Anyone remember the DLR Toontown brawl that happened a few years ago? Two grown men and several women (presumably from the same family/party/cohort) basically beat each other up for more than 3 and a half minutes. In the 3.5 minute duration, one woman was knocked out, and two others were knocked to the ground. It took several park guests to subdue one man who was viciously beating a woman.
Disney security showed up at approx 3:30 into the fight - and one security guard was hastily zipping up his fly. They clearly were not prepared for the brawl and the response time, given the viciousness of the fighting, was not good - at all.
Given today's covid staffing - I could totally see security not getting there fast enough to escort these people off of LwtL. But they very well could have identified them from video footage and escorted them out of the park with a B4L later in the day.....something, it seems, they did not do.