Has anyone ever gotten angry over CMs doing their jobs?


New Member
Well, I haven't started yet at Frontierland, but some of these stories are scaring me! Especially the one about that guy grabbing the female CM, calling her names and spitting on her, I would have freaked out. I'm from NY and if ANY guy touched me or grabbed me I would be freaking out. It's funny because I just signed all these papers today at casting saying how I won't argue, yell or swear at guests, which is obviously a no-brainer. I just wonder what will happen if one starts doing all of that to me! I'm just going to have to :) and :zipit:

But as for a story, I was at M:S about a month ago. I was in the singles line and even for a singles line the wait can still be like 15 min. They had no need for singles for a good 20 minutes or so, and some British guy behind me kept yelling "Come on let us in!" he was with his son I think (Who actually seemed pretty embarrased by his father). The attractions woman kept saying "PARTY OF 2!" and he kept going "US! US! US!" like right in my ear. Finally the CM was like "SIR, You are in the singles line, you will NOT be together on this ride, you both will be riding seperately!" I was so happy when she said that. Despite his wonderful words after that, I think he got the hint.


Well-Known Member
WDWKat26 said:
Well, I haven't started yet at Frontierland, but some of these stories are scaring me! Especially the one about that guy grabbing the female CM, calling her names and spitting on her, I would have freaked out. I'm from NY and if ANY guy touched me or grabbed me I would be freaking out. It's funny because I just signed all these papers today at casting saying how I won't argue, yell or swear at guests, which is obviously a no-brainer. I just wonder what will happen if one starts doing all of that to me! I'm just going to have to :) and :zipit:

No, you don't have to grin and bear it - the CM should have immediately called the local police. That man was guilty of assault and battery - and the more troglodytes like him that are on the loose who have no concept of decency and need severe anger managment the worse off the world is. Grown adults who throw temper-tantrums and physically and verbally abuse people over a theme-park ride are people that need a lesson taught to them - and a night in the slammer in the middle of their vacation just might do the trick.

The second someone touches you, all bets are off - stand up for your right to feel safe at work. No paper you can sign with Disney can change that. If they don't back you up after something like that, you don't want to work there.



WDWKat26 said:
Well, I haven't started yet at Frontierland, but some of these stories are scaring me! Especially the one about that guy grabbing the female CM, calling her names and spitting on her, I would have freaked out. I'm from NY and if ANY guy touched me or grabbed me I would be freaking out. It's funny because I just signed all these papers today at casting saying how I won't argue, yell or swear at guests, which is obviously a no-brainer. I just wonder what will happen if one starts doing all of that to me! I'm just going to have to :) and :zipit:

Oh, God, I hope not. The minute someone touches you like that, they're committing assault. You have every right, not only to defend yourself, but to contact the police and have the case prosecuted in criminal court.

And should you get fired for using self-defense on the job, you'll also have a very strong case against any employer for wrongful termination in civil court.



Well-Known Member
I know, I know I should have had security called, but I freaked.
He took me by such surprise----his family was obviosly embarrassed by his behavior. Trust me, the second he walked away I thought of a million things I should have said or ways I should have reacted. I was in complete disbelief.
The rest of the crowd was, too. After he threw his little fit, they started yelling at him.
I was never afraid of losing my job for standing up to people. As soon as someone got extrmely rude, physical, or started using obsenities, all bets were off. I stayed civil to people like this, but I did get rude back. But with this guy, I was just trying not to cry in front of him or let down my guard, that I didn't stop to think there were higher authorities I could have easily called.


Well-Known Member
Personally I have not. But I have seen many people do it and it's very rude.

On several occasions I have stepped in and said something to a parent arguing with a CM about their child being to short to go on an attraction. Those high restrictions are there for a purpose, to keep people safe. Someone smaller than the actual required hight would be in grave danger on an attaction. I have stepped in and said "I am appauled that you would put your own child in danger because of your own selfish reasons!" I make sure that people around me can hear it too. I want to make sure those people don't try to put their kids an any more danger. This happens at all amusement parks though.


New Member
sissa216 said:
I know, I know I should have had security called, but I freaked.
He took me by such surprise----his family was obviosly embarrassed by his behavior. Trust me, the second he walked away I thought of a million things I should have said or ways I should have reacted. I was in complete disbelief.
The rest of the crowd was, too. After he threw his little fit, they started yelling at him.
I know what you mean. In the shock of the moment one does not always think straight or logically. At least you did not lash out at him. I honestly could not say what I would have done in that situation. I can suspect what I would have done, but in no way could I accurately predict it. Glad you ended up OK though.


barnum42 said:
I lost track of the number of people whose Christmas "I had ruined".

I've never said that kind of thing to a retailer or CM. It's almost funny (not for you though) cause they are pretty pathetic if something so minor "ruins their Christmas" or vacation.

BTW - My wife and I never mind teh researchers. On one vacation we were stopped 4 times. I just wonder if it ever gets corrolated and they realize they keep stopping the same people. We think we just have that "typical" look.


Well-Known Member
sissa216 said:
I know, I know I should have had security called, but I freaked.
He took me by such surprise----his family was obviosly embarrassed by his behavior. Trust me, the second he walked away I thought of a million things I should have said or ways I should have reacted. I was in complete disbelief.
The rest of the crowd was, too. After he threw his little fit, they started yelling at him.
I was never afraid of losing my job for standing up to people. As soon as someone got extrmely rude, physical, or started using obsenities, all bets were off. I stayed civil to people like this, but I did get rude back. But with this guy, I was just trying not to cry in front of him or let down my guard, that I didn't stop to think there were higher authorities I could have easily called.

And no one thinks less of you for it - who are we to say what we would have done in the situation until it happens to us.

The reason I was a bit abrupt above was simply because I didn't want this new CM to think that because of Disney's high customer...er, guest standards that she had to take that kind of abuse if it ever happened to her. I think we just want her to know that a) what he did was not right, and b) it is her right to have something done about it.

Of course, we hope no one will ever have to run into butt-holes like this again, but it's always good to know your rights when and if you do.

As to that guy, I'm sure karma (or his wife...) will make sure he gets his due for messin' with you. :D



New Member
Gosh hearing some of your stories makes me think that sometimes Disney ISN'T the most magical place on earth! My story is simple.. we were at the 50's Prime Time Cafe and our waitress "Aunt Pat" was razzing my 6 year old brother about not eating all his vegetables well for him being 9 he really got mad with her and let her have it. I have to agree with my brother though.. she was REALLY embarassing him saying that he was looking at the little girls in the booth next to us.. All in all it was an amusing dinner however at my little brother's expense. :lol:


TnkrBelPixiDust said:
Gosh hearing some of your stories makes me think that sometimes Disney ISN'T the most magical place on earth! My story is simple.. we were at the 50's Prime Time Cafe and our waitress "Aunt Pat" was razzing my 6 year old brother about not eating all his vegetables well for him being 9 he really got mad with her and let her have it. I have to agree with my brother though.. she was REALLY embarassing him saying that he was looking at the little girls in the booth next to us.. All in all it was an amusing dinner however at my little brother's expense. :lol:

LOL Isn't that always the best kind? At your little brother's expense? Wait a minute... *adding 2 & 2 here* so THAT's what they were doing all that time!! (hehe I'm the baby of my family :p )

You know.... I'm *really* starting to get the feeling like.... ok there MAY be a few CMs at Disney who may not realize what an important job they've got (I say important because a person who's got the power to really make someones trip one of a kind and spectacularly magical has an important job.. you can make it or break it), but for the most part, it's a lot of the guests who make Disney unmagical either by being foul people in general or being overly demanding & expecting to receive the royal treatment/getting PO'd when they don't or whatever the case may be. That's going to trickle off onto the GOOD CMs and affect their day/spirits. I'm sure it's hard to get some of the abuse some of the CMs have mentioned on here AND try to maintain a cheerful attitude the rest of the day.

Have I hit the nail on the head CMs?


Well-Known Member
Senderella said:
You know.... I'm *really* starting to get the feeling like.... ok there MAY be a few CMs at Disney who may not realize what an important job they've got (I say important because a person who's got the power to really make someones trip one of a kind and spectacularly magical has an important job.. you can make it or break it), but for the most part, it's a lot of the guests who make Disney unmagical either by being foul people in general or being overly demanding & expecting to receive the royal treatment/getting PO'd when they don't or whatever the case may be. That's going to trickle off onto the GOOD CMs and affect their day/spirits. I'm sure it's hard to get some of the abuse some of the CMs have mentioned on here AND try to maintain a cheerful attitude the rest of the day.

Have I hit the nail on the head CMs?

Um, wow. That's exactly it, and i"ve said almost that exact phrase over and over. Its one big cycle. Yeah, there are some CMs who don't appreciate their job, and consider it just that- a job. But there are sooo many more out there that go the extra mile, but when you get harrassed and put down, and overall just treated .....well, not so nice---you're gonna stop trying so hard. There are some CMs out there who are wonderful and have been there for years and don't let anything bug them- but on a daily basis, there are bound to be several CMs out there who had a bad experience particularly that day, and aren't at their "magical potential".

All in all, I'd say I still think the CMs are doing an awesome job, and haven't lost the magic at all (I know lots of people disagree with me). And I know I'm always the one to blame the guests, but from what I've seen, that seems to be where the pattern starts. Even though the CMs shouldn't let that effect them, it still will to an extent.


New Member
sissa216 said:
Oh come on DispatchInhibit, you don't like merge a & b?

Here's one of my favorite stories from Merge B: this lady in standby who kept asking, even after I explained about ratios, why I kept her waiting. And why people with fastpasses had special priveledges. So I tried to explain to her that she could have gotten a fastpass herself.
I could do without merge a and b myself. nothing but headaches for cm's. the only saving grace for a/b merge was that standby guests couldnt see your facial features when you held them to let fastpass by. of course maintenance eventually turned on spotlights that illuminated both merge points!! arrgh


New Member
I worry about guests sometimes. Here's the thing: my location was called ICE STATION COOL. Nothing hidden about that! They come right out and tell you: "Ice" and "Cool". And yet people would get made at me because it was cold inside! I had a guest come out yelling and then try to steal my jacket. The fact that he reeked of the Germany pavillion (if ya know what I mean) didn't help matters...

And yes, closing is the worst! People get so mad because we have to close things! :cry: It's not my fault!!! :)


Well-Known Member
zone15int said:
I could do without merge a and b myself. nothing but headaches for cm's. the only saving grace for a/b merge was that standby guests couldnt see your facial features when you held them to let fastpass by. of course maintenance eventually turned on spotlights that illuminated both merge points!! arrgh

Yeah but if you stand in the right spot the light is to your back. YES

But nice to see more space people on the board! We out number all!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
EpcotGrl said:
And yes, closing is the worst! People get so mad because we have to close things! :cry: It's not my fault!!! :)

:lol: A quick horror story - in my first week on the job I was assigned to the hot dog store now known as Casey's Corner. I was working with two other newbie MKCPs. The first night, a lead worker told one of the other new guys to go close down a line because it was getting to be that time. Well, it was crowded as heck and there was a long line of guests trying to get that last snack or drink before heading out of the park. What he was supposed to do was go to the back of the line and tell anyone who came in after he got there that noone else could be served, and by the time he gets to the counter, the register can be closed. Well, my buddy was NOT well trained on what to do, so he goes to the line in question, tells everyone "This line is closed. Sorry. We're closing now," and he ran everyone out of the line, all the way up to the person who would have been next to order (who'd probably been standing in that line a good ten to fifteen minutes!) Boy did we have some angry guests! The lead stepped in, straightened it all up and my New York buddy learned how NOT to close down a queue! :lol:


New Member
se8472 said:
But nice to see more space people on the board! We out number all!
attention in the mountain, we are taking over!! :)

to get back on topic........

whenever i am standing at greeter, guests come running past me with shorties. i always catch them and check their heights.guests with small kids tend to run past you with them on their right sides so you cant measure them. very very very sneaky of them.
one time i was trying to check a kid and he would not stop standing on his tip toes. when a child does that it is a "red flag" to me that i should continue to check further. his mother kept on trying to pull him away saying "hes fine hes fine" and im all like "do you want your son to get hurt?" shes says "no' . and i handed her a swap and sent her on her way. i heard her muttering under her breath at me. oh well.


barnum42 said:
I know what you mean. In the shock of the moment one does not always think straight or logically. At least you did not lash out at him. I honestly could not say what I would have done in that situation. I can suspect what I would have done, but in no way could I accurately predict it. Glad you ended up OK though.

Im glad too :)
I know what you're sayin about "the heat of the moment". When i was in 11th grade i got into it with my math teacher. He is also my uncl through marraige. He thought he'd make an example of me by accusing me of cheating. i didnt and i didnt need to carrying a 92 avg.. Anyways
Told me to get on the phone and call my parents. I put my papers down and he told me if i throw another thing he would throw me through a wall. Well of course i spoke under my breath.he got ed and said "what, u think i wont?', i said "No, u wont" he stormed across the room and greabbed me by the throat and arm and tried to slam me on a desk. i didnt hit the desk..i would say i "Matrixed" it for a lack of a better word....fists were thrown and a phone was tore off the wall and we were broken up by students in the class.

The thing was i had a solid case because i had 15+ witneses that said he touched me first and forced contact.....but the problem was that he had been a teacher in the district for 10+ years and he was the sectional champion basebll coach as well as best friends with the district superintendent (basically he got off scott free and i got a 5 day suspension)

sry for the rant

i was just sayin that in hindsight i prolly should have kept my mouth shut or walked out after he grabbed me and i pushed free. It all depends on what ur adrenaline suggests u do. lol

PS. I won...he hit the floor :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
OMG! I can't believe a teacher was behaving like that! I've never seen a teacher start a fight, although I saw many break up fights when I was in high school.

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