Well the HOB are traditionalists to a fault. Fueled by love of quality, most everything New is bad and most everything Old is good. If Walt / WED worked on it then it’s safe to like. If Rolly Crump sat on it, it’s Gold. If Bob Gurr farted on it, it’s Platinum.
Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars are big No No’s. Especially in Walt’s original park. Even new Disney IP is a No No unless it’s something that didn’t get a lot of shine and failed miserably at the box office. Disney Live action remake tie ins are not also not welcome at the park.
Last but not least. Complain, complain, complain until your blue in the face. This is the mantra. Blame current management for everything but find a way not to blame WDI because they're really just doing what they re told. The next step and this is like the rebirth or reincarnation of an HOB member- is to go find a time machine and go back in time to a place before the parks were ruined.