

New Member
Well, I can't believe it. We finally made it to the weekend before our trip, all was going well. We headed out on the first leg of our trip, stopping to visit my parents and siblings in Louisiana before going onto Orlando. All was good.

Then it suddenly wasn't. :cry:

My brother has apparently exposed us to H1N1. He came down with it after coming over for dinner last night. (Of course it's not confirmed, but all signs are pointing that way) :hammer:

Before everyone gets all up in arms, of course we show no signs or symptoms yet and may not get it (it's not like I sat on my brother's lap the whole time!). My sister-in-law is a doctor, and has put me on a preventative dose of TamiFlu because I have another condition that could cause problems should I come down with the flu. My daughter, however, is not on a preventative dose because it is not recommended for kids that have been exposed at this time. Of course I will be monitoring her closely, and if there are ANY signs, we will lock ourselves up in the hotel and not expose others.

I'm just ed that all this goes down when we are so close to the promised land!

So, worst case scenario - does anyone know how Disney is handling folks that appear to come down with H1N1 during their stay? Are they bending over backwards to help folks find rooms if they need to extend their stay so we can keep from venturing out and exposing other? What about the airlines - I'm assuming they will happily rebook folks the minute H1N1 is mentioned?


Well-Known Member
I'm didn't post to be rude........... or to bash.
I'm posting because my opinion is that paranoia about H1N1 (or any of the other 10,000 possible threats out there) is not a valid reason to curl up into a ball and be scared to live your life. And I hope others won't feel that way.

What would happen to WDW, or society in general, if everybody stayed home whenever any possible threat appeared on the horizon?

The OP assumed Disney will rebook folks the minute H1N1 is mentioned.
WHAT??? I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't get my reserved room because a bunch of people were staying due to an overblown illness(In my opinion).

WDWMagic is a place where you'll hear it like it is. Sorry.

There's plenty of Disney fan sites out there where everybody plays paddycake with each other. Very sweet, very boring.
That doesn't happen here.

Here, when you make a opening post like the one that started this thread, be ready for the truth.

I certainly don't mind getting blasted when I deserve it. Fire away!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I give up with this board. People are ready to jump all over anyone for any reason they can find. This used to be the "nice" Disney board, but in the last year it has gone to ****. I'm going over to nicer boards. This place has too many jerks - and yes, I mean YOU and everyone else that makes comments like yours. WHY do you need to post - you obviously have NOTHING to add to the conversation other than insults. Get over yourselves.

Aw, don't take your ball and go home. You brought up H1N1 which is KILLING people for goodness sakes. And please, you know you're still checking in for responses. You asked the question, people are responding.
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We were scheduled to go on a Disney Cruise after our week in Disney. The night before we were to depart, dh became very sick. Coming out of both ends pretty much constantly. This was when the whole Norwalk Virus thing was hitting the cruise ships and making so many people sick. We knew there was no way he could travel like that. We Access America who we had purchase the travel insurance though. The guy said he'd send the paperwork out and we'd get all our money back. So, we then called DC to cancel the trip. We were supposed to go with my mil and fil. They were disappointed, but still went on the cruise without us. We called the front desk and told them of our situation. It was no problem to stay and extra day and let my mil extend our stay and get us a new room key. Housekeeping dropped off some new bedding and towels for us. They were all very nice and accommodating.

The next day dh was feeling well enough to leave the room, so we checked out. We'd always wanted to stay at Hard Rock Hotel, so we splurged and stayed there and went to Universal for a few days. Hard Rock was awesome by the way!

We then headed over to Cocoa Beach so we'd be able to pick mil and fil up. We picked a very yuck, smelly and dirty hotel but the beach was amazing. We were feeling ok that we didn't get to go on the cruise until we got to the Port and saw the ship! Now we were filled with envy!!! So bummed, but nothing we could do about it.

So, we arrive back home, hoping to rebook that cruise soon. Well, Access America denied our claim. Saying we didn't see a dr so couldn't get any money back. I specifically asked the guy when I called and he said if we were sick, no problem, money back. When my mil and fil were on the bus heading to the ship, the cm were asking people repeatedly if they were sick, feeling sick at all and if they were they would refund them fully right then!

After losing several appeals, we sent a certified letter to Disney explaining our situation, what Access America said and what my mil said she heard on the bus. They sent us a nice letter with a coupon for a free cruise! So, we had renewed our faith in Disney once again!

Anyway, that was our story with being sick there. They did help us out. The resort cm were very nice and understanding and although DC didn't bend over backwards, we did get the cruise we wanted, so it all worked out!
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Well-Known Member
In the USA, when one goes to the dr., they are only testing for influenza. The USA is no longer testing to see if the influenza that you have is H1N1. With that said, the CDC is reporting that 70-80% of all influenza strains tested are H1N1. In Louisiana, if you have the flu in this heat, it is the swine flu.
Opps, I have the Flu right now and here is what I went thru just today in Indy. I went to my doctor and he ran a quick screening for Influenza A and B, it was negative, but he stated in no uncertain terms that 40% of those "quick" screen tests are falsely negative. So we went to a local hospital lab to have a "viral panel" swab done as well. From there if it is positve for influenza A it will be typed for H1N1. I am on Tamiflu, my husband (who is in a risk catagory) has a script for IF he develops symptoms. I have isolated myself from the outside world, and believe me, IF I had a trip planned right now and felt the way I currently feel I would have no choice but to cancel it. I have worked in the health care field for 30 plus years and I agree that "flu" in August is strange but to say that it is all considered H1N1 is also not correct, at least here in Indiana all flu is being typed and documented.
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Well-Known Member
In the USA, when one goes to the dr., they are only testing for influenza. The USA is no longer testing to see if the influenza that you have is H1N1. With that said, the CDC is reporting that 70-80% of all influenza strains tested are H1N1. In Louisiana, if you have the flu in this heat, it is the swine flu.

School just started Aug 13 and last week 1000 kids were out. My son has been sick since Thurs and I'm feeling drained too--like I'm trying to come down with a cold. I'm sure it's the flu and it just has to run it's course.
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