Hate for childless Disney fans


Well-Known Member
We were blessed to have many trips with our DS when he was young. After he moved out DW and I continued our trips to WDW. No one has ever made a negative comment about us going as adults. Mostly its... We wish we were going too and Boy you guys are lucky to be able to go without kids. We also get a lot of ... When you are there can you get me....


Well-Known Member
I get chewed out a lot by parents when I've been waiting for fireworks for hours and then when they ask if their kids (and they, apparently) can "squeeze in" in front of me or worse if they just let their kids barge in...and I politely but firmly tell them that I'd been waiting for the spot for however many hours, and they and their children may not cut in front of me. I get a lot of "well you'll understand when YOU have kids" which baffles me...I was raised to be patient and wait for the things you want. "You wanna go on splash mountain again or dyou want to wait for the fireworks," not "let's keep riding rides and get someone to move for us because we have kids." I'm not gonna shove you, your kid, or your pile of kid accessories out of my way, I'm not gonna stampede your family, I'm going to sacrifice other activities and get there early. We all pay to get in, we all have limited time to do what we want, I just spend more of mine patiently waiting. I understand everyone wants the best for their kid, but if my parents could figure out a balance so can you.

This happened to me the one and only time my husband and I watched a parade. We got the space in that little V area along the street in Frontierland because I wanted clear shots of the nighttime parade. An hour later a family showed up with really little kids and I told the moms that they could sit in front of us when the parade started. They were appreciated that I offered and everything was fine. Until right before the parade started a woman with a 10 year old boy tried coming under the ropes. I asked her what she thought she was doing and she said that there was a space in front of us. I told her that there actually wasn't because the kids behind me were going to be sitting there. I wouldn't let her under the rope. She moved on calling me some unflattering names but oh well. Not my problem. I think I saw her try the same thing further down the path and the CM made her keep walking. The moms of the other kids decided to have their kids sit there early to prevent that from happening again.

I actually unfriended an old schoolmate of mine that decided it was fun to mock my for my Disney vacations. We have a difference in political views, and one of her digs at me was to mock me for my yearly trips to Disney World. Just seems an odd thing to throw out there as an insult, and I felt it showed how mean and nasty she had become as an adult. There were other things too, just a basic lack of caring for others that added to my deleting her, but it still seemed like a strange insult 'Why don't you go take another trip to Disney World!"????

Thing is, people will mock you for the strangest reasons. You can let it bother you, or you can ignore it. Says more about them as a person than it does about you.

My older cousin once tried to make fun of me for my "immaturity" because I like WDW. She shut up quick when I reminded her that her 50+ year old self still liked dressing like she was 16 and getting drunk at parties. I let her get by with more because she does have some mental health issues going on but she also learned that I'm quicker with the comebacks than she is and a little bit meaner LOL. Now she's asked me for my advice on a possible trip for her grandkids :)


Well-Known Member
Childless adult here. I live in Orlando, and go to WDW often (as well as several DCL cruises). I've never felt put out by being there without kids


Active Member
I wasn't aware this was a "thing". I went tons of times with friends, by myself, with girlfriends, etc.....before I met my wife, and had kids, and we've been twice now with the girls.....and never once did I hear any comments about our travel group's makeup.

Are the comments primarily from people that you guys know locally? As in, co-workers, family, friends, etc.... saying, "Why do you go to Disney without kids?" I mean, at least then I get why someone would feel bold enough to say something like that - at least they personally know you - but, if it's just complete strangers in the actual parks then that's some Grade-A entitled a-hole behavior.

I loved Disney World before I had kids. I love Disney World now. There's no difference between the two scenarios....in my opinion.


New Member
My hubby and I have been married 11 years as of May. We go just the two of us at least twice a year. Sometimes we meet up with his Aunt and Uncle (also no kids/grandkids) and we will go the 4 of us with no small humans. On October I will be going with a group of adults from the roller skate shop I work at part time.

Have I traveled with kids to WDW? Sure. My sister and her 4 kiddos joined us last October. I meet up with friends who have smaller kids, and I sit with them so the parents can ride something. Or, I will go on a ride with their kid, so they can get a snack and not listen to "It's a Small World" for the 80th time that day.

I prefer to travel to WDW with adults, though I have a blast with my friends kids and my extended family. My husband I and chose to not have children together.

We love Disney. And, haters gonna hate... but, you cannot kill the kid inside of me.

(Also... I will ride Small World, Peter Pan, and Dumbo a hundred times without kids. )


New Member
This is so terribly sad that anyone would feel it's okay to put someone down over something that means a lot to them. I've recently rediscovered Disney as an adult and it holds such a special place in my heart that if anyone made a comment to me like that, I don't know that I'd be able to control myself! LOL

Luckily, I've realized there are certain people to have in your life, and certain people you don't. Those that don't support you, put you down, or feel like they can say whatever they want (most the time because they are jealous) are not the types of people to surround yourself with. I have a VERY small circle of people because of this (and the fact that I've already been shunned by many due to not wanting kids <- the audacity...), but I find life to be less dramatic and the relationships I do have are far more meaningful.


New Member
We have been about 15 times only a couple of times w/ kids...those people making negative comments are morons who have probably never been to WDW..too bad for them..


New Member
Lately I feel like I have been seeing more and more hate for those Disney fans that are childless. Between twitter and Facebook-I see people making fun of those adults who vacation at Disney without kids.

My husband and I do not have kids yet, and some of our favorite trips have been to WDW just the two of us. Of course we travel to other locations, but what’s so wrong about two adults enjoying Epcot or Animal Kingdom?

What thoughts do you have on the subject?

I have enjoyed going to WDW with my children, but I have enjoyed it just as much if not more sometimes without them. Much of my love for WDW stems from my high school band director who never had children but was a Disney fanatic. He went every summer a few times. He had us singing Disney in choir. He took our band to WDW every other year. Disney is not just for kids. In fact I feel it is so much more for adults. Never grow up.


New Member
I have never married nor do I have any children. I have been going to Walt Disney World solo since the early 1980's and just clocked my 51th solo trip in 2016. Planning to go to Disneyland in CA for the first time as a solo traveler in 2019. I ignore those who mock that there "must be something wrong" with me as I enjoy going to a "kiddie park" so much. I enjoy telling them "you never will know what you are missing as it is a pleasure to travel solo and not have the burdens of the world and others on my shoulders, while I am at the Disney Parks. I make my trips enjoyable for myself and ignore what others might say or feel about those who travel to any of the Disney parks solo. I say just enjoy your time as you wish.


Well-Known Member
One of the roles ofGrandarents is to dine with the younger kids while the parents go to a TS restaurant. Kids having nuggets in a TS reataurant is a waste.
I have taken my kids to table service restaurants from a very early age. Bad or disruptive behavior was never tolerated. I have never once received any criticism or disdain from anyone near us at a restaurant. In fact my children have received many compliments on their behavior. As empty nesters My wife and I hate to go to a restaurant and have our dinner interrupted by disruptive children. I don't think my kids ever ordered chicken nuggets at a sit down meal. At age six asking my son what he wanted for his birthday meal yielded the response of sword fish. My budget would have been better if he liked McDonald's nuggets. :)


Active Member
Lately I feel like I have been seeing more and more hate for those Disney fans that are childless. Between twitter and Facebook-I see people making fun of those adults who vacation at Disney without kids.

My husband and I do not have kids yet, and some of our favorite trips have been to WDW just the two of us. Of course we travel to other locations, but what’s so wrong about two adults enjoying Epcot or Animal Kingdom?

What thoughts do you have on the subject?

Ask me how much that line of thinking matters when I'm at EPCOT wandering around, sipping on margaritas, and watching all the frustrated, overheated parents forcing their strollers through oncoming hordes while arguing over where to spend the last dining plan credits.... go ahead, ask me. 😝😁


New Member
Its sad that so many see and think Disney is ONLY for kids and those with kids. Lego land was designed for kids only, not Disney. Its designed for everyone. Why you think they have wedding planning and ADULT things and resorts? They say family but a family can be just 2 people. Doesnt have to include kids. What if they visit with their grown up adult kids? Does that mean they shouldnt go? I dont have kids and love disney. It has been the best go to vacation destination. It allows you to be young again and have fun. Plus you can see and experience many other things without kids with you. Thats the beauty of disney.


Lately I feel like I have been seeing more and more hate for those Disney fans that are childless. Between twitter and Facebook-I see people making fun of those adults who vacation at Disney without kids.

My husband and I do not have kids yet, and some of our favorite trips have been to WDW just the two of us. Of course we travel to other locations, but what’s so wrong about two adults enjoying Epcot or Animal Kingdom?

What thoughts do you have on the subject?
I love the meet and greets as well as walking around seeing things people who have children don’t have time to see
My husband and I have been to WDW several times and we don't have children and never plan to have any. We even have a Disney Cruise planned next year. I've heard comments from people who don't understand why I love it so much but no one has shared any judgmental or hateful comments to me. Probably know I would give them right back to them and I can be pretty harsh lol. But I tend to ignore other people in the parks so I wouldn't notice if they were giving me dirty looks or snide comments. They would have to tap me on the shoulder to get my attention :) I don't let the opinions of strangers bother me. Heck, I don't even let my family's opinion affect me.
Lately I feel like I have been seeing more and more hate for those Disney fans that are childless. Between twitter and Facebook-I see people making fun of those adults who vacation at Disney without kids.

My husband and I do not have kids yet, and some of our favorite trips have been to WDW just the two of us. Of course we travel to other locations, but what’s so wrong about two adults enjoying Epcot or Animal Kingdom?

What thoughts do you have on the subject?

I go to Disney alone. Yes shock a dingle person at Disney and have a great time. I do the character meet and greets and go on rides alone. I strike up conversations with whom ever is near. I have never had anyone make a snarky remark about me being alone.


Active Member
Lately I feel like I have been seeing more and more hate for those Disney fans that are childless. Between twitter and Facebook-I see people making fun of those adults who vacation at Disney without kids.

My husband and I do not have kids yet, and some of our favorite trips have been to WDW just the two of us. Of course we travel to other locations, but what’s so wrong about two adults enjoying Epcot or Animal Kingdom?

What thoughts do you have on the subject?
AGREED ! When my wife and I go by ourselves we are selfish, that's right selfish and we don't care ! Lol ! Seriously, we are entitled to a vacation without (our grown kids) having to be on anyones schedule but our own. Being DVC members were the BEST investment we have ever made. It allows us to be "selfish" but then again also "generous" when we either include our kids or give them points to enjoy on their own. Once we cross that threshold at the Beach Club "BAM" instant peace and our childhood returns and that sense of tranquility there's NO WORDS. Truthfully, these days and any sense of tranquility and peace is well welcomed. So let them ":D" we don't care.


New Member
Lately I feel like I have been seeing more and more hate for those Disney fans that are childless. Between twitter and Facebook-I see people making fun of those adults who vacation at Disney without kids.

My husband and I do not have kids yet, and some of our favorite trips have been to WDW just the two of us. Of course we travel to other locations, but what’s so wrong about two adults enjoying Epcot or Animal Kingdom?

What thoughts do you have on the subject?
I don’t let it bother me...people are always going to have comments about something they just can’t understand. I’m happy that I don’t have to worry about strollers, changing diapers, etc. And, I can zip through crowds because I don’t have to worry about a little one.


New Member
I've not encountered such a thing. But if I did, the ol' Ron White (paraphrased) notion of, "Well, you can just watch my little taillights fade off in the distance." would apply as I turned and walked. Suffer poor treatment over such a subject? I don't think so. Life is too darned precious.


New Member
My husband and go to Disney ever summer childless and it’s great. We have so much fun. Matter of fact we just got back from a 7 days vacation. I look over people that with their negativity.

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