Has anyone ever gotten angry over CMs doing their jobs?


Le Meh
Premium Member
My wife has, in the past, gotten CM autographs when they have made a certain portion of our stay special. Most CM's are honored because they know you appreciate them.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the flik cards used to be plain white, but they changed em, probably for the same reason. Now they've got a little explanation on why you've got them.
I think the funniest thing that happened once when I was at merge and a lady came up through fastpass, handing me a flik card. She said "here, some guy in the other (standby) line was told to give this to the CM inside, but since I have a fastpass, we figured it'd be better if I took it, since I'd get up here faster". I about hit the floor....Ok its probably not that amusing, but I thought it was funny :)


New Member
I got several from over the last week or so. I work in merchandise at the Magic Kingdom. I love the guests that come to you with an unsigned credit card and wonder why you can't take it with out a photo ID. At the same time, you also have some that refuse to give you the ID. Umm last I checked, most cards did say NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED. Oh well. Also, the wife that has her husband's card and gets mad when we reject it becasue it is HIS card and not hers. I see these on a daily basis. Fun stuff. It's is for your protection that we look for ID and sigs. Come on people.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean Coatieboy00! :wave:

I'm a former merchandise cm in the MK myself. This used to kill me. My favorite would be when I'd get cussed out for telling a guest I couldn't accept their unsigned card without an ID. Then, whenever that guest would finally leave, the next guest would sometimes say something like "What was that guy's problem? You're doing your job. I feel sorry for you that you have to put up with that. I mean it's for their own protection..." That would make me feel so good to hear other guests sticking up for me and agreeing with me.

But I worked in the splash photo shop, so most of the complaints I got were because of pictures getting washed away. :rolleyes:

BTW, where in MK merchandise do you work?


New Member
PhotoDave219 said:
If you approach them, they cant ask you. Plain and simple. They have certain methodology that they use to determine who they select.
On my last trip I found that if you visit the park with Missy28, she is a magnet for researchers and other forms of audience participation :lol:


New Member
pax_65 said:
Now the way this bus route is configured, the bus must drive to a turn-around and come back past the stop. All during our trip, I watched people stand across from the bus stop to catch the bus that just left. And all during our trip, the buses stopped for those people. As a rule, I'd never do that - and I imagine for safety reasons it's probably against Disney policy - but in this case I decided to do what everyone else was doing.
According to federal law from the Federal Highway Administration, buses may not stop to pick up passengers at non-designated areas. I monitor the buses at my university as one of my jobs during the school year and am required to report that if I am on a bus that stops for a pick-up in between bus stops. The Disney bus drivers were probably trying to be nice when they picked up the Guests on the other side of the road, but they are not allowed to and really should stick to that rule much more tightly than they do now. (I also had a conversation with a WDW bus driver during my CP and that was one of the many things that he told me about the bus system.) That being said, he should definitely not have simply sped up and ignored you and your daughter. He could have followed the rules and still been courteous by at least slowing down and motioning that he could not pick you up (which the driver I spoke with did when some Guests wanted to board a bus on the road right before it reached Downtown Disney). Even at my university, the drivers are supposed to slow down when the bus is full to motion to the waiting students at a stop that they cannot board that bus, rather than simply passing them by.

pax_65 said:
Needless to say, I was very annoyed and vowed to avoid Disney transportation wherever possible on our next trip down.
Most of the Disney bus drivers are much more attentive to the Guests. They will usually wait that extra moment to let the last-minute Guests running for the bus get on board and will show common courtesy to Guests who are waiting at the wrong place by not speeding up and ignoring them. Whenever I go down to WDW to work, I rely on Disney Transport when I go park-hopping or to Downtown Disney because I do not have my own car. I have also worked during one of the busy weeks in a role that essentially required me to perform crowd control at the Magic Kingdom bus stop by directing Guests to the correct bus area (or towards the monorail or ferry, if their destination was not served by a Disney bus) and, later, making sure that the Caribbean Beach bus queue was moving quickly and safely into the buses that would arrive two at a time every few minutes. (It was after that shift that I really wanted to transfer over to being a WDW bus driver just to try something new. Hopefully, that'll happen when I return to WDW next year.) It really is a very amazing system that provides efficient and courteous service.


New Member
I can totally relate with everything that being said and I agree with the other that guests with the childeren with that are not tall enough is the worst to deal with and their behavoirs.

height requirements are there for a reason they yell because you wont let them ride, but they will be really be yelling if the kid falls out the ride because he too short, and they say you should have something posted or warned us. when I worked at cedar point we had a saying about guest in an amusement park "they leave their manners in the parking lot and the brains at the front gate." Truthfully when i see someone acting up to cast member Im always reminded that saying.


New Member
Here's my worst story, I worked in Fantasyland attractions, and Greeter at Ariel's Grotto was one of our postions. When the park closes late, the Grotto often closes earlier, like at 7. One of these nights, I was greeter just before 7. I had just closed the entrance, but was still standing there to let people out. One woman who had been in line came up to me and asked if she could take her daughter to the bathroom and get back in line with her husband. I said sure, and let them back in when they returned. As I closed the chain behind them, an African American family came up to me. I told them, Sorry, the grotto is closed for the night, but you can come back tomorrow. The father glared at me, and said, But you just let that white woman in! I was a bit taken aback by the racial comment, but I said, No, she was in line before, she had taken her child to the restroom. The man started ranting that I was racist because I had let the white woman in but not the black people. I couldnt' believe what I was hearing. I still don't know if he was just trying to scare or embarrass me into letting them in, but I wasn't having it. They eventually left, cursing me the whole way. I wish that position had a phone, because I really could have used some help with that.

We also had problems closing Dumbo. If you are familiar with that line, you know that it is open almost all the way around, with just chains that are easily jumped or ducked under. It takes 3 or 4 CMs to close it, one to stand at the entrance, one to follow the line, and maybe a couple others to "patrol" the outside of the line. I got screamed at many times because I was "ruining" Little Johnny's trip because "all he wanted to do was ride Dumbo and now he can't". Well, if Dumbo was so important to Little Johnny, why did you wait until closing time on your very last night of your vacation to get to Dumbo?? Hmm? I also loved the people who, after I told them the ride was closed, would send the kids up to me, to make me tell the kids no. I guess they figured I'd feel too guilty to tell little kids no, so I'd let them ride. They figured wrong. Although I did feel sorry for the kids, and I hated to see the disapointment on their faces. But I had to do my job. If I let them in, there'd be 100 other people on me in a sec, demanding to be let in too. Being a CM is a rough job.


Well-Known Member
During MNSSHP, i witnessed a guest nearly start a fight with a manager because the manager would not let the guest cross the street in the middle of a parade. Security was promptly called, the guest's attitude changed quickly and it was made sure that he made it out of the park quickly after the parade, because thats what the guest wanted in the first place....


New Member
sissa216 said:
p.s. this and mannnnyyyy more instances like this is why I came to Disney as one of the most optimistic people you'd ever find who always found the good in people, and left bitter about the condition of human race. I still am at a loss as how people, guests in a Disney park who have so much to be thankful for and appreciative of, can be so evil and full of hate.

to drift a bit...i get the same with McDonald's drive thru. many people just don't appreciate us. There are some competant (like me) and some who aren't but i've had people literally cuss me out because breakfast was over. (due to the fact that th eline that day NEVER ended in my 8 hours there, we had to shut breakfast down or it would never have been). i'm practically getting my "training" with people done there. if i can handle those dummies i can handle just about anyone lol.

anyway, back on track, i've never dealt with any CM problems, my dad has with getting the right rooms from the DVC (we were once "guranteed" a view over the Boardwalk, even though we weren't suppose to but since they said it, we had to have it. and this last trip when we needed connecting rooms), other than that i've never really had one that i can think of. although i've seen MANY vacationers complain about other stuff (mainly the buses and handicapped, to which i nearly punched this one lady this past trip for talking bad about my grandfather and handicapped in general. thank you Who's "who Are You")


New Member
I'm a Discoveryland Cast Member at Disneyland Paris and i don't know at WDW but here at Space Mountain when a Child is too small for riding on Space Mountain because the ride goes Upside Down we give them a Space Mountain Diplome with their name on it , and once they have the size a few years later they can ride it without Queue Line .

Due to the Loop and corkscrew the minimum size are heigh but small compare to the Indiana Jone's Coaster but we had some Guests Troubles because their child can ride on Rock'n Roller and not on Space and it's a same kind of ride whith the same restraints .

I never had a problem with a CM at WDW and DLP.


Well-Known Member
I've never gotten mad at a cm doing there job, there are a lot of hard working people down at the world so hats off to all of them. I did get angry at some cm's not doing there job, online for RnRC there were some line jumpers behind us who aggravated a number of the people on the line and the cm called security to deal with them. Personally I would have liked to seen them thrown out of the park as most amusment/ theme parks would have but instead they just sat there and lectured these kids and then just let them walk into the building as soon as the people that complained had advanced through the preshow, it was just annoying that they let them through at all.
sissa216 said:
I know, I know I should have had security called, but I freaked.
He took me by such surprise----his family was obviosly embarrassed by his behavior. Trust me, the second he walked away I thought of a million things I should have said or ways I should have reacted. I was in complete disbelief.
The rest of the crowd was, too. After he threw his little fit, they started yelling at him.
I was never afraid of losing my job for standing up to people. As soon as someone got extrmely rude, physical, or started using obsenities, all bets were off. I stayed civil to people like this, but I did get rude back. But with this guy, I was just trying not to cry in front of him or let down my guard, that I didn't stop to think there were higher authorities I could have easily called.
My son goes to Kempo Karate, and he could show you some really good moves to take care of people like that. Defend yourself once, and that will be that.
I would never physically abuse anyone like a CM like that. If I was in line, I would have let him have it.....Hmmmmm, jumping roundhouse to the back of the head.
Just kidding.....That would bring me down to his level. The funny thing is that I thought Sapiens "were" the smartest mamals on the planet....I guess that's not true.
DOOP! said:
Same thing happened to me in April in the line for Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. It made me feel special. :D If I remember correctly, I think the card I had was red, and it did have procedures on it.
I was on Star Tours and I took the card. It was one of the white cards with nothing on it. I had just read, about a week before, that they were going to use the cards to calculate wait times. Being a geek, and loving technology, I was thrilled. I handed the card to the CM at the end of the queue, and asked , in a joking fashion" if I could keep the card. I also explained to the CM that I knew what the card was for. He said that I could not keep it, and I said that understood, but we both had a good laugh anyway. As I was waiting to get on the ride, the CM came up and give me his "CM only" pin and said it was mine since I could not keep the card, and for being a good sport.
I still have the pin.....now that was a great time.
Being a Christian, and in the cub scouts, I teach my boys (my own and the kids I lead) that you treat others the way you want to me treated. In this case, I was treated better, than I treated someone else.


Well-Known Member
msep003 said:
...we give them a Space Mountain Diplome with their name on it , and once they have the size a few years later they can ride it without Queue Line .

WDW has (or had when I worked there) something like that. At splash, we had certificates for both splash and thunder in our gift shops that we could give to kids who we saw waiting for family to come off the ride. The said "future splash (or thunder depending on the certificate) mountaineer" We'd put the name and tell them about bringing it back to ride the ride when they grow up a bit. It always made them happy and made them feel special. I loved giving them out to the kids.


Well-Known Member
Working an E-Ticket attraction with a height restriction and Fast Pass, I'm all too familiar with all the different stories I've read on here thus far. I've had parents tell their kids... "Look at this mean man! He's the one not letting you ride your favorite ride! Tell him he's a horrible person!" And of course they've ridden every other attraction with a height restriction of 40." :rolleyes: And if it wasn't that, it was the way we did our Rider Switches... No longer through the exit, but through the Fast Pass line with the Rider Switch Pass. "Well, when we were here 3 years ago, they let us go through the exit!" Or on particularly busy days, it was, "We just waited 45 minutes in the Fast Pass Line and now we have to do it again!?" So yeah... All of us E-Ticket CM's have gotten it ALL. :lol:

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