Sorry Mickey.I ate at least 13 of your magic cookie bars and took 7 home in my suitcase ( well I had 23 snack credits to use up on my last day ) come on,give me break.
Well me and my best friend scream the lyrics to every song of Rock n Roller Coaster, We've had adults give me high fives because they've "never seen young people who knew classics" we've also had adults and kids stare at us intensely while we sing. We do it in line and on the ride haha.
For food, I always and I do mean ALWAYS eat a cheeseburger and fries with cheese sauce at Peco's Bill in Fronteirland at MK.
Drinking a nice cold Sam Adams while watching Illuminations. Well, that, and maybe the frozen drinks outside of France (either - they're both good....)
I am nearly 30, and can clearly see all its flaws but I happen to really like Jake and the Neverland Pirates and part of me would like to get my picture with Jake XD I guess that's my guilty pleasure ^^;
Mickey Premium bars and cookie dough ice cream from the parlour on Main Street USA. How is anyone supposed to resist all that chocolatey goodness? Impossible. I think after spending a year in the world I may be one of those mobility scooter victims lol