Has anyone ever gotten angry over CMs doing their jobs?


Original Poster
Do you or anyone you know ever get angry about the CMs that do their jobs to the point where you told them off etc. I am talking about the CMs with the hands on experience--the "creepers" at HM that follow you, the waiter/waitress at 50s primetime that hassels you to eat your green beans, the streetmosphere people at MGM, the playful wait staff at whispering canyon, the characters etc. Basically, have you ever embarrassed a CM for doing their job (or have you been the unfortunate CM in this position)?


Active Member
Personally, no. However, I have seen incidents of what you describe, but never have seen a guest really angry. I love the CM's, but some younger, inexperienced ones (old timers are not exempt) sometimes do not "read" some the guests properly. From what I have been reading here and on other sites the training given at WDW anymore is a little short on dealing with the guests on a psychological basis. I would think dealing with the many different cultures among the guests at WDW would be very challenging at times as far as customs, gestures, etc. However, that is the reason I would love to work at WDW. I would love the daily interaction with so many different people. However, eventually anyone dealing with the public is going to rub some people the wrong way. If it happens on an ongoing basis then the CM should consider another assignment without as much human contact.


Active Member
Once a cast member was completely rude to me about returning the stroller without the receipt. I did not ask for the dollar back... I was just politely returning it and he commenced to say "well I hope you are not expecting your dollar back because you have not given me a receipt". I told him I did not care about the dollar, I was just returning it to them so it would be one less stroller to gather at the end of the night. To this day, I never understood why he was so bent out of shape and ugly about it. He must have been having a bad day because they were about to close and it was raining very hard that night.


New Member
Um, YEAH! Try cutting one character line (especially for a Princess) 8 times in a day, and you'll get yelled at PLENTY a time. Now, I've started using this disgustingly sweet voice and looking supersympathetic. Since I've startedusing that method, I've only gotten it two times. Which is a good thing. I will resort to crying if someone doesn't back off, but either way, they're not getting in my line.


Well-Known Member
my fav is when people have children that are maybe a hair to short...people will do anything to try and force there way pass you..including pushing there way pass you. I have watched us stop Spacae Mt before because a lady was conviced that her daughter was going to ride.

But I have seen everything from people demanding that they be let in with a fastpass that is 10 minutes early to just being spit on because someone refused to ride with other parties in there rocket.

can't we all just get along!

Pixie Duster

New Member
Ok in order to be professional I will not go into it, but practically half our day as researchers we get guests mad at us just for doing our jobs. But hey that's how it goes, and we just take deep breaths and smile an even bigger smile. It is personally amazing some of the things people say when we ask for zip codes. It is just fascinating sometimes, and it is really great when other guests witness how the other guests act. We just learn to let it go and realize that it just comes with the teritory and if you can't handle it then you may need to rethink having a job in hospitality.


New Member
Pixie Duster said:
Ok in order to be professional I will not go into it, but practically half our day as researchers we get guests mad at us just for doing our jobs. But hey that's how it goes, and we just take deep breaths and smile an even bigger smile. It is personally amazing some of the things people say when we ask for zip codes. It is just fascinating sometimes, and it is really great when other guests witness how the other guests act. We just learn to let it go and realize that it just comes with the teritory and if you can't handle it then you may need to rethink having a job in hospitality.
I'll be back at The World in September. You can ask me my postcode anytime :D

forbidden donut

Well-Known Member
Angry guests

My Aunt is a castmember, She used to drive one of the Disney buses but now works at a sales counter in one of the resorts.
She had to move because she could not take being yelled at by guests (usualy wealthy ones who never rode public transportation before) who would get on the bus and demand to go to the destination of THEIR choice, not where the bus was scheduled to go.(they were probably used to riding in taxis)



New Member
I have to say that I was getting REALLY annoyed with "Sister Jamie" at 50's Prime Time in March... She saw me and my boyfriend sitting together and asked us if we were engaged... we said no... she kept pushing and pushing and pushing asking why we weren't engaged... and it wasn't in a cute "I am from the 50's, everyone should be married at the age of 22" ... it was really rude, and kinda awkward! It's a good thing that we have talked about that kind of stuff before because if not, it would have been REALLY awkward for him! hahaha

Then she told my sister that her boyfriend (who was sitting right there) was too old for her... (he was, but still) and that she was too young to know what love is and she would find someone else (she is 19)... we were all sitting there baffled to why she would think she could say all this to us! Then the check comes and she came over and said "just split it down the middle... there are four of you...just split it" .... my boyfriend was sick and got kids Mac and cheese that he didn't even touch, and my sister and her boyfriend ate 2 of everything... so that wasn't even option... but she kept on insisting we split the check! I really felt like we were on some kind of hidden camera show! hahahaha But of course none of us said anything... we just won't go back there!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
When I stayed at Coronado Springs in April, I had to go off property and had to go back to the front desk to get my park passes/room keys re-magnetized. Trying to save time and MY resources, I drove from my Casitas parking lot up to the front desk parking lot. The hotel was slammed for Easter and they had a pretty young girl cast member restricting access to the parking lot. She wouldn't let me in - she had her marching orders - the parking lot was for registering guests only. I explained I was just going to the front desk and would only be a few minutes, but no dice.

I can't tell you how steamed I was, because that meant going back to the Casitas parking lot, walking to the registration building and back to the parking lot, and then leaving, plus the time already invested. I get :fork: :fork: :fork: just remembering it.

I didn't get ugly with the cast member. She was doing her job and didn't have the authority to make an exception. Nobody was mean or unprofessional, but that was the most bent out of shape I've ever been over something said or done by a cast member.


Original Poster
Well, one time we were in fantasyland right before they closed winnie the pooh. The CM just officially closed the line (I think with a rope?) and this lady and her two kids come marching up and jumped this rope/chain. The greeter CM (who was clearly closing up) politely told them that the ride was closed for the day and that they could return tomorrow. The lady immediately got furious and in the CMs face about it. This lady screamed at the CM how she should get to ride ("why couldn't would one more person go on") and told the CM that she would speak to her manager if she weren't let on (probably to scare her). The CM stayed polite the whole time. I really felt bad for that CM because I would have lost it. This spectacle created a crowd of people that stood and watched too. Finally, this lady refused to leave and ploped her butt right down on the cement in from of WtP. I left after this but, she was still sitting there until they let her go in I guess. Unbelieveable :rolleyes:.


Active Member
We waited in line to see Mickey for around 30 minutes at the castle. It was the first time my 2 year old saw him in person. She was so excited and kept calling his name expecting he saw her. When it got to be our turn, the cast member said "sorry, we have to go in now" and took Mickey away. Another cast member had ended the line behind us so we were the last ones, but they did not finish with us. Needless to say I was not happy because my daughter was crying hysterically because she wanted to see Mickey so bad and there he went after waiting all that time. I know they have to keep the characters' time limited, but that was not good to just cut off right in front of you. We got over it and found Mickey later.


Well-Known Member
I've been on both ends of this, although when I do get mad (which is rarely) I can control my anger and frustration when dealing with the situation because since I do work in guest relations (Six Flags, unfortunately not Disney) I know how they feel.

Once as a cast member, a guest's photo from splash mountain got washed away and the guest was very angry about it (although it was the guest's fault, photos only get washed away when the guest does something bad and they were the only group in the boat so it was definately one of them). Once a photo is washed away, there is no going back because it no longer exists. We would just have to politely tell the guest that the photo was unavailable. This was New Year's Eve (my last night in the photo shop) and after the guest argued with me for a while over a picture that didn't exist, they cussed me and "thanked" me for ruining their vacation. What a nice memory for my last guest in the photo shop. :rolleyes:

I also have had some bad experiences. The most recent was on my trip last week. I visited with my cast member friend who was staying in AKL with me and we wanted to attend an e-ride night. We were told before the trip that it wouldn't be a problem so we were shocked when we went to buy the tickets the morning of and were told no (actually I had a 3 day hopper and they told me the minimum for an e-ride ticket was a 4 day). We were disappointed, but didn't let it bother our day. Several hours later, I saw a cast member who was giving out the wristbands for e-rides and I just asked him why cast members couldn't attend. She paid for a room like everyone else. He said we had been given wrong information and told us to go back to city hall and we could buy the tickets. When we walked all the way back up there, they were kinda rude. The girl said no we couldn't do it. I told her about the cast member in frontierland who had said we could and she said (in a rude way) well you were already here once and we already told you no. I then asked politely for a manager (we were sick of getting the run around) and the girl disappeared backstage. She came back and sold us the tickets, but seemed to have an attitude about it and we never did see a manager. I just would have like to have known why we were told so many different things and why the rule was what it was (I didn't think it was fair that she was denied resort guest priviledges when she was a resort guest who just happened to also be a cast member). The mix-ups were quite annoying and seemed like a severe lack of communication.


Pixie Duster said:
Ok in order to be professional I will not go into it, but practically half our day as researchers we get guests mad at us just for doing our jobs. But hey that's how it goes, and we just take deep breaths and smile an even bigger smile. It is personally amazing some of the things people say when we ask for zip codes. It is just fascinating sometimes, and it is really great when other guests witness how the other guests act. We just learn to let it go and realize that it just comes with the teritory and if you can't handle it then you may need to rethink having a job in hospitality.

I can't imagine someone getting upset over this! I have always wanted a researcher to approach me. I've even made an effort to walk by several times at a slower pace than usual hoping they'd come over lol! Our last trip there someone did walk up to us in Epcot when we were on our way to the Ice Cream Social. Very brief, very nice. Hope to do it again soon :)


Well-Known Member
Pixie Duster said:
She had no right to be rude. I just would like to know what you were using as your proof that you were staying on property?

Our only proof was her room key. It had my name on it because the room was in my name, but she was staying there and she had signed the back of the card at the front desk.

The rudeness was the part that upset us the most, although it was a little upsetting to walk to city hall all the way from splash mountain to be told no. If that truly was/is the rule, then I can accept that (even though I don't necessarily agree with it). I just didn't like the way they handled it.


Well-Known Member
I seen some problems in MGM... it was an RNRC attraction hostest... she kept getting single people asking for the single rider line.She was starting to get aknoyed by this, i could tell from the way her face looked.

I think I should have went to guest services and voiced my opinion for a single riders line for that attraction. Since i myself usually ride by myself on this and TOT...


Active Member
Pixie Duster said:
Ok in order to be professional I will not go into it, but practically half our day as researchers we get guests mad at us just for doing our jobs. But hey that's how it goes, and we just take deep breaths and smile an even bigger smile. It is personally amazing some of the things people say when we ask for zip codes. It is just fascinating sometimes, and it is really great when other guests witness how the other guests act. We just learn to let it go and realize that it just comes with the teritory and if you can't handle it then you may need to rethink having a job in hospitality.

I love WDW researchers. I know what a hard job it is. If fact, I make it a point to pass by everyone I see at the parks in hopes they will ask me some questions, and in turn talk to them about themselves and WDW. I did the "diary" at ASMo in September of 2003 and got a $25 Disney gift card in the mail and a Disney trinket every day. The CM that signed me up was from Germany.

The last resort survey I did was at MGM. The CM was from Colombia and she was surprised and happy I wanted to do the survey in Spanish. Other "guests" were rude to her because they could not understand her due to her heavy accent. I felt so sorry for her.

I'll be looking for the researchers when we are there 29 Sept to 8 Oct.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Surveys cannot be done in Spanish, it is not allowed. Oh well, it is not my job to really be a watchdog. Thanks for everyone's empathy and sympathy. Ya the diary studies are fun for us :lol:.

Just an FYI the only researchers that work durectly for WDW as a WDW CM are the ones with the logo on their shirts. The rest our 3rd party vendors.

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