

New Member
Well, I can't believe it. We finally made it to the weekend before our trip, all was going well. We headed out on the first leg of our trip, stopping to visit my parents and siblings in Louisiana before going onto Orlando. All was good.

Then it suddenly wasn't. :cry:

My brother has apparently exposed us to H1N1. He came down with it after coming over for dinner last night. (Of course it's not confirmed, but all signs are pointing that way) :hammer:

Before everyone gets all up in arms, of course we show no signs or symptoms yet and may not get it (it's not like I sat on my brother's lap the whole time!). My sister-in-law is a doctor, and has put me on a preventative dose of TamiFlu because I have another condition that could cause problems should I come down with the flu. My daughter, however, is not on a preventative dose because it is not recommended for kids that have been exposed at this time. Of course I will be monitoring her closely, and if there are ANY signs, we will lock ourselves up in the hotel and not expose others.

I'm just ed that all this goes down when we are so close to the promised land!

So, worst case scenario - does anyone know how Disney is handling folks that appear to come down with H1N1 during their stay? Are they bending over backwards to help folks find rooms if they need to extend their stay so we can keep from venturing out and exposing other? What about the airlines - I'm assuming they will happily rebook folks the minute H1N1 is mentioned?


New Member
My advice to you is do not ASSUME anyone will bend over backwards for you because you are sick especially the airlines of all places.

You better bring some extra $$$ in case you are prolonged.
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Active Member
I don't know how Disney is handling it, although I'm sure there are plans in place if it becomes a serious problem. The last thing Disney wants is word getting out that people are getting infected at their parks and resorts.

As for the airlines, I wouldn't expect much other that a boot in the to get you off their plane. There's already been a few instances of passengers being denied boarding due to flu concerns. If you have to rebook due to showing symptoms, I would expect to pay whatever outrageous rebooking fees they normally charge.

You're lucky that your sister is an MD; she seems to be taking the sensible approach to the problem. Also, thanks for being so concious of exposing others if you do get sick. If everyone has your good sense this won't be such a huge problem.

I hope your trip turns out great and that your brother feels better. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Hi! :wave:
I just wanted to say hello I hope everything goes well with your trip, I know what its like to have the possibillity of your vaca being ruined. About two weeks before my trip to the World in 06' I severely sprained my ankle almost breaking it and found myself with panic and concern that I wouldn't be able to go. Luckily everything went well I healed enough and the day I left I went to the hospital and was given a walking boot.
I bet you and your family will be ok and that everything will go as planned without anyone getting sick resulting in having to cancel your trip.
Either way I hope you will have a wonderful vacation, Good Luck and just think happy thoughts! :)
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Well-Known Member
I can't comment on what Disney might do but saw first hand as an entire family was denied boarding an airplane because one member was exhibiting flu-like symptoms.

The family was Mom and Dad and 3 kids about ages 14, 11 and 6. Mom must have been sick but dad was insisting that she was just ill after eating something that "didn't agree with her". The entire family was told they would not be allowed to board the plane until the mother has not exhibited symptoms for at least 4 hours and that after that time they could board the next flight provided the plane was not full but they would not hold any seats for them on a flight and if all flights were full they would have to wait until tomorrow.

They were told that they have been flagged and would not be able to get on another airlines flight (as the Dad said they would just go to another counter and get on the next flight anyway). They were also told that they might (yes, MIGHT) be able to get some food vouchers for one meal but would not be getting hotel vouchers if they can't fly out tonight and that if they still had symptoms after 24 hours they would not let them on any flights unless they rebook (and pay) for a new flight.

So frankly the airline will do everything to protect their passengers who do not have symptoms from those who do but not only will you not get "special" treatment...they'll do everything they can to prevent you from flying if you have syptoms and all at your own expense from what I've seen.
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Well-Known Member
Hi there, again, I can not really comment on what Disney would do, but, I can tell you from experince, you are taking the proper protacol. It is good that you child is already on the TamiFlu. My brother came home from college his pass spring and became the first confirmed case of H1H1 in our area. My entire family was exposed, but the CDC told us if no one started experiencing flur like symtoms in the first 48 hours of coming in contact with him, we were in the clear. So honestly, I think that you and your family should be fine in symtoms do not emerge in the next day or so. Good luck, it was one of the most scariest times in our families lives, I never, ever seen someone so sick and laboring to breath in my life. I just thank god he is health now!
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Just my two cents...If you are at all concerned about the flying I would contact the airline in advance. They may be more helpful if you contact them at least 24 hours before your flight (gives them time to sell your seats too :). Explain the situation and see if they 'll allow you to rebook for a different day. I would make sure that you have a place to stay before that. Also, it would help Disney for you to let them know when you check out that the room should be really cleaned. I'm sure they have different procedures for cleaning sick rooms, especially something like H1N1.

Hope you are in the clear and have a great vacation!

ps. If your child gets sick you can get pedialyte from any of the childcare centers or hotel stores...
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Is your Dr. Sister running any tests on you or your brother to confirm that you (or hime) have swine flu (H1N1)....? Until you have confirmation as to which strain of flu your brother has, he could simply have a stomach flu, or some other malady... The flu and Swine flu are two different/yet similar things...

I would think that if you actually had H1N1 (swine flu) and you were already suffering from the effects of it, you'd stay home. Not only because you'd be close to your family doctor (for the sake of yourself and daughter) for consistency of medical care, but not to spread it to the thousands of other people you will come in contact with... I'd think someone with a pre-existing condition (like you stated you have) you'd appreciate the same sort of consideration in return, especially with regards to H1N1 (swine flu).

To me your post sounds rather laissez-faire about a rather serious strain of flu...

I think if you did have H1N1 (swine flu) and you have a pre-existing health condition and you really new what could happen as a result of those two things interacting... the last thing you'd be concerned about squandering your vacation time... Best of luck to you.
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New Member
Original Poster
Did your Dr. Sister run any tests on you or your brother to confirm that you have swine flu (H1N1)....? Does your brother actually have swine flu (H1N1), or does he have flulike systems... The flu and Swine flu are two different/yet similar things...

I would think that if you actually had H1N1 (swine flu) and you were already suffering from the effects of it, you'd stay home. Not only because you'd be close to your family doctor (for the sake of yourself and daughter), but not to spread it to the thousands of other people you will come in contact with... I'd think someone with a pre-existing condition (like you stated you have) you'd appreciate the same sort of consideration in return.

To me your post sounds rather laissez-faire about a rather serious strain of flu...

I think if you did have H1N1 (swine flu) and you have a pre-existing health condition and you really new what could happen as a result of those two things interacting... the last thing you'd be concerned about squandering your vacation time... Best of luck to you.

I am hardly "laissez-faire" about it all. If you will reread my post, I clearly stated that we had been EXPOSED but showed no signs yet of actually contracting anything. I am also taking **all** precautions advised by an MD.

And at this point H1N1 is so widespread, most people who are suspected of having it are not being tested because the state departments of health are completely overwhelmed. Multiple doctors have told me "it is August - if you have the flu, just assume it is H1N1".

Quite frankly, it seems like you are simply in the mood to attack, and to churn things up with histeria, not to really read posts and approach things based on knowledge.
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I know of a number of folks who have had H1N1. It is really everywhere right now. Although it can be serious, everyone that I know who has had the virus state they have had worse sinus infections. Sorry that this comes around your vacation. I would just drink plenty of fluids & get plenty of rest & pray that your body fights off the disease. My bro-in-law & sis-in-law did not come down with the virus when my nephew experienced.
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Well-Known Member
Wow, that really stinks right before your trip. I hope that your brother gets well and that you guys do not come down with it. There have been several cases where we live. DD just informed me over the weekend that one of her classmates whole family had it and both my kids and myself are sick. I am really quite confused as to when you are supposed to freak out about it since there are colds going around when school starts back. So far no fever here so I guess we are okay. Most of the cases we have heard about have been really mild. Back to the original topic if you are not showing symptoms when you are ready to leave then I would think you are fine since you have to have them to spread it to others. I will keep my fingers crossed fo ya and I would be upset too if it could mess up my trip. :wave:
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I am hardly "laissez-faire" about it all. If you will reread my post, I clearly stated that we had been EXPOSED but showed no signs yet of actually contracting anything. I am also taking **all** precautions advised by an MD.

And at this point H1N1 is so widespread, most people who are suspected of having it are not being tested because the state departments of health are completely overwhelmed. Multiple doctors have told me "it is August - if you have the flu, just assume it is H1N1".

Quite frankly, it seems like you are simply in the mood to attack, and to churn things up with histeria, not to really read posts and approach things based on knowledge.

You have been EXPOSED to what???.. You stated in your post that your brother has Flu-like symptoms, but has not been confirmed that it is indeed H1N1.... He could have a stomach flu, he could have meningitis he could have food poisoning... The symptoms of flu are common to a myriad of illnesses.

I don't think any doctor worth their salt would make a blanket statement such as "it is August - if you have the flu, just assume it is H1N1"...

With regards to your laissez-faire attitude... If I had an immune-deficiency issue that would make me twice as susceptible to the effects of H1N1 virus, and I thought for a moment that I have come in direct and close contact with a carrier of said virus, the last thing I would be worrying about would be Disneyworld... The effects of the H1N1 virus on someone

I am just stating my opinions on the subject and your original post... Stay well!
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In the USA, when one goes to the dr., they are only testing for influenza. The USA is no longer testing to see if the influenza that you have is H1N1. With that said, the CDC is reporting that 70-80% of all influenza strains tested are H1N1. In Louisiana, if you have the flu in this heat, it is the swine flu.
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Probably because August is not a real common flu month-therefore, if it is the flu the statement to assume that it is the H1N1 strain, while broad is probably not that far off base. Good time to reinforce cover your coughs and sneezes and keep your hands washed!!

Have a good time and I hope you stay healthy.
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If I had an immune-deficiency issue that would make me twice as susceptible to the effects of H1N1 virus, and I thought for a moment that I have come in direct and close contact with a carrier of said virus, the last thing I would be worrying about would be Disneyworld... The effects of the H1N1 virus on someone

I said I had another condition that can cause issues should I catch the flu - I'm not quite sure how you decided that was an "immune-deficiency" problem. That's quite a jump. And it's wrong.
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New Member
It is suspected that my family has already had H1N1. As stated previously in this post, many state labs are no longer confirming the H1N1 strain due to the widespread. When presenting the symptoms to our doctor, he stated that it was flu-like symptoms, and given the widespread of the virus, it was most likely H1N1. My DS and DD (ages 3 & 1) spiked a fever of about 101 (for one night) which was treatable with OTC medications. My wife and I had low grade fevers around 99. The worse part was the congestion that lingered for a solid week!!!!!

We had mild cases and hopefully your exposure will result in no more severe cases than what we had. Don't worry and have fun.

With H1N1 out of the way, he are headed to POR Dec 5-12!!!!!! :sohappy:
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I said I had another condition that can cause issues should I catch the flu - I'm not quite sure how you decided that was an "immune-deficiency" problem. That's quite a jump. And it's wrong.

First of all, I did not say you had an immunodeficient related health concern.. I was simply musing that if I had a health concern (such as immunodeficiency) and I had come in contact with someone carrying a confirmed case of H1N1... I would not have a lackadaisical attitude towards the situation...

Secondly, it would be a perfectly logical assumption to make that your health condition affects your immune system... It's quite a logical jump as most people that are susceptible to the influenza virus have pre-existing immunodeficient health concerns... ie: the young, the elderly, people who have received organ transplants, people undergoing chemo treatment, etc. etc...
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Well-Known Member
My daughter, however, is not on a preventative dose because it is not recommended for kids that have been exposed at this time. Of course I will be monitoring her closely, and if there are ANY signs, we will lock ourselves up in the hotel and not expose others.

So what you're saying is that at even the slightess sign of what's basically an overblown, overhyped flu bug, you're gonna go ahead and ruin your daughter's vacation because you're paranoid!

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Original Poster
So what you're saying is that at even the slightess sign of what's basically an overblown, overhyped flu bug, you're gonna go ahead and ruin your daughter's vacation because you're paranoid!


I give up with this board. People are ready to jump all over anyone for any reason they can find. This used to be the "nice" Disney board, but in the last year it has gone to ****. I'm going over to nicer boards. This place has too many jerks - and yes, I mean YOU and everyone else that makes comments like yours. WHY do you need to post - you obviously have NOTHING to add to the conversation other than insults. Get over yourselves.
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New Member
So what you're saying is that at even the slightess sign of what's basically an overblown, overhyped flu bug, you're gonna go ahead and ruin your daughter's vacation because you're paranoid!


In you opinion, you may think it is over hyped and overblown, but even the "seasonal" flu kills many people every year and makes many, many people sick. Whether it is H1N1, H3N1, or the seasonal flu, reason for concern on someone else's part should not result in bashing. If you are not concerned, great.....move on and leave others alone. :shrug:
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