, and was not meant to be frightening. Originally the Imagineers working on it were split on wether to make it scary or funny, I'm not going to go into major details, but you can read more about it at www.doombuggies.com.


New Member
I think it's scary enough already... :lookaroun

That little girl at the end...she freaks me out EVERY time! :cry:

and I 2nd everyone's comments about it being a family ride. It's the nostalgia and cheesyness that make it such a great ride.


Well-Known Member
What could be done is, to make some of the audio-animatronics smoother. In the graveyard scene, the ghouls poping up from behind tombstones could be made to move smoother and more silent. The sound system could also be improved.

I do agree, there is no need to make it more scary.


Well-Known Member
celticdog said:
What could be done is, to make some of the audio-animatronics smoother. In the graveyard scene, the ghouls poping up from behind tombstones could be made to move smoother and more silent. The sound system could also be improved.

I do agree, there is no need to make it more scary.

Actually I would have no problem with that.


Active Member
also just one little touch up that i noticed is that when the ghouls pop up u can see the pole that they are attached to i think they should cover this up with a black clothe or something

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I definately disagree with making the HM scarier. As it stands, the mansion is a classic attraction. I do agree that there are improvements that need to be made, like a better sound system, better pop-up ghosts, and a better track system. Also, there are some slightly weak scenes, such as the staircase with the spiders. I would not object to see what the Imagineers, along with the proper budget, could do to make the experience even better. Not scarier, funnier if anything. Just as long as they stay with the current formula and don't mess with what already works.

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