Having been to WDW 9 times in 8 years, and never have been to DL, and most of all was not even born yet, I have always wanted to go there. My wife has been there, years ago with her best friend of 25, 30 years. I realieze that WDW has the magic but not the same as DL, but Walt's influence is eveywhere.
The looks, smell, the energy that the music brings to your heart, well it's a sad thing that not everyone can feel the same way, and believe me I know some people who are that way, (oh well that means more room for us at the parks when we go), I envy those people who are there, to be where it started, a place that has seen so many people, famous and not. The changes that come, some day though, some day. Just to walk where Mr. Disney walked, to see some of his ideas in person, at this point there are no words that I could come up with, at least till I go there and see for myself, which will happen someday, that is for sure. So in the meantime.....
HAPPY 50TH Disneyland may the magic continue for all to enjoy!!:wave: