In a stunning turn of events, I'm going to take it upon myself to resign from my prestigious position within the HOB.
I don't want to put any of my co-members in an awkward position, and if I'm being truly honest, I don't really belong in this group. Yes, Disney makes me roll my eyes with every decision they make, but if I'm being true to my heart, I have a much better time joking around and talking about hot dogs, than complaining about Disney and their BONEHEAD, shortsighted decisions.
It has been a true honor to sit alongside my fellow members.
Raven, I think we have a new found respect for each other, and I'm really glad.
TROR, I have no idea how you got so angry at 19, but you make me laugh, and that's all that really matters, right?
Lazyboy. I know you have little patience for me and my antics, but one of these days, when you least expect it, I'm going to show up on your doorstep with our matching velour tracksuits, and you're going to realize how wrong you've been all along. You're going to throw your neck back, let out a hearty laugh, and we'll break out in song. I'm not sure which song, but we'll know it in the moment. You'll become like a second father to me. I'm sure of it.
And finally, George. NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!