Haunted Mansion details begin to emerge


Active Member
head mouse said:
I am done with this. Eaither you are all a bunch of young kids or your a bunch of adults that don't know the meaning of classic and nastalgic.

As my quote says. The "NEW" Disney is killing Disney

Nothing like a good YAGE!


head mouse

Nothing like a good YAGE!


Man you guys just love to keep things stirring don't you. :brick:

Anyway. I do like the LOOK of the new bride. looks creepy. I have seen the video of the floating Leota from DL and not really big on the idea. We'll see how WDW's version turns out.
Just a question,

Constance the bride,

Is she an A100 that has the projected face, and how does the flower/ax thing work? Also, what changes will Constance or Madame Leota receive when they take up residence in the mansion?

Any information is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Just a question,

Constance the bride,

Is she an A100 that has the projected face, and how does the flower/ax thing work? Also, what changes will Constance or Madame Leota receive when they take up residence in the mansion?

Any information is appreciated.

Not an A-100. It's not an animatronic. Think Leota, but much cooler and larger. Or singing busts. Same deal.

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
I assume that effect would have to be generated from mirrors. If my memory of the HM blueprints are correct, the organist and staircase scenes directly behind the Hitchhiking Ghosts animatronics, so there probably isn't much room behind the existing wall to expand that scene.

During the old WDW staircase scene, the Ghost Host delivered the lines "We have 999 happy haunts here, but there's room for 1000. Any volunteers? Final arrangements can be made at the end of the tour." (or something like that)

It's somewhat similar to the dialogue used at DL where guests are walking past the changing portraits before boarding the Doombuggies: "Several prominent ghosts have retired here, from creepy old crypts all over the world. Actually, we have 999 happy haunts here. But there's room for 1000. Any volunteers? If you insist on lagging behind, you may not need to volunteer."

With the rumored installation of DL's changing portraits in the former Sinister 11 gallery, I guess its possible that the old stairway narration could be moved to the new portrait hall. They could also eliminate the original WDW "999 happy haunts/final arrangements" narration and replace it with an edited version of the DL "999/creepy old crypts" spiel.


Active Member
hmm, so no movement?

Oh well.

Anyone know how she or leota will be updated?

Do a youtube search for Disneyland's updated mansion. Constance is a 3d figure/projection hybrid effect where her face turns evil and her flowers become a bloody axe. Leota now floats about the room instead of being anchored to the table.


New Member
Well since the flames went out I decided to hop in after skipping a few pages. This is great news about the referb. I love the pic with only one thing kind of scareing me about it. Is it just me or does that stair case look very ummm Hogwarts-ish lol? But anyways good to know HM WDW version will have a scene special to itself. I always hated the spiders they looked tacky and didn't fit well with the rest of HM.

Penny Lane

New Member
This is great news! HM has long since needed an update and it appears they are going all out. I seem to be the only one who was ever scared of the lame, neon spiders but that's because I have arachnophobia (haha I'm also lame). The Potter-esque stairways are amazing as are the candles. I won't be able to see the updates until next summer though because this summer trip is next week. Bummer.


New Member
The DL version of "Constance" is sooooooo cool. Your version is also supposidly going to be an update on her (yours being the 2.0 version which we'll get after HMH this winter methinks). My favorite "Constance" line is :" I do... and I did" where she raises her closed hands to reveil the axe (and it makes a shapening slick sound- but there's no blood as some have quoted). The reason for this is all the wedding portraits of her & various previous husbands heads appear/disappear while you travel through the attic. You'll love it!


Well-Known Member
Well since the flames went out I decided to hop in after skipping a few pages. This is great news about the referb. I love the pic with only one thing kind of scareing me about it. Is it just me or does that stair case look very ummm Hogwarts-ish lol? But anyways good to know HM WDW version will have a scene special to itself. I always hated the spiders they looked tacky and didn't fit well with the rest of HM.

I was thinking they look "Labyrinth-ish" which I always thought looked "Escher-ish", I do think you will see IOA have some sort of copy of this great Mansion-ish effect though in Potterland-ish:lookaroun.



Well-Known Member
This is great news! HM has long since needed an update and it appears they are going all out. I seem to be the only one who was ever scared of the lame, neon spiders but that's because I have arachnophobia (haha I'm also lame). The Potter-esque stairways are amazing as are the candles. I won't be able to see the updates until next summer though because this summer trip is next week. Bummer.

Did you mean "Escher-esque?"


Well-Known Member
A veteran of DisneySea. Talented guy.
I don't know him, but another poster around here likely does.

I would love to hear some of the process of how past artists (daVinci, escher etc) influenced his great design elements. I am not being sarcastic when I say this. It seems a perfect adaptation for the HM. I guess I would be suprised if he said JK Rowling was one of those that influenced him. That is all:wave:
Do a youtube search for Disneyland's updated mansion. Constance is a 3d figure/projection hybrid effect where her face turns evil and her flowers become a bloody axe. Leota now floats about the room instead of being anchored to the table.

Thanks for the info,

I guess I didn't make myself as clear as I should have. I know what the effects do, I just wanted to know about the rumored "2.0" versions of the effects comming to WDW.


Active Member
The DL version of "Constance" is sooooooo cool. Your version is also supposidly going to be an update on her (yours being the 2.0 version which we'll get after HMH this winter methinks). My favorite "Constance" line is :" I do... and I did" where she raises her closed hands to reveil the axe (and it makes a shapening slick sound- but there's no blood as some have quoted). The reason for this is all the wedding portraits of her & various previous husbands heads appear/disappear while you travel through the attic. You'll love it!

Thanks for the heads-up (I couldn't resist. :lol: I apologize.). I'll be spending some time on YouTube tonight.

That Constance line is great. As for the stairs, the first thing that popped into my head also was Escher - and I'm a HP fan.

And I'm saying no more ... :D


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