Happy Thought: When do you realize your at Disney World?


New Member
My family's welcome to Disney tradition is going to Tony's for dinner in our first night at the MK.

We usually arrive at the park from the WL around 4. We ride Space Mountain, PoTC, and then eat. We also get ice cream right before the park closes.


Well-Known Member
There are several things. Seeing the sign that says, Welcome to WDW! Another thing that gets to me is going to MK and seeing the entry and seeing Cinderella's Castle. Listening to the music througout the parks always gets me teary-eyed. I absolutely love it. It just makes me feel that I'm at the magical place all over again.


Well-Known Member
when we drove through the park entrance .. with my media gear locked an loaded (photo,video,audio).. that was a feeling :sohappy: ....

man need my next dose ..must go to DLRP soon :lookaroun


New Member
It starts when I leave my house with a packed suitcase and I know I'm there when I hear the first strains of park music upon approach to the park entrance :D (If there is time the park will be Epcot on the evening I arrive, otherwise it's the drum beats as you round the corner from the Animal Kingdom Parking lot to the main entrance)


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
We drive from Indiana - straight through in one shot. We get up at midnight, hop in the car and get there at check-in time. By the time we're driving in, we're tired ,cranky and have to use the potty BADLY. When we were kids, we always rode in the backseat, not paying much attention to the roads and such, which have changed a lot since then anyway.

Soooo, now that my brother and I drive ourselves down, those things outside the parks like the roads and signs really don't do anything. I still feel like I'm on an interstate, in the "real" world, as long as we're driving into property. It hits when we walk into the lobby of Dixie Landings and take the first breath of Disney Air Conditioning - which has a unique smell (to us midwesterners, at least).

As far as music, that Dixieland Band music they play on Main Street does it for sure. The turnstiles are still not good enough, and are still in the real world to me, but once we pass into any of the parks - that's it!

don't you just love that dixie landings..(yes i know it's port orleans riverside now)...but it will always be dixie to me.....we always say gee lets try another resort...but then we always book with dixie....yes i know i'm totally off kilter here...lolwell since i'm rattling on.....the minute i get on the bus to get to port orleans.....that's it for me ...well actually the first time that i walk into the general store at port orleans riverside...while my husband checks us in.....just walking around there ..with this --------grin on my fACE...BECAUSE I'M THERE.. I'M AT DISNEY WORLD..and better yet having a cm say good mornin.....at the general store...makes me want to walk up to someone and say...hello i'm here i'm at disneyworld!!!!!! but i think that they'd commit me!!!


Well-Known Member
dixiegirl said:
makes me want to walk up to someone and say...hello i'm here i'm at disneyworld!!!!!! but i think that they'd commit me!!!

:lol: I just have to say that I totally identify with that! I just visited earlier this month, and had flown down for the very first time (We had always driven growing up, making a stop for the night in Georgia on the way down) The very first place we hit was Epcot and I just kept going "holy crap... I'm in Florida!! at DISNEY! And Spaceship Earth is RIGHT THERE! I was in St. Louis just this morning and a couple of hours later, I'm HERE!" And I'm just grinning the whole time and the guy I'm with is just staring at me like "oh, you crazy goon." But it was just a completely cool and very different expierence for me!


Well-Known Member
I take a backroute to get onto resort property. So, when I make the sharp curve on Sherbeth Road and get my first glimpse of the Tree of Life and Everst, then I'm THERE. After checkin, it's straight to EPCOT to hop right onto Spaceship Earth.


For me, it's when I see the icon for each park in person. The Chinese Theater at D/s, The Tree of LIfe, S/E and the Castle. I was in tears the very first time I saw the Castle across the lagoon driving up to the parking lot and on the ride in the monorail.
HntdMansionFan said:
Walking under the Train Station, and out on to Main Street USA!! :sohappy: :sohappy:
That's it! But it is also hearing the music for the first time as I emerge from the tunnel onto town square - I'm already excited, but hearing that music brings it to a whole new level! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Apart from when the plane lands, I think its when I am standing at the check in desk and the CM is going through stuff like where the food court is, bus stops etc. Then I think YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!


New Member
dixiegirl said:
don't you just love that dixie landings..(yes i know it's port orleans riverside now)...but it will always be dixie to me.....we always say gee lets try another resort...but then we always book with dixie....yes i know i'm totally off kilter here...lolwell since i'm rattling on.....the minute i get on the bus to get to port orleans.....that's it for me ...well actually the first time that i walk into the general store at port orleans riverside...while my husband checks us in.....just walking around there ..with this --------grin on my fACE...BECAUSE I'M THERE.. I'M AT DISNEY WORLD..and better yet having a cm say good mornin.....at the general store...makes me want to walk up to someone and say...hello i'm here i'm at disneyworld!!!!!! but i think that they'd commit me!!!

We do the same thing...I ask my wife.."would you like to stay at another resort...she says nope". Dixie Landings will always be it's name to me.

~sigh~ Can't wait for July.

I think you should walk in and say "hello i'm here i'm at disneyworld!!!!!!"


Is it 5:00 yet?
I would have to say when we are driving down the turnpike and see a million signs fot WDW!! Also, when I first smell the water at WDW. All the rides that have water have a unique smell....PoTc, IASW, Splash...:D


Well-Known Member
on the property

Driving on to the property / under the sign does it for me. We use Osceola Parkway from FL Turnpike. I always have a huge grin and sense of relaxation as soon as we pass under the sign .... (Rounding the final turn to see AKL makes it even better!! :sohappy:


Active Member
i have to say the thing that does for me is maybe 2 or 3 things. Its the Florida airport...just the whole atmosphere and seeing the disney store and realizing,....im here! What also does it for me is getting to Old Key West, the resort i always stay at...and seeing the welcome home sign. i truly feel at home and it gives me that magic feeling every time i am there....also when the ppl at the front of the resort say welcome home, pure disney magic. That is why my sn is WelcomeHome OkW ("Welcome Home" Old Key West)


Beta Return
dixiegirl said:
don't you just love that dixie landings..(yes i know it's port orleans riverside now)...but it will always be dixie to me.....we always say gee lets try another resort...but then we always book with dixie....yes i know i'm totally off kilter here...lolwell since i'm rattling on.....the minute i get on the bus to get to port orleans.....that's it for me ...well actually the first time that i walk into the general store at port orleans riverside...while my husband checks us in.....just walking around there ..with this --------grin on my fACE...BECAUSE I'M THERE.. I'M AT DISNEY WORLD..and better yet having a cm say good mornin.....at the general store...makes me want to walk up to someone and say...hello i'm here i'm at disneyworld!!!!!! but i think that they'd commit me!!!

Yes. We first stayed there with our parents - our last family vacation. All other trips before that were on a budget, and we always stayed off property. We all fell in love with Dixie Landings, and since then, my brother and I have been back on our own 3 times - twice with friends. It is just to laid-back and secluded...fits my personality well. We just wander thru the swamps and boyous, along the canal, and thru the main building. If I were to upgrade to a deluxe I think I'd go Wilderness Lodge or Poly because they have similar atmospheres. I'd never handle a fast-paced, exciting, loud, crazy resort!

Usually the first thing I do after I walk in the lobby, and smell the A/C, is say "Where's the bathroom?!?!" Long drive!


New Member
ok, I'll be the resident local who answers.....we live 34 miles from WDW and go every weekend. For us it is being recognized by CM's and being missed when we aren't there. I love the music, the smells...we do have some traditions, if we try to go any direction when we go to the AK except right to Tarzan Rocks, MJ gets upset. I love asking kids on the way into the parks about their vacations.

We have passes to SW and BUsch Gardens....and it just isn't the same...


New Member
MommytoMJM said:
ok, I'll be the resident local who answers.....we live 34 miles from WDW and go every weekend. For us it is being recognized by CM's and being missed when we aren't there. I love the music, the smells...we do have some traditions, if we try to go any direction when we go to the AK except right to Tarzan Rocks, MJ gets upset. I love asking kids on the way into the parks about their vacations.

We have passes to SW and BUsch Gardens....and it just isn't the same...

I'm so jealous


Apart from (like others) arriving at Orlando International I think for me it has to be listening to my daughter's Ultimate Disney CD especially the song Dancin' (A Catchy Rhythm), I shut my eyes and I can feel myself walking down Main St (the sights,the sounds,the smells) Oh I wish I was there now!!!!!


New Member
there are two places for me, the walkway at mco and seeing the palm trees off the runway and more favorite is on I-4 and seeing all the disney billboards. :hammer: makes we want to go right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :king:

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